Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3107, Sheng Yuzong

(The first to come!)


"Yuan Chong."

The Sixth has frowned, and I glanced at Yuan Chong, "You follow the side of Aqing, Aqing is a flash on the road, you don't have to come back."

"Yes, there is a hion." Yuan Chonggong nodded.

"Departure." The Qing Dynasty opened.

"Everywhere, let's go." Yuan Chong is looking to the sword unparalleled and other ten people.

Soon, under the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Chong and the ten three-order real holy, including the sword unparalleled, left the house, and went to the distance.

On the way, Yuan Chong was exchanged with the Communications.

"Under the Qing Dynasty, in fact, you can choose some of the more powerful people to escort you, such as the ten fourth-order high holy delivery, or simply let the six purple blood camps under the Sixth Temple." Yuan Chongdao.

"No." Youth Hall shook his head, "Six brothers are now in a critical period, and more powerful protection is needed. The purple blood camp is the strongest force in his hands. I can't use this power. No need, if it is forced to ask for six brothers, I will never take this ten third-order holy. "

"After all, I have more strong people who have left him, and his situation will be better."

"But this, your situation is very dangerous." Yuan Chong wrinkled.

"Reassured, no." Qing Hall is indifferent: "Our trip is to go to San Yuzong. It is not far from the true martial art, and there is no special dangerous zone. As long as it is not luck, it will not touch it. What threats are there. "

"Is there any danger under normal circumstances, can you have three emperors?" Yuan Chongdao: "If you let the three emperors know that you go to Sheng Yu Zong, he will definitely send strong people to come."

I heard this, the color of the Qing Dynasty was also a sink.

Indeed, this time I go to Sheng Yuzong, there is no need to experience what dangerous place in the way, but the biggest threat to her is still the three emperors.

"What happened again, I am also his kisi, he should not do it for me, let alone, even if he knows that this is to do it, then I have to find me, there are so many roads from Zhenwu Guo to San Yuzong. Bar, the sky is big, he is so easy to find me. "Qing Dynasty.

Yuan Chong listed, nodded slightly, but the heart is still very heavy.

And the ten third-order real holy, including the sword, unparalleled, now I don't know where they are going.

However, since this is coming out, then this green hall is going, they follow.

A group of people, the speed is very fast, and it is high speed in the void.


The true martial arts is the same in a great house.

This house is the house of the three emperors.

Inside the temple, wearing a cold man in golden luxurious robes, sitting on the throne.

At the bottom, dozens of strong people standing there.

Most of these dozens of strong people are all four-order holy, even the five-level real holy, and there are more than three feet.

The power of strong people, the power in the three emperors, is significantly better than the Six Temple.

"Aqing leaves from the old six?" The three emperors touched the armchair, and the faint voice returned in the temple.

"Yes, two days ago, only with Yuan Chong, a fourth-order peak, and ten third-order real holy." A black old man in the middle.

"Let's just bring this?" The three emperor browed, "I know where she is going?"

"I don't know, but according to the direction of her, it should be outside the country." Black old man said.

The three emperors are directly waving, a huge star map is present in the center of the temple.

"This is the territory of my true martial arts, telling me where Aqing is now in now." The three emperors.

"His Royal Highness, she is here." The old man pointed to a direction in the star map.

And the location of this black dress refers to this three emperor is a shrinkage. It has a strange smile with his mouth, "Oh, my sister, it is true for the old six, It is also a born, she is so good to me, "

"His Royal Highness, do you know where to go under the Qing Dynasty?" The old man came over.

"From the direction of her, she should be the pilgrimage of the pilgrimage, soon I received the news, saying that Sheng Yuzong's long-distance passing through the sixth-order peak level, I saw her, and Interested with her disciples, she now go to Sheng Yuzong, as long as the elderly test, you can pay under the door, when you have this level, Aqing, she can ask Sheng Yuzong to come, support the old Sixth. "The three emperor said.

"Sheng Yu Zong, will you shoot?" The old man frowned.

"Weak is just a general disciple, but a six-order peak, the pro-disciples, there is a certain amount, and if it is really unreasonable, as long as the old six slightly compromise, promise him to become the country, let Zhenwu national attachment Under Sheng Yuzong, the San Yuzong will naturally take a while. "The three emperors smiled.

"If this is the case ... His Royal Highness, then we have to act quickly." The old man is anxious.

"It's actions, but it's not too urgent. After all, from the old six that arrived in Sheng Yuzong, at least one or two months, so long, enough for us to prepare, God 4, this is given You, see Aqing, you tell her, say that I can give her a chance, as long as she is back with you, I will be behind me, I will not be difficult for her, waiting for me. The country, she is still the only county of the true martial arts. "The three emperors said.

"If you don't agree in the Qing Dynasty?" Asked the old man.

"Don't promise ... Then I can only don't have this sister." The three emperor cold channels.

"Understand." The old man looked at the three emperors, and the spin was left.


In the void empty, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a rapid thrown.

They came out from the Hall of the Six Temple to now, there is a month of time, and now they have already seen the scope of the real martial art.

On this way, they did not encounter any danger and trouble.

"According to our speed, there are more than ten days, you can get to Sheng Yuzong." The Qing Dynasty was cold, but the bottom has a silk.

It is at this time ...


The sword in the crowd did not look up, he can induce the void in front, there is dozens of strong atmospheres are quickly approaching.

And only a moment, the dozens of strong people have appeared in the sword without double their sight.

"Haha ~~~ Under the Qing Dynasty, the old man is here," said it. "

The cheerful laughter suddenly returned in this day.

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