Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3156 Re-use

(The first to come!)


"Tianhou Xiaoyou, I heard that you have a fourth-order hairdressing situation, the positive kill a seven-level holy holy? It is really a big." Mo Mountain first laughed.

"There is this, but I am just lucky." The sword has no double.

"Good luck? Oh, the more third-order challenges, this is not lucky to do it." Yoshan Road.

The sword is unparalleled can only smile.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, you don't have to worry, I am looking for you this time, I want to tell you one thing." Mo Mountain positively

"Seniors please say." The sword is very humble.

"That's this time, you kill the seven-order mirror picture of Zi Zige, now there is a lot of time in the three days, you are actually famous, but the same, you have also received countless strength The attention of the person, and if I have not guess, you should have a lot of secrets. "Mo Mountain sound is quite quite.

"For example, ... you have a lot of relationships between the ancient seven-star Xuan Xuanzong."

The sword is not a double eye.

"Little friends, you don't need to deny that when you truly fight the seven-year-old battle with Ziyuge, you will show the two secrets of the seven-star Xuanzong's penalty and the two secrets of Jiu Yaoxing. In addition, you can short Improve the secrets of your realm during time should be the seven-star secrets from Qixing Xuanzong. "

"A person has three seven-star Xuan Xuanzong's secrets, no matter how you explain, you have already tailored with Qixing Xuanzong!" Yoshan Road.

The sword is unparalleled.

Mo Mountain has already identified the matter, and he naturally won't argue again.

"My message is looking for you, I want to tell you, I can see the relationship between you and Qixing Xuanzong from the seven-order holy battle picture of Zi Zige, then other powerful people Yes, and ancient seven-star Xuanzong ... I used to be recognized by the gods, but now it is already over, and the enemy of Qixing Xuanzong can be more. "

"Don't say anything else, single three days stood in the top three sanctuary, they have no deaths with Qixing Xuanzong !! Once the three major sanctoes know that you and Qixing Xuanzong relations, will definite I want to find a way to kill you. "Mo Mountain said.

The sword is unbolded and cold.

What he said in Mo Mountain, he certainly knows, and he knows more.

In the three major sanctuary, once the three main prospects know that his location, he will definitely kill him at all costs, and even the three main prospects will come personally. After all, he is not only with Qixing Xuanzong, but only Relationship, this is deep ...

"Since the seniors in Mo Mountain have been correct, since the Tianmeng can judge my identity through the mirror screen of my battle, the three major sanctoes must be doing, and there is no accident now three major sanctuary, the three The Lord of the Holy Genting, I have known that I have come to three days, and now in the first day, I am afraid they have ordered, and the dispatch of strong came to kill me. "The sword was unparalleled.

Of course, although I know this, the sword is unparalleled but not halfway.

Since he decided to come to three days, he did a good job and was prepared by the three major sanctuary.

After all, he is going to go to the top of the goddess, and the road to the peak, where is it smashing, you want to be very safe, quietly growing to the peak level, it is impossible.

He must rise in killing, and since it is necessary to kill, it is difficult to say that it is difficult to come out.

Therefore, now the situation, he has already expected it before, but he did not expect this situation so fast.

"Tianhou Xiaoyi, you are very high, I also pay great attention to you, I know that after I have a relationship with Qixing Xuanzong, I immediately went to see the three palace owners of my Arab Express, the three palace owners I also made a decision, I will break it again, and I will invite you to join the Tiantiao! "

"As long as you join the Tiantian three palace, it will be cultivated on the Tiantian in the future. I will do my best to make your safety, I will never let the three major sanctuary, move you !!" Mo Mountain solemn Say.

The rules of the Tiantian 3rd palace, the same genius, the top more can only invite twice.

If the invitation is refused by the other party, the Tiantian Three Palace will never invite the third time.

But this time, the three palace owners are willing to give the sword unparalleled, and they will make the sword without double into the sky.

It can be seen that the three palace owners pay attention to the sword.

However, after listening to Mo Mountain, after the sword didn't have a sink, but still shook his head. "Seniors in Mo Mountain, you will thank the three palace owners, but join the Tiantian three palace ... still is free."

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, you still have to refuse?" Mo Mountain is quirky.

"I have been to the Tiantian, and I also saw many talents of the Tiantian Three Palace. I found that most of the disciples were only a first-order, second-order, third-order peers, even the fourth-order holy, five-order The true saint is even more rare, obviously the many opportunities of the three palaces, mostly useful for the lowest hairdresses, and when the realm reaches four or five-order, those the role of those opportunities will be smaller and smaller. ! "

"I am now the fourth-order ultimate hairdressing, the five-order holy is also fast, and my combat power is more than the seven-order truth, I have added the strength of the sky, I am afraid it is difficult. I got a big chamber, I went to the tricks, and the top more can only be a temporary shelter. "

"But I am in the Tiande, even if I hide, I can't hide, so I still have a good time." The sword said.

When I heard the sword, I was silent for a while, this only opened, "Sure enough, the three palace owners have nothing wrong, you will not join me again, so they Leave it again. "

"Behind Hand?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, you should first go to the nearest neighborhood secret nest, and then you will send it to me, I personally come and see you." Yoshan Road.

"Good." The sword is not a hyper point.

When the sword is unparalleled, according to the instructions of the Mo Mountain, the secret nest of the nearest is the closest.

After the secret of the secret nest, the sword was unparalleled to the Moshan, and then the Mo Mountain passed through the space channel.

In a separate secret room, the sword is unparalleled with the Mo Mountain sitting next to the table.

"Little Friends, the three palace owners said, if you don't want to join the Tiantian 3rd palace, I will give you two things to you." Mo Mountain said.

"Which two things?" The sword was unparalleled.


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