Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3166 Hidden Special Time and Space

(The first to come!)


If you hear the heart, the dark body on the throne is not silent.

The substantive soul can rely on Shen Li direct repair?

And a four-order holy, the power is vast sea, and the gods collapsed and restructured, and only half of the power consumption?

In addition, the sword is absolutely called the terrible war of the sky ...

"It seems that the rumor is very likely to be true." The dark body is soft.

"Loan?" He said that he looked at the virtual owner, but he didn't know what the dark body said this.

"What is it?" The dark body overlooks.

The heart replied: "After the arrival, it directly said that the sword is the people of his Tempral Temple. We must leave, I don't agree, but the strength of the battle, but strong, he Just just a finger, you will kill the gratin, I can only escape immediately with the virtue. "

"Dorm Cang?" The darkness is slightly smile, "said the Lord of the Temple of Time and Space, this one I have heard that he has went to the universe battlefield for a while, and the famous arrogance is not good, and the strength is the strength, in the Great God of Great God. Among the main rules of the landlord, it can be called the top, even if the three palace owners who are in the sky, it is just slightly different. "

"Such strength, you have to kill you, it is really easy."

The heart is not from the low head.

Although they have also heard of the famous fame, they did not really feel how terrible, after all, they are three rules, they can fight against the fight, but the result, domain The strength is far beyond their imagination.

"The Jian Tianhou, with the hegemony?" Asked the dark body.

"Yes, it should be to go to the Temple of Time and Space with Dawang." Heart.

"This is troublesome." The dark body fingers tapped the armchair, "The Temporary Temple is the most mysterious, the oldest force, the oldest force, the gains, no one knows the nest of the Temple of the Temphory If it is the power of the Temporary Temple, most don't know. "

"Since he takes him to the Temple Temple, then unless he will come out from the Temple of Time and Space, no one has a chance to deal with him, even if my Witch's teaching means, it has not been able to resist it. The temple went to this sword day !! "

"For, the chance has been missed, I can only wait for the next chance, I don't know if this sword is also a chance to give us."

The dark body is sighing a few words, but its body is slowly smeared into virtual.

Seeing the dark body disappears, it is relaxed to the heart of the heart.

Obviously, knowing that their task failed, fails to bring the sword to the witch god, although the witch gods were angry, but did not blame them.

Also, they have made all efforts.

It's just that the sword is unparalleled, too difficult to deal with it.


A darkness of void.

Here, it is already the most edge of a heavy day. The sword is unparalleled with the battle. Under the leadership of the Dorm Cada, they directly carry out nearly 100 transients, and they can get here. To know, it is enough to be able to move. Tens of trillions in the foots, nearly 100 shots, how to walk through the distance.

If the sword is unparalleled, there is no more than a decades of time, not a few decades of time.

You can get it through the instantaneous movement, just for a moment.


Dawn and swords have appeared in this dark void.

After the appearance, the sword is unparalleled with a bit of doubts and looks at this dark void.

"The big man, the temple of time and space is here?" The sword was unparalleled.

In front of you, this dark voids are full of virtual, you can be unlike the old nest like a place.

"The temple of the Time and Space is of course not here, this void, just one of the induction points of the temple in the Temporation Temple." Said.

"Inductive point?" The sword is unparalleled.

"My Space Temple, maintenance of time and space rules, various use methods for time and space have long reached the point of Dengfeng, and the old nest of my Temporative Temple, is in a very special time and space." The Dormoflite explained.

"This special time and space is not the secret of the heavens and the earth, and even beyond the gear of the gods. In short ... this special time and space is hidden in the Great Gate, but no one can find it."

"No one can find it?" The sword has no double, "I am so, how can it go to the Temple Temple?"

"This is of course a way." The Dream smiled, but the arrogant is a big hand, a homant time and space fluctuation is driven.

After this time-space fluctuation passes, there is no double in front of the sword, and a unique space-time channel is also slow.

"This is to go to the passage of the Tempora Temple." Dawang said, "Of course, this channel is not so simple to form, you must meet a few conditions, first, only in the induction point to form this space channel!" ! "

"I just said, the Temple of Time and Space is among the unique time and space, this time and space is incomplete, it is normal to enter this unique space space from the Tai Chu, almost impossible, But the founder of my Temple Temple, that is, the main people of the Temple, I want to let the time and space in the Temporated Temple have a certain connection, and then some induction points have been established in the Taijie Shenjun. "

"These induction points are to be linked to the time and space where you are in the Temporal Temple, like this void, is one of the induction points."

"The second condition is that only people who are really core layers of time and space will only know how to contact Time and Space Temple, thus forming a time and space channel !!"

"As for the last third conditions, it is more demanding that it is necessary to have a very high feelings in the time and space rules, and even the entire time and space rules are completely enlier, and it can successfully condense this spatiotemic channel."

"In other words, even if you are a person in the core of the Temple of Temple, if you don't complete the rules and space rules, you can't rely on your own strength to enter the Temporant Temple. You want to go in, you can only send it to the Temporamic Temple. The high-rise power, let them shoot, lead you. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled. At the same time, he also understands that in the end of the empty temple, there is so many years in the early gain of the gods, and no one knows where its old nest has been known so far.

The old nest of the Tempoken Temple, which is so deep! !

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