(The first to come!)


"Originally, I still want to fight in this territory, with Zi Zhige, but now, it is afraid that it is not available." The sword was unparalleled.

The three major sanctuary has already known his existence, and will immediately send a large number of strong people to come to kill him. If he is in the territory of Zi Zige, it is not far from looking for death!

"I have to leave immediately, and hide the identity. In the future, this name is absolutely no longer used." The sword has a very clear intention.

He immediately got it immediately.

Dully void, dim, in the most central location, with an ancient altar, the altar is full of tertiary tips.

A hunchback of a hunchback of a black snake head, standing there, standing there, standing there, looking over the foot of the feet.

At this time ... !!!

Digital people were bluffled next to it, and the blink of an eye has fallen above the altar.

"Prophet". "

A black woman headed first is a gift, and then respectfully opens.

The hunch back of the snake head crutches looked up, glanced at this black woman, "Is there something?"

"I will wait for the order of the adults of the wiss, I want to ask adults to help us find a four-level holy name called Jian Tianhou." Black Women's Road.

"Looking for someone?" The turbid eyes of the humpback old, "Just just a name, even if it is the height of the gods, I am afraid I can't find it?"

"Of course, there will be only one name." The black woman smiled, but it was a hand, after his body, a black robe came up.

"Meet the prophet." This black robe is just a fourth-order holy. It has been trembled when the woman is facing the black dress, and now in front of this hump old, it is even more frightened.

After all, this hunchback is old, but the legendary super existence, in the witch spirit, the status is second only to the witch.

"Prophet adults, this person has seen one side with the sword, and the impression is very deep." Black Women's Road.

This black robe is one of the four-level hairdresses who have participated in the assassination of Xiong Tao.

At the beginning they were mainly to assassinate Xiong Tao, but the results came to the sword and unparalleled, and naturally did not succeed.

"Is this?" The old man nodded slightly, and immediately, his eyes immediately saw the black robes of the fourth-order holy level, and a small force also swept.

"Adult, what do you want to do?" The four-level real black robe was shocked.

"Don't resist it." The hunchback old drunk, but the strength of the strange power has been poured directly into the body of the black robe.

"No !!" The black robe sent a scream, but soon his look was calm, and his eyes closed.

"I have found the memory of the Jian Tianhou." The hunchback old man opened, and at the same time, the black robe of the fourth-order holy hierarchy, its vitality is completely broken, the body is also weak. Go.

This fourth-order pest is dead, no one cares.

The black woman looks forward to watching the hunchback old, "the prophetic adult, the witch God attaches great importance to the sword, you can find the position of the sword day."

"Try it."

The hunchback old man said, and then closed his eyes.

The black woman knows that the hunchback old man is already in the means, so I don't dare to disturb a mix.

After a moment, after work ...


The hunchback of the hunchback is fierce, and it also flashes a shower, but it is "", a big mouth of blood suddenly spurting, and the breath on his body is very wild.

"Prophet adults? What is going on?" The black woman was also shocked, and even asked the opening.

The hunchback old man lifted his head, but it was very cold, and the expression on his face was too yin.

"I asked you, the sword of the old witch is looking for, what is it?" The hunchback old man coldly.

"This ... I don't know, but from the command of the witch God, he should pay attention to this sword. Otherwise, he will not let me ask for everyone." Black woman is careful.

"Hey!" The hunchback old man sounded cold, said: "The old thing is relaxed, telling him about it, I will let him gain it."

"Prophet adults, you are ..." Black women's doubts.

"The swords of the swords you are looking for, I have been in the same way, I have to search for his position based on the way of the four-level holy, with the way of fate, the result is actually the anti-fate of the rules of fate, not only I have suffered from itself. And from today, within 100,000 years, I will use a power to use a one-running rules. "The humpback said.

"What?" The black woman was shocked.

Destiny rules ... If the ordinary cultivator, including the sword is unparalleled, it will definitely be confused.

Therefore, in their understanding, the heaven and earth rules are not the so-called fate rules.

But in fact, the rules of fate are exist, but only in the goddess, almost no one cultivates, therefore the usual cultivators are naturally unqualified.

And this hunchback is also the prophet adult in black women's mouth, is a super power that is good at fate rules.

"My use of fate rules, I have already reached the steps of Dengfeng, and then the opportunity to get a unique fate rule in the universe battlefield, to find a person's trail, This is a light and easy, even find some special life, or some of the top of the world, I don't have to bear the anti-fate rules, or it is very light! "

"But the anti-never encountered before this time, so this is the people who are called Jian Tianhou, there is absolutely negotic origin and identity, no wonder that the old Min will pay so much attention to him." The hunchback old man said .

"I don't know how the prophets have found the swordsman?" The black woman asked carefully.

The hunchback old man glanced at the black woman, but the arrogance is a tongue to come up.

This is a blood tag, which contains incomparable energy, strange.

"Holding this enumeration, follow the guidelines in the governor, naturally you can find the sword day, but you have to remember, you only have a chance, if you can't get it, then you want to rely on me to find it. His location is impossible. "The hunchback said.

The black woman took the governor, but the heart is big.

"Thank you, I know the adults." Black women's lanes.

"Go, tell the old witch, within 10,000 years, don't bother me again!" The old people waved the old people.


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