Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3124 is shocking!

(Today's three is more!)


The same level of collasty is also hard to hurt, but because of the relationship between seven-star secret, the Shenli power of the sword is not doubled has reached the five-order peak, and it has been completely over to this black hair.

Therefore, this collision ... sword is unparalleled in the embarrassment, directly change the giant ax in the black hair, and a huge impact order, the boss of the brunette, the man's poppy is directly detonated.

At that moment, the moment of retreating the black hair, the speed of the sword has completely burst out.

He chased it directly, the star dream was now displayed.

The brunette's strong man's body is in the trunk, and he can't resist the sword unparalleled attack.

laugh! !

Blood Peak sword directly passed from the boss of the black hair, cutting his waist, and his villain also immediately crashed.

The villain collapse, even if the blood peak sword is integrated with evil venom, it is only to erode a brunette and strong men, and he is still dead.

But at this time, the sword is unparalleled, but the direction of the black hair, it is referred to.

Temporal and spatial art !

boom! !

The horrible time and space storm suddenly swept.

This fashion storm is a result of nearly 100 times the time and space annihilation.

The huge time and space storm shocked the many strong people in the battlefield, and many people who scared them were disrupted around.

The black hair in the Time and Space Storm, his body could not re-restructure again, and its power was already annihilated by the stock, completely annihilated.

A five-level real holy, instant is dead! !


"Can you easily kill the five-order state?"

Even if you know the evil of the sword, there is no double force, and the soul of the sky is also shocked.

As for the sixth hall, it is completely ignited.

Especially under the Qing Dynasty, she finally understood that the two genius disciples from the original palace will be awesome.

Why do San Yuzong's reflection of the moon, the sword is unparalleled, and even changed to the sword.

In addition, there is still the previous attack ...

At that time, she and Yuan Chong will be inserted. As a result, because the sword is unparalleled, I will give the gods and other more than 30 strong people, giving them a time to escape.

At that time, the sword was unparalleled to block the gods four and others. He is not weak, and there is another treasure that can block the time and space in a short time. She and Yuan Chong have also believed.

But now ... sword is no longer what is needed for life, with his strength, God's four and others can you have?

And this time the three emperor killed, she didn't see God's four, even the nearly 30 strong people who came in the original, and she did not meet, which is obviously not conforming to ordinary executives, and can explain this. There is only one reason.

That is the gods and other people, all have been killed! !

Thinking of this, the more shocking in the Qing Dynasty.

On the battlefield, the sword has shocked everyone.

Many people were scared.

"Who is that person? The strength is so strong !!"

"Third-order truth? This world, how can there be such a terrible third-order triple !!"

"His speed is too fast, killing means is terrible, even the five-order holy sacrifice can kill in an instant, if you let him let him let him let him go, we have to die, fast, find someone to stop him! ! "

"Five-order peak, I want to stop him, at least five-order peak, personally shot !!"

A horizon voice echoed on the entire battlefield.

The murder of the sword is really terrible.

In particular, he instantly killed a five-stage real holy, which made the three emperors camp other five-level stabilitated, and they did not dare to go with the sword without pair.

On the battlefield, it can be eligible to stop the sword and unparalleled. Only the five-order peak is really saints. It can only be two emperors, the five-order peak of the three emperors, only two, one is being worked with the Zijing Camp, another one It is also entangled by Xinzong, Sheng Yuzong, and there is no excessive five-order peak, the hanker is coming.

There is no five-order peak of the hanging person, and the general five-level really holy, even if it is two or three, I don't dare to run and go with the sword.

"What will be such a terrible genius in the old, old six hands?"

The three emperor look cold, standing in the void, his breath is no more gloomy.

Originally, because of those treachertine, this battlefield has been fully controlled, but now because of the emergence of swords, the situation in the battlefield is once again, now the problem is, if no one can stop the sword. , With his horror killing speed, I am afraid how long it takes, it is enough to give him a lot of strong people.

"This person is really very powerful."

The indifferent sound sounded, and the people who spoke naturally it was clear.

Chu Yi smiled, he is a disciple of Zi Yan, it is also a genius, and has certain confidence in his own talent.

But now I see the sword is unparalleled, but his heart is not full of taste.

It is also a genius, but he is a gap with the sword. It is too fast.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is easy to kill the five-order high holy, and this is the talent, which makes him feel incredible.

"On Talent, the Abortion ability, no one in the people I have ever seen, but the talents are strong, do not mean that he will go to the peak in the future, after all, the gods are very dangerous, then dazzling Genius, I will fall, and once I fall, I have no gap in this day. "Chu smiled and smiled, but his eyes flanseed with a strange light.

"A smile, don't say this now, I have to hurry to stop him, otherwise this battle, we can lose." The three emperors are anxious.

"Reassured, since I promised to help you, then naturally will not let people make people, at least the third-order truth, but I can't turn it." Chu smiled.

"Smile, what do you mean?" The three emperors immediately smiled.

"Oh, a genius of such a dazzling, even I can't help but want to fight with him." Chu Yiling smiled and cool, and while he made a laughter, his body is a pound of power. The breath also suddenly lit up.

This smiles, I have cultivated the fidelity of the hidden breath, so until now, no one can see his specific level, no one pays attention to him.

But now, as he actively spreads the power of the power, the talents of the battlefield, this is also a good five-level state of the goods! !

Despite the breath, he should just enter the fiveth-order Sheng Sheng soon, but don't forget, he is the genius disciple of Ziyige! !


PS: Today's three is over!

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