Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3125 Chu Yi smile

(The first to come!)


"Mu Feng, you look at it."

Chu Yixi smiled cold, but there was a large number of cyan gods to explode.

These cyan gods are incomparable, and the clouds are covered with the whole body. They have formed a huge cyan beast in Chu, which has formed a huge cyan beast. This cyan beast is a bit like a unicorn. As Chu Yi smiled and shake The cyan beast is inexplicably low.

The center of the battlefield, the sword is still killed, no one can block his pace, his killing means too horrible, the three emperor camps can resist his sword, in this short film, die The strong in his hand has exceeded more than ten times.

But at this time ... Boom! !

A whisper sounded, the sword was unparalleled in an instant, and the extremely powerful power came toward him.

When he turned, he saw a huge cyan beast from the void, it is like Raytheon!

The horrible perspective power is strong.

And at the same time, !!

Two cyan streams are also rapid.

These two cyan streams, Hedu is churchy and blue giant hammer, which is not a circular hammer, but is similar to the hammer, but Weon is still very horrible.

Seeing these two blue streams, the sword is not a double eye, and the blood peak sword is going out.

No double sword, ! !

clang! clang!

Connected two impact sounds, the first voice is one of the blue giant hammers in the sword without a double blood peak sword, so that the sword is unparalleled, the sword is a shock, the sword is retired, the second impact It is another handle of cyan hammars to come again. This hammer is directly to go out of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled as a crazy arms of the shells, and directly retreats to the most edge of the battlefield, it will stop.

After paused, he looked at himself to have some numbers, and the eyes became sharp. "" Is it finally a similar opponent? "

The sword is unparalleled in front, covering the church smile under the cyan thunder beast, but his mouth shows a touch of smile.

The war continued until now, although he has already killed more than ten strong, but he didn't encounter a real opponent, even if it was the five-level real holy, he was easily killed. I can't bring any pressure at all.

To know, the sword will come to accept this day-level task, in addition to the free cultivation, the most important thing is to have appropriate hood, but it has never been seen before this.

But now ... this is the emergence of church, but he has once lifted a war.

"Kid, what should you just be addicted?" Chu smiled and shot, staring at the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but the figure has been instantly riped.


I saw a Silver light, and the sword was unparalleled to achieve the speed of the speed.

At that speed completely burst, the ordinary five-level real holy, cacked his trajectory at all.

However, it is clear that it is a slight sound, and you can see a blue lightning in the sky, and the speed is equally unparalleled.


Strusted, sword is unparalleled with Chu Yichang.

It is also the hard collision, but the sword is unparalleled again.

"The speed is so fast, the power of the moment is not much better than me?" The sword was unbrick. "The power of the power is only a general five-level hiking level, and it seems that it has just broken the five-level real holy Not long after, but the power is even more powerful than the general five-order peak, what is the people of Zi? "

The sword is unparalleled, some genius strong, is unable to use the realm to measure.

Like evil spirits, illusion they are just a first-order holy level, but their truly war has surpassed the vast majority of third-order.

Like him, it is clear that it is just a third-order high, but even the five-order holy can be easily killed.

This is one of the genius disciples of Zi Zige. Although the strength of the team is not too screaming, it is repaired by his five-order high-level realm, with some secrets, you can make you broke out. Shen Li's power is reached, even more than the first five-order peak halock, plus he is also very high for rules, but also creates a five-order peak, positive confrontation, simply collision on powerful power, indeed strong Sword is unparalleled.

After all, the Shenli, who is unparalleled out of the sword, although it is also the five-order peak level, but he is a scholastic icon, and it is only a five-order level, and there is a great gap between the five-order peak.

"Kid, although I don't know what your name is, I have already seen it when I just shot, you are strong, but you can indeed kill the five-level real holy, but the reason can be easily slaughtered so much, mainly It is the unique sword! "

"Your sword is very good at killing, even the general body of the armor can easily tear, plus the integration of special venom in sword surgery, can easily kill the third-order, fourth-order and five-order, but as long as Someone can keep up with your speed, your killing ability is big !! "

"As for the competition on the strength, you will be with the general peak, the gap is very big."

Chu smiled cold, echoing in the world.

In the killing of swords, he has already touched the sword unparalleled strength, because of this, he will be so confident in front of Mu Feng, because he is determined to be able to easily laminate the sword.

His speed is not a slower than the sword, discussing the power of power, and the creation of the creation, it is obviously stronger than the sword.

When I heard Chu Xi, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a smile. "The competition on strength, have you sure you are stronger than me?"

The voice fell, the sword was unparalleled but looked up.


A purple stream is rushed out.

Take a closer look, these purple streams, it is a handle sharp purple sword.

This purple soft sword is called a purple magic sword. It is the sword unparalleled in the Treasure of the Jianregation.

The purple magic sword, each handle has reached the hierarchy of the holy treasure, and it is still a holy holy treasure, and the purple magic sword is also complementary with the reincarnation rules. It is best to show the reincarnation rules. Now, the sword is unparalleled. Eighteen handles of purple swords.

As the sword is unparalleled, this eighteen handle of purple magic swords quickly combined, and the blink of an eye has formed a rhetoric purple sword.

This purple sword, with purple demon.

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