Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3102 Black Pillar

(The first to come!)


, the central air, the many geniuses in the Tiantian Three Palace have long left, and now there is only the top hairdressing waiting there.


A shape of a body is unreasonable.

"Mount Mountain." The top of the top is grateful.

"Jian Tianhou, haven't you come out?" Mo Mountain looked over.

"Yes." This top hairdry nodded.

"It's been a whole for sixty years. This little guy stayed for a long time in the Tianti, I am afraid that I have entered a lot of genius in the history of the sky, no one has been more than him." Ink Mountain road.

"In my history, I stayed for the longest time in the Tianti, and I still stayed for forty-twelf days, and the three people entering the secret state of the sky, the hidden Tiger is only in the country. I have been out for three years, and I stayed for twelve years, but I didn't have this sword day. "The top of the Top said.

"The longer in the Tianti Secrets, the changing the chance of general cases will be more, I don't know what the fare is in the middle of the secrets." Moshan muttered.

In the territory of the secret, there are countless, but the people entering are in the end, the outside world is no one knows.

Just then ...! !

The voids in front have a tremble, followed by a space channel, slowly appearing in front of the Mo Mountain and the top of the top.

"Is it finally seen?" Mo Mountain eyes lit.

It didn't take long after the space channel appeared, and a shadow moved from that space channel.

This figure is that the sword is unparalleled.

"Senior in Mo Mountain."

The sword is unparalleled, and I saw the ink mountain in front of the inner secret.

"Haha, your little friend, you finally came out of the Tianti." Mo Mountain went up.

"Calculate?" The sword has no double look, "listening to the meant, is it long when I stay in the Tianti?"

"For a whole sixty years, do you speak long?" Mo Mountain is interested.

"Sixty years?" The sword was unparalleled.

In the territory of the secret, he was completely immersed in the vast message of 'round back to six' secrets. I have forgotten the passage of time. In that state, he feels that there is no longer over the past, but I don't want to have passed. Sixty years.

"Little friends, you stay in the secret sufficiency for sixty years, thinking about harvesting should not be small?" Mo Mountain looked over.

"There are many harvested." The sword has no double smile, followed by a shaped, and a strong appearance of the throne open.

"This is ... The third-order true holy?" Mo Mountain blindly, "You actually go directly from the first order, and break through the three-stage real holy."

The bottom of Mo Mountain is also quite surprised.

You must know that the strength reaches this level, and the crossover of every level is very difficult.

Broken from the first-order holy, it is a long period of time, but it is necessary to cultivate a long period of time.

"Little friends, you are in the territory, what is the chance of getting it?" Moshan couldn't help.

The sword is unparalleled, but also directly: "After entering the secret of Tao, I came to a strange space, and the surrounding a large amount of gray airflow, and there is a huge black stone pillar, falling to my face. On this black stone column, there are some weird golden words. "

"Black stone pillar? Golden text?" Yoshan and next to the top of the top, the next thing, the next thing, two people showed a shock.

"Tongtian god column !!"

"Yes, it is a black god !!"

Mo Mountain exclaimed with this top hairdry.

"Little friends, you have seen the Black Pillar?" The look of Mo Mountain is very exciting.

"Black Pillar? Should it, how, is this black god?" The sword asked.

"Of course, I am from the road:" There is a variety of machines in Tiantian's secrets, and these machines have a big small, extremely precious, but if they say that the biggest opportunity in the secrets, there is no doubt that is This black god column !! "

"Black god column, it is a long time before, from the universe battlefield, it is said that this god column contains a secret, and the most central, with an ancient golden text, those Golden text is basically able to know, but every golden text contains a big move! "

"Little friends, since you see those golden words, then you must have to go to you?" Moshan stared at the sword.

"Of course, I have received a complete secret." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Sure enough." Mo Mountain smiled, "Those golden words, each contain a strong, very secret, generally as long as the conditions, more or less can understand some ..."

Mo Mountain did not finish, but he suddenly thought about what it was, and his eyes were immediately in the sword. "Little friends, what did you just say? You got a complete secret?"

"Complete Secrets?" The top of the top of the top of the top is also surprised.

"Is a complete secret, what happened?" The sword was unpaired.

"Really determining it?" Mo Mountain is an incredible.

"Of course." The sword has no double smile, "I got the full secret of the door, the golden text was in my hand, you see."

The sword has reached out his right hand, and his hand is back to the ink.

On his back of his right hand, there is a very obvious golden text.

"This, this ..." Mo Mountain is completely stunned, "Even the golden text is completely printed in your hand? You really got a complete secret."

"Seniors in Mo Mountain, listen to you, do you get a complete secret, is it strange?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, it is strange." Mo Mountain looks more downs, "Little Friends, you don't know, I have started to create from alliance from alliance to the present, and I have passed how many years have been, and I'm also very early. Existence, during this period, every 10,000 years will open once, every time there will be three genius to enter it, so many years, I don't know how many times I opened, I entered the Trichi The genius, also countless! "

"However, the long years have come, enter the genius of the Tiantian Mi, which is good, can see the black god column, but only eight people, even if you add you, just nine people!"

"Inside the eight people before, they all have a secret from the golden text on the black god column, but the secrets they have referred to are not complete, most cases can only Get about 3 or 4% of the secret surgery, even if it is most powerful, just only to the 70% of the secret !! "

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