Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3103 inquiry



"The long-lasting years, only eight people have seen the black god column, and the most powerful one, but only I just realized the 70% of the secret surgery?" The sword was unparalleled.

He also finally knew that the Mo Mountain was so shocked.

I have never been a complete secret on the black god column before the feelings.

"Little friends, do you know who is the person who compresses a secret of 70% under the Black Pillar?" Mo Mountain laughed.

"Who?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It is one of the three palace owners of the three palaces of the Tiantian, the Lord of the Yunyong!" Yoshan Road.

The sword is unparalleled.

Although he did not really entered the Tiantian three palace, he also heard the three palace owners from the mouth of Moshan.

The three palace owners of the Tiantian Three Palace, that is the super existence of the only to the mysterious alliance, and there is a power with the heil of the sky.

In the strength, although the sword is unparalleled, although these three palace owners have more, he can guess that it has been standing on the top of this generous gods, perhaps because of some special reasons, not on the three days The Lord of the Supreme Triple Shengjing can definitely not too much.

This super existence, under the black god column, just only one secret test is 70%?

"The Lord of the Waterier, is a real genius. He has also been one of the genius disciples of the Tiantian Three Palace, and he was at the black god column of the Tiantian, and realized the seven percent of the secret. That secret surgery has also become a famous trick in the future, until now, his secret surgery has Herfuri in the early gods. Many people mention the Lord of the water, the first time it is his trick. !! "

"It can be said that the Water Yun Palace is so famous in the gear of the gods, and the reason why it will make so many people are jealous, to a large extent, they are related to his secrets, but he only will only Secrets comprehension 70%? "Mo Mountain shocked.

The sword is unparalleled and can't help but take a deep breath.

It is also the secrets of the golden text of the black god column. The Water Yunnhan Master only enlightened the secret surgery, and it can have such a Herhwei name.

And he is now, but it has been a complete secret "six rounds".

"When I was secretly secretly, I know that this secret is terrible, or even asah in time and space, now I don't underestimate this secret." The sword is unparalleled with hands. " A hate, he himself, it really got a treasure.

"No matter what to say, you can get a complete secret on the black god column, this luck is indeed unprecedented, little guy, congratulations." Mo Mountain laughed.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is suddenly a look, "Mo Mountain predecessors, the secrets of the sky, I have already been to, the chant is already getting, I will leave the star, but before this, I want to ask the seniors. You a thing. "

"What?" Mo Mountain is very patient.

"Too much to forget the valley, the predecessors should know?" The sword didn't ask.

"Well, I know." Mo Mountain nodded, "Too much forgetting Valley, although its Zongmen is in the second day, there is no top three heavens, but this party's name is followed by strength, but never Is the hegemony of the three heavens, such a strong one, I'm just known. "

"Why, do you ask too much to forget the valley, don't you have any origin?"

"There are some." The sword is not a hyper point. "Can the predecessors carefully talk about some things that I have forgotten, including their overall strength, and the practice they practice."

"Overall strength?" Mo Mountain brow one, "I just said with you, I have forgotten the Valley, and the overall strength is not less than some hegemon, three heavens, three major sanctuary, four gods, Eight side Tianzong, too much forgetting the Valley, although than the three major sanctuary and the four gods, but it is not different from the eight-party heaven. "

"On the strong, there are more than ten people, there are more than ten people, and some kind of people who have accumulated in the long life, and they are very terrible. Of course, I have forgotten the valley, really the most Terrible, even let the three major sanctuary, the four gods and even the Assembrances are sanzed, or the old Valley of the village !! "

"Although the old Google has nothing to ask for a long time, her strength is terrible!"

"How is it terrible?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Isn't that the three palace owners of the 3rd Palace, and the old woman is crazy, even if I am a big man, the three palace owners, the people who are got, facing her, because she The god of the mastery is too terrible. If she is desperate, she can have a threat to the Lord of the State. "Yoshan Road.

When you hear this, the sword is unparalleled but it is a shrinkage.

He knew that there was a very terrible temple in the valley, cold as frost was because it was suitable for cultivating the god, and he would take her.

"Seniors in Mo Mountain, I have heard the disciple of too much forgot the Valley, most of them have to abandon emotions?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Mo Shan nod, "Too much forgetting, no matter whether the disciple is still a strong, it is no companion, this is related to the practice of the valley, there are some secrets, especially the old valley The temples of the main repair, the temple is even more feelings, but it can be a beast, and there is a sense of feelings. Let alone are people, so I want to find a person who is suitable for cultivating the art. Too few too little! "

The sword is unparalleled, but the hands are not compromised.

"Little friends, see you like this, you don't have an entanglement between you with too much, and the entanglement is still not small?" Mo Mountain went out of the sword.

Seeing the sword and no silence, Mo Shan said again: "Little friends, no matter what grown before you have forgotten the valley, I have to remind you, don't impulsive, too much, and most of the people there. Indifferent and ruthless, killing decisions, with kimony, now the strength, in the face of the valley, can be complete enough. "

"I know." The sword has no double heart, and immediately asked: "Senior, the last question, the strength of the Valley, I want to reach that level?"

"Solving the Valley of the Valley?" Mo Mountain brow wrinkled, Shen Yushen, replied: "At least a unstead of invincible hierarchy, there is qualification to let too much forgetting Valley, do not dare to pin up, as for fairness If the conversation, the rule is the master !! "


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