

"Hello, but induced the strong breath of this government?" Yuan Chongyan sword watched over.

"Well." The sword never nodded.

"During this time, I have been fighting for three emperors, and I've been able to divide a result in recent hours. And this result is that it is bigger than who is big, the three emperors have a big batch. Strong, there is no way to spend the Six Temple can only spend a lot of representatives, and many strong people will help. "Yuan Chong said.

"These strong people in the government are all in the Sixth Temple." The sword didn't have a pair of doubts.

"There are nearly half of the , some are from other places, but there is a part of this is loyal to the six temples, such as the top of the six temples, the most elite purple blood camp, and olders." Yuan Chong also said.

The sword is not a double brow.

I have so many strong people, but the Six Temple has spent a lot of money, please come to help you, look like he and the battle between the three emperors, it is very powerful.

Not long after, Yuan Chong took a sword and went to a separate hospital.

"You, since you are the tenth day of the , you should know what you should do, the old man doesn't need to say more, this is the old man's message, if there is anything in the week, I hope you are It can be stayed in the government, as for what is done in the government, it is random, but once the old man is sent to you, I hope that you can immediately appear in front of the old man. "Yuan Chong handed a message to the sword.

"Know it." The sword is not a hyper point.

Yuan Chong quickly left.

After Yuan Chong, the sword was unparalleled, and the surrounding of this courtyard was placed directly, which was also to prevent itself from being disturbed in the way to the cultivation.

After that, he began calm cultivate in this hospital.

His strength now is in a flying period, even if it is calm cultivation, the progress is very amazing, especially the swords and swordsmanship.

His unparalleled swords, the seven-fashioned swords have all reached the fourth-order peak level, but his understanding of time and space rules and the understanding of the swords. Swords can be upgraded to the five-order crossie!

time flies.

I have passed for six years.

In this six years, there is very calm in the house, there is no change in the past, and the strong who is coming back under the Six Temple. Most of the people also guarded the rules, no one is chaotic.

Until this day ...


The sword has no double Qiankun ring, and it is that Yuan Chong Communication.

"Is there something finally?" The sword didn't smile, and immediately got up, and the campus of the center of the government rushed.

On the campus, the sword is unparalleled but found that it is not only him, but all the strong people who are invited by the six temple have already arrived here.

I hope that there is nearly 100 people.

And this nearly 100 people, the lowest realm is also the second-order peak, and only two people, most of them are between the third-order high.

As for the five-order true holy, only one is present.

This is also easy to understand, the realm reaches fiveth order, this is already a relatively high-end, which is the high-level truth. If it is back, it reaches sixth order, and it can even be called the top hairdress.

The true martial arts, even the strongest pioneer is just a six-order perennial repair, and the five-order high-top, the whole realvance country is only a few flexible, and the six temple is given a lot. The remuneration, but he gives the remuneration, it is hard to let some of the five-order haunted heart.

I can have a five-order peony that is invited by him, it is already his luck.

"So many people, I gathered here, I don't know what to do?" The sword is unparalleled in the crowd, and he has a third-order holy, in the campus, many of the real sanctuary, not to look at it.



The three-dimensional shadow is in the center of the campus.

The leftmost left side is that Yuan Chong, who is the old man, but this Yuan Chongjing is behind the other two.

The two people, a man and a woman.

Male's appearance is extremely handsome, wearing a luxurious robes, carrying hands, faintly emitting an atmosphere of a host.

As for the woman, it is quite simple. Even if it is simple clothes, it is difficult to cover her beautiful face, and there is a noble temperament that is enough to let people go around. This woman is indeed a fascination. .

When many people in the scene saw the woman, I couldn't help but encourage my throat.

"All the people, the old man came to introduce you, the two are the six temples and Qing Dynasty !!" Yuan Chongxiang introduced the road.

"Qing Hall?"

"Is she under the Qing Dynasty? Sure enough, people are as named."

I immediately sounded a whispering voice.

Although they are all invited by the Six Temple, this six temple is also very likely to be this true martial arts, but at the moment, everyone's eyes are almost concentrated in the green temple, but no one cares The Sixth Hall is under.

The sword is unparalleled, I can't help but look at the Qing Dynasty.

He was in this house for six years, although he had touched in the next day, but also known that in the people of the Six Temple, in addition to many strong people, there is a princess of the true martial arts, which is the blue In the His Royal Highness, the beauty under the Qing Dynasty was in the country, and it was also named.

"Aqing, those strong people who have been invited, are here, you come to you yourself." Said the Six Temple.

"Well." The Qing Dynasty nodded slightly, and she immediately moved in the crowd.

The surrounding is a fanatic eye.



The Qing Dynasty stretched out of the jade hand, pointing to a cultivation in the crowd, and there was ten people to stop.

"Ten people I have just pointed out, I have come out." Qing Dynasty.

When the ten people she pointed out by her, he stood up, and this ten people had a sword unparalleled existence.

Looking at the ten people in front of him, the six temple wrinkled, "Aqing, change this one, the ten people you choose, the strength is too weak."

The Six Temple is saying that the truth is because the ten people selected under the Qing Dynasty, including the swords and unparalleled, the breath that the body is only just a third-order holy, but there is no four levels.

You know, this campus has hundreds of strong people, although most of them are three-stage real holy, but the fourth-order real holy is also about 20.

"No, I will go out this time, I am not killing with people. I have been in this ten-person escort." The Qing Dynasty insisted on.


PS: Coke, today is two more!

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