

"Haha ~~~ Under the Qing Dynasty, the old man is here," said it. "

When this cool smile echoed, the face of Yuan Chong, the face of Yuan Chong, turned again.

Yuan Chong is a bit of laughter.

"God 4? Not good, is the three emperors !!" Yuan Chongda was shocked, and everyone's figure was immediately stopped.


A stunning speed is amazing, and there is no in front of the sword without a pair of people.

At a glance, this suddenly arrived with nearly 30 strong people, and these strong people have the same minimum to reach the third-order holy hierarchy, but the three-order holy, which is just a few, more but It is the fourth-order holy, and the black old man who is headed by the crowd, and the breath that has been emitted by him is far from the fourth-order pest.

This black old man, Hed is a five-order high-level holy! !

Such a lineup, compared with the lineup of this part of the Qing Dynasty, it is much stronger, it is completely two different levels.

"How can you know how do you know about us here?" The sound of the Qian Dynasty was cold.

"How do you know? Of course, someone tells us." The black old man smiled.

And his voice falls, ! !

Another purple man who was originally under the green temple was instantaneous to the purple stream shot, and the blink of an eye came to the front of the god.

"Adults." This purple man gave each other.

"Well, you are doing well." God quad is just a light point.

Seeing this scene, the Qing Dynasty immediately responded immediately, "stunned !!"

"Haha ~ ~ Qing Hall, although the tribute to the talent, whether it is you or six temples, it is very good, but if you do things, you are too tender to the Six Temple." God smiled: " In the previous six temples, such a large flag drum was invited to all parties, such a big moving three temples would not know? Although there is no stop in the three temples, but in the dark, some strong people will be mixed into the six-story, but you this time Out, there is a person who is selected, just there is our person. "

God is only halfway.

In fact, there is a lot of trafficking in the three emperors to the Sixth Hall, at least ten, three-order true holy, four-order holy.

It is because the sentiment is a lot, so the Qing Dynasty will pick up ten people, and there is also one of them.

"It turned out to be this?" Under the Qing Dynasty, Yuan Chong, the face of the two people is very ugly.

"God 4, you will be fine in the temple, you can now block the road under the Qing Dynasty, what do you want to do?" Yuan Chong was drinking.

"What do we want to do? Do you want to know?" Shen Four is smiling, "Under the Qing Dynasty, the Hall of the Hall has guess your intentions, don't want to go to Sheng Yuzong to pay into the six-order peak Under the elder, then with the power of Sheng Yuzong, help the Lan Dynasty to board the landlord? Do you think that the Hall will make you wish? "

The hearts of the Qing Dynasty, she did not expect the three emperors to guess her intentions.

"Under the Qing Dynasty, we came again, and it also brought about the words of the three temples. The three halls said, if you go back to me now, stay in the temple in the temple, the temple looks at the blood, never difficult for you In the future, he will go to the country of the country. You can still become the main owner of the real martial art, the status is second only to him, but if you are discomfort, stand with him next to the Sixth, then don't blame him The heart is hot. "God four low departments.

"Oh, the blood is connected? Operation begins, he has always started to be prepared. When his father is in, he has been suppressing us. Now the father is missing, he can't wait to start eradicating the people who threatened him. Now he still faces what blood is connected? Say it is a joke !! "Qing Hall low.

"So, it seems that the Qing Dynasty is not going to turn back." The voice of God has become low, and the eyes are also slightly cold.

There is no longer talking in the Qing Dynasty, but I have already set my mind.

And Yuan Chong is a sword who is looking around behind him.

"All the people, the Sixth Temple spent the money, please come, now you are in your duties." Yuan Chong lowned.

I heard this, and the eight people next to the sword looked at each other, but his look was a bit weird.

"Mr. Yuan Chong." One of the third-order real holy suddens said: "I am indeed an invitation from the Sixth Hall. The remuneration of the Sixth Hall is indeed a lot, but although this remuneration can make me as a hundred years Guard, but it is not worthy of me to be desperately desperate, let alone is now this situation, so ... Sorry! "

When the third-order resurgemony finished, his body shape was immediately exploded by the air-opening.

Some people took the lead, and several other people immediately followed.

"Qing Hemou, Mr. Yuan Chong, sorry !!"

"You are two, or you have to ask more than one."

"Although I promised to become your escort, I have never promised that I will fight for you, let alone send it."

A voice sounded.

In the blink of an eye, the nine cultivators after the Qing Dynasty were out of the body, and they left eight.

Seeing these eight people left, God's four others did not stop, they knew that these people who left left were not really sincerely, and naturally did not necessarily kill.

And Yuan Chong saw this, but the trembling, "damn, damn !!"

The next place in the Qing Dynasty is getting colder.


The look of the Qing Dynasty suddenly moved.

Because she found that the nine third-order real sastles behind him, although I took out eight, but someone turned out to be left.

This person is naturally a sword.

"Why don't you go?" I asked in the Qing Dynasty.

"I don't like words and don't believe it. Since I promise you a hundred years to guard, I will naturally protect your week." The sword is unparalleled. "

After listening to this, the Qing Dynasty is next, followed by a slight ok.

"Qing Hall, you can rest assured, even if you die, I will not let you have something." Yuan Chongwei is a scarlet, he deeply glanced at the next eye, and then the trophy is step forward.

"God four, the old man wants to talk to you." Yuan Chong's voice echoed.

"Talk about?" God four sneer, "all come now, can you talk to me? What conditions do you still talk? Moreover, even if you want to talk about conditions, it is also talked from the Qing Dynasty. What do you count?"

"Hey, this condition you don't talk, because ..." Yuan Chong asked, but it was close to God.

I suddenly waved in Yuan Chong Meng, two red-colored streams thrown directly from his hands.

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