Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3137 Publishing Tasks

(Today's three is more!)


"It seems that I have to go to Tissot adults, redeem some of the power of the gods." The sword was muffy, and immediately got up and came out of the secret.

The secret nest of the sword is now in the world, but it is not like in the endless territory, in this nest **, the strong people who have come and come are very much.

In the hall, I saw that there were many members of the Naidu members gathered here, and some wearing a unique dress of the Tianmeng, but also wearing a mask, but there is no, the whole hall, which is very lively.

The sword has not wearing a mask, just a slight change of his original appearance, he has always used this look, and when he came out from the room, when he came to the hall, the whole hall was quietly quiet. Down.

One of the eyes is in the sword, and these eyes are quite weird.

There is curious, there is a horrified, and there is also a fun.

"He is the sword day?"

"It is him, because he, the secret nest of this now will be blocked by Zi Ziqi, so that we can't even use the space channel."

"At that time, the air blockade has last for 90 years, and in the ninety years, this Jian Tianhou has been staying in the secret room, saying is a closed door, but I don't dare to go out, so only Can hide. "

"This is normal, change is me, in this case, can only hide, how long will it take for a long time, I don't believe that Zi Ziqi dare to block here."

"Hey, I heard that when Zi Zhenge just blocked here, I asked this sword Tian Hou asked this Sword, or I would like to send the people of Zi Ziqi for him. However, he was rejected, saying that it is a thing that is about, handles yourself, don't need to be a heavenly extension. "

"Do you hand it? He is a three-order real holy, oh, it seems that it has been broken through the fourth step, but even the other, how do he handle himself?"

"According to me, he is a death to live, now, now it is good, and the

In the hall, many members of the Arab Express are chatting at willing, and many people look at the sword unparalleled eyes with a slight ridicule.

Because in their view, the sword is unparalleled to die.

Before you want to go to the Answeess, how good it is, you have to wait until now, you can only hide in this secret nest **.

And these ridiculed eyes were unbeatable, but they did not care.

Under the eyes of these people, the sword has come to the counter.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, I don't know what can I help?" The brunette old in the counter was very humble with the sword.

"I want to ask, now the purple Pavilion in the outside, a total of a few, what level of war." The sword has no double.

"This, I really know." The brown hair smiled, "Now staying in the Ziqi Pavilion outside the nest, there are six, of which five are six-order holy, except for one ordinary Outside the six-order peak, the other four are all six-order peak !! "

"As for the last one, you should know that it is the old witch of Zi Zige, and a strong seven-level really holy, although it is not a seventh-order peak, but he has a good resort, which is true than the general seven-order peak. St., it is difficult to wrap! "

When I heard this, the sword had no double eyes.

A strong seven-level real holy, four six-order peak is really sainted, an exterior of an ordinary six hairdresses, this lineup is not strong, and the heart is still looking at him.

"Subbuilding for 90 years, my strength has indeed skyrocketed, plus just breaking through the fourth-order holy, now I, I have no problem, but it is the key to the witch!" Slightly frozen.

The witch, although not a seventh-order peak, but it is more difficult than the general seven-order peak.

Such a strong, is not the current sword without double.

But he wanted to go out from this nest, it is bound to meet with your heart.

"No way, I can only ask people to help." The sword was unparalleled.

What he said, the people are helping, of course, not directly, please, the Jade or Taoist Shout, but ... release task! !

"You, I want to know, in the , if you ask a seventh-order peak strong, what price does it take?" The sword did not ask.

"Please ask the top 7th peaks to shoot?" The brown veteran looked at the sword. He probably understood what the sword didn't want to do.

"The seventh-order peak is already the top hairdresser, although there is still the hairdress of the enemy level, a seventh-order peak is really in this day, even in two In the sky, it is definitely the top power. Please ask a strong person to shoot, the price is not low. "The brunette old man said.

"I know that the cost is not low, but how much does it take?" The sword is unparalleled.

"At least five billion Saint Dan, and this is still waiting for a while, there will be a joyful task to pick up the task." The brown old man said.

"Is it five billion?" The sword is unparalleled, and this price is expected to be too much before him.

Five billions of Santan, for the general hairdressing, of course, is an astronomical figure, and even a lot of six-order holy.

But for the seventh-order hairdress, it is not too much. After all, there are many seven-level real homes, which is more than 5 billion Santan.

And ask a seventh-order peak, and there is no other requirement, five billion Santan, almost enough.

"So, I have 7 billion Saint Dan, I want you to immediately release the task, please come to a seventh-order peak." The sword has no double.

"Seventy billion?" The brunette old is sharp.

The sword is only a third-order true holy, even if it makes a breakthrough now, it has four levels of holy, he actually takes 7 billion Sheng Dan? ,

"If it is seven billion Santan, there will be a lot of seven-order peak hairy is willing to pick this task?" The sword didn't have a double.

"Of course." The brunette old said: "Five billion Santan, please a seventh-order peak, there is still some reluctance, but than 7 billion Santan, but more than an unexpected, this task will not be released. There will be someone to pick up two days. "

"That's good." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, the seventy billion Saint Dan ..." The brown veteran looked at the sword.

"You wait." The sword is unparalleled to go directly to the treasure hall.

Seventy billion Saint Dan, he didn't, but he could have eight cosmine crystals in his hand. He was directly exchanged in Tissot's adults.


PS: Today's three is more.

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