Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3136 breaks through



"Kendo, swords, I have improved very much, I also enhance a lot of emotions of rules. If I go all out, I am stronger, and the sixth order is absolutely difficult, and even the general six-order resor. I can still suppress, but, this kind of strength is still not enough. "The sword didn't have a double eyebrow wrinkle.

Now waiting for his Ziqi Pavilion, there are several, all of the six-order hazard, that is, the heart of the witch is a seven-level high-quality holy, with his current strength, alone Naturally can't pay.

"Although the strength is not enough, I have improved the improvement in a short time in a short time, I want to make my strength to rise again, unless it is a breakthrough in the realm." Sword is not a bite A squat.

Breakthrough on the realm ...

He has reached the third-order holy, and in this ninety-year time, he also swallowed a lot of powerful fruits, and the thriving is very fast. The most limit of the third-order holy, only one step away from the fourth-order hairdress.

But this step, but you can't cross it.

"Shen Li accumulates the limit, under normal circumstances, I need to go out, I want to find a way to find breakthroughs, but now I have no such conditions, there is no way, I can only hope that the medicine is above the medicine." He turned his hand, a red golden Dan medicine appeared in his hand.

This Dan medicine is that the prior to the sword is not a double spending 20 billion sacred sacred Dan! !

Emperor breaks Hord Dan, as the name suggests, it is to help True holy strong to force breakthrough with its own realm, its value is high, and very rare.

The sword is also because the relationship between the heaven is also within the treasure house, redeemed to this medicinal medicine.

"According to the Tissot adult, the emperor broke the Santa Dan, even for the five-order, six-order practitioners, it can play a certain role. Under normal circumstances, those five-order limit, six-order limit After the cultivator, after swallowing the Emperor to break the Santa Dan, there are nearly one-round chance to break through the bottleneck! "

"And I just want to achieve the fourth-order pestle from the third-order college breakthrough, plus I don't care about the rules, or the understanding of the understanding, I have long been beyond the three-order collar, my The foundation is absolutely perfect ... "

"In the state of my present, if you swallow this emperor to break the Santan, you can successfully break through the bottleneck, reach the chance of the fourth-order holy, there must be 30%, and even 40% !!" Sword is unparalleled Hand.

30% or 40% of the chances have been very high.

Because of this, the sword will only use twenty-billion sacred Dand, exchange this emperor to break the Santa Dan.


The sword has no double eyeline, I looked at the emperor of the hand, I didn't hesitate, I didn't hesitate to directly swallow this emperor.

The emperor broke the Santanes, and instantly turned into a hot energy and began to survey in the sword.

When the sword is unparalleled, only the whole body has become hot, becomes hot, and this heat is still a temperature rise, and the sword is unparalleled.

Time passed, I don't know how long it took, the hot energy in the sword is finally reached the extreme. At this moment, he seems to be in the endless fire. The whole person has become a red.

"it has started!!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the pain of this hot energy, began to stop the gods from attacking the bottleneck.

While initiating the impact, the thermal energy is also integrated into the power of swords.


A crazy impact, the sword has a rumor on a rumor.

While initiating the impact, a large amount of Shen Li and the hot energy are also rapidly consumed.

The blink of an eye, the sword has no double, which has been hit by the bottleneck, and the bottleneck, but the bottleneck is just slightly shaking.

"The last chance, it is not successful !!" "The sword is unparalleled, and it is even more crazy.

In his body, the people he left with the hot energy completely gathered together, and the next moment it seems like steel torrent, once again, the heavy bottle neck is impacted.

! !

The low voice came from the sword. The sword was not a double shape. It also felt a pain in the body.

Under this happening, the sword is unparalleled not only to reveal the pain of pain, but the opposite is still an ecstatic.

Because he has been perceived, in his last shock, the layer of calm the center has been collapsed in front!

"Break through !! €

The sword is unparalleled, and the power around the world is immediately crazy to explode.


The sword is unparalleled, and the body is immediately going to transform.

From the third-order real holy, breakthrough to the fourth-order holy, it seems to be just a breakthrough in a small realm, you can know that this level of the hairdressing, between every realm, the gap is very outrageous.

The sword is unparalleled from the third-order collar, and the overall strength is absolutely very huge.

Just half a day, the transformation of the sword is completely completed.

In the secret room, everything has been saved, and the sword is sitting there, and the eyes are also open, but at this moment, he carefully feels more than ten times before it is more than 10 times before.

Before, he first entered the third-order real holy, and the power of power is enough to compare the general five-level.

After the third-order peak, Shen Li's power can also be comparable to the five-order peak.

Now he reaches the fourth-order holy ... that is not unexpected, he is still a six-order hairdon.

If it is a few secrets of him, his Shenli will be in the sixth-order holy, I am afraid that few people can be better than.

Moreover, he is just just a breakthrough.

I saw that the sword was unparalleled, in front of him, a very high power of a hierarchy appeared in front of him.

God's fruit, specially used to accumulate Shen Li, the sword is unparalleled before, in the 90s year, he will accommodate the three-stage real holy peak, but there is still some .

Now the sword is unparalleled to take these strengths, and they don't hesitate. Everything is swallowed.

These gods, each gives the sword unparalleled, so that the power in his body is getting more and more embarrassing, and when the day, these will be swallowed by the sword, but these power Really just let the sword have no double reach the fourth-order high-level holy level, and there are some gaps from the fourth-order peak.

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