

Mo Mountain turned over, first took out a purple bamboo leaves.

This bamboo leaves, in addition to the color, at first glance, there is no difference with ordinary bamboo leaves, but if it is careful, it is able to induce the concealed energy fluctuations contained in this bamboo leaves.

"This purple bamboo leaves are very good, the three palace owners said, must be careful, and if you encounter a real desperate situation, there is no possibility of survival, you will take this bamboo leaves and burn it directly. As long as it is within this too, this bamboo leaves should be able to protect you. "Mo Mountain said.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is horrified.

As long as it is within the scope of the Taijie, no matter any crisis, this purple bamboo leaves can protect him a life?

This is also said that the three palace masters of the Jietou.

This bamboo leaves are so much?

"So precious life life, three palace owners, how can they give it to me?" The sword was unparalleled.

He doesn't want to do it.

If it is just that it is just that it is only a way to enter the secret state, it is really because he talent.

But now this is the precious life life, I am afraid that the best genius disciple of the Tiantian Three palace will not have it?

Even even the three palace owners' pro-disciples, I am afraid there is no such treatment.

But now, the three palace owners will actually give him so precious.

"This is the reason?" The sword is unparalleled, but there is no truly see the three palace owners, he can't ask.

Ask Mountain, then it is definitely not known.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, you will take this bamboo leaves first." Moshan passed the purple bamboo leaves to the sword. And his eyes were envious.

That is anywhere in the gods, any super treasure that can be saved in any crisis, and the Mo Mountain is of course envious.

Such a life life, the Lord, which is like his rules, is not qualified.

But the sword is unparalleled.

The sword didn't have a double sucking tone, nor did it refuse, but the purple bamboo leaves carefully recovered the Qiankun ring.

"In addition to this purple bamboo leaves, there are two beads, and the three palace mainly gave you it." Mo Mountain turned out of two beads.

These two beads, one red, one is crystal clear.

However, in the moment of Mo Mountain, the sword is unparalleled immediately to induce the thrilling power contained in the two beads.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled to see these two beads.

"These two beads, one is to ask Tiandong master to refine, and the other is the hand-made of the Shuoyong master, and the two beads contain two palace owners' power, this power Although I can't compare with the peak period of the two palace, I will use a bead to kill a rule, and it should be soft. "Mo Shan Road.

"The power in this bead can make me easily kill the rules?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The Lord I have said, it is generally opened up a secret, the power of the rules, but if the strength is weak, even the secrets have not opened the rules of the rules, this bead goes down I have no problem directly to kill two or three, even if the Lords of those rules have no death, they can't live. "Mo Mountain is very confident.

Of course, he is not confident in himself, but is confident to the three palace.

The three palace owners of the , any one is standing the most peak of the gear, every strength is strong.

Any one of them is enough to easily slaughter the rules of the rules. Now, this special beads they refine, although it is only part of the power, but it is used to kill one or two ordinary rules, of course, there will be no What is wrong.

"These two beads are the three palace owners decided to give you from time to time." Yoshan Road.

The sword is unparalleled, but I don't know what to say.

It has given an incredible life of purple bamboo leaves before.

Now, I have given him two such as the beads that can kill the general rules. The three palace owners who are astro is too good to be a little better.

"Seniors in Mo Mountain, did not be reached, these things ..." The sword is not finished. "

"You don't refuse." Mo Mountain waved directly. "The three palace owners have already given it. The three palace owners have given it. How can I get back? If you refuse, then you have swept it three The face of the palace master, the three palace owners are afraid that they will not be happy. "Yoshan Road.

"Amount." The sword was unparalleled, hesitated for a moment, he decided to accept the two beads.

As the Mo Mountain said, the three palace owners who have been on the high, since he has decided to give a gift, if he does not accept it, it is indeed a somewhere of the three palace owners.

What's more, his current situation is indeed a little, and there is a certain card that can save or kill the enemy.

And the two things that the three palace mainmenters have, the purple bamboo leaves have these two beads, which have a lot to him.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, according to the three palace owners, I have given you something, as for the next thing, you have to rely on yourself, of course, if you encounter any problems in the future, or what trouble, I can send me a message, I can help, I will not refuse. "Yoshan Road.

"Thank you for your predecessors." The sword is unparalleled.

Mo Mountain nodded and then left directly.

After Mo Mountain, the mood of the sword is still not completely fixed.

"What is the reason, let the three palace owners of the will wait for me? Is it because of the relationship between seven-star Xuanzong? Or because of my perfect chaotic creature, or ... What really does not have a relationship? "The sword was unparalleled.

Seven Star Xuanzong once is an unlatable overgency of the Taijie Shenjie, and has a certain integration with the first free league of the Taijie Shenjie, which is normal.

As for his perfect chaotic, it is not allowed to make the heavens, and the will be seen from the name, this is the way to come.

As for the Master ... The first perfect chaotic life, and he also created a strong secret, from the name of the and the name of the , there is a relationship between the two That is also extremely normal.

These reasons, there is a possibility in the sword, but it is where it is, he is not clear now.

"Whether, in short, the general is a friend, this is enough." The sword didn't smile, and then he began to plan to go to the way.


PS: Today is more coming!

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