Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3167 Delivery Rules



"Let's go, go in with me!" Heaw opens, and the spin will lead the sword without pair directly into the time and space in front of you.

When the light flashed, the sword was unparalleled again, but it has come to a great sea area.

The sea area is vast, but it is calm. At first glance, it is nothing wrong with the ordinary sea area. The sword is unparalleled, but the sea area, the sea water below, is not ordinary sea water, but the endless power ! !

Yes, it is the power!

This huge no sea area is all made up of Shen Li.

"This, this kind of power ..." The sword is unparalleled, it looks at the sea below, and he is still a shock, "Not, not only these sea water, there are spaces around, this space seems to be with the outside world. Not the same !! "

Different, the sword is unparalleled to find this space now, it seems to be stable than the outside world, and there is more strong! !

"How can this, how can this special time and space space, how can it be stable than the gear?" The sword is unparalleled.

"What is big?" Dawang is a smile, "The gods, it is indeed a big big thing, its heaven will be omnipotent, but it is too great to be too big, so the territory, space If you want to completely stabilize, it is certainly impossible, as well as in the three days, if you have arrived in three days, the places of those edges, such as the endless territor ... "

"There are not many willful there, there are not many will, and space is naturally unstable."

"You can do this time and space in the temple of time and space, so I don't necessarily be able to win the heavens in the Taijie Gain, but I have a lot of time and space for all. Small time and space, it is necessary to control it, it is natural and more relaxed, and space is of course more stable. "Said.

"It turns out." The sword did not have a dark nodded, and he also understood what he said.

"Little guy, you just entered this time and space, this is this time and space, some of the micro-ending means, waiting for you to go to Time Island, go on the island, fell at that time you will really open In the eyes, there are many things in the island, but there are many incredible things in the outside world. "Dawn smiled.

When you hear this, the sword has no double gaze has become very expensive.

He is really incomparable to the empty island.

"Let's go." Salvan waved, and said, "There is also a distance from here, if there is any problem, you have rid of you, I just will be responsible for bringing you to Time Island, waiting for the island After that, I will not take you again. "

The sword has no double one, and I will open it now. "" Directors, I really don't know if this is, this thing is nothing to do, I just want to ask, how to know that I am in crisis, and catch up Rescue? "

"Rescue?" Saller smile, "Little guy, you can don't misunderstand, I don't know if you are in danger, as it is timely arrival, pure just cars."

"Just catch up?" The sword is unbeded, "How do you find me again?"

This problem, the sword is unparalleled.

Not only the Sweet Cada can find him, and it will come to the three rules of the three rules before, and he doesn't understand how the other party finds him.

And I heard the sword and unparalleled words, but the ceremony is haha ​​smile, "Little guy, you are too small to see this world, you think that as long as you care, you will no longer show your strength, then go to the camouflage, others will find Less you? You are too big !! "

"I tell you, this world, far without what you imagine, all kinds of means are endless, although you have tried your own body shape, but there is still a way to find your specific location!"

"Like my temple in Tempo, I have a very special treasure. It is this special treasure to help me find you, of course, it can be found, that is also because you cultivate the time and space of my Time Temple, It has already had a relationship with my time and space, so I can find you through the special treasure! "

"But if you change others, change it to a time and space of time, it can't be found, even if you rely on that treasure, you can't find it."

"Is there such a treasure?" The sword is unparalleled but there is no more wrong.

"Of course, there is." Dreaming smile, "As for the three rules that came to deal with you ... The three people should be the people of the Witch!"

"Witch"? "The sword has no double eyes.

"As far as I know, there is a mysterious prophet in the Witch, this prophet strength is more, and no one knows, but his sense of fate rules, but it is very high !!"

"Destiny rules?" The sword has no double one, "fate, there is rule, why didn't I heard it before?"

"Destiny rules, is also one of the rules of the heavens and the earth, but it is still very mysterious, incomparable rules, in fact, there are many rules in this world, and you are just more common, some of the more common rules, ginseng I am relaxing, but I have some rules that are extremely biased. Although there are very few people, they don't mean they are not strong. "

"Like death rules, causal rules, life and death rules, etc. ..."

"Destiny rules are a kind of incomparable bias, but there is a terrible rule, even if it is the whole of the gods, the people who will participate in the rules of fate, they can achieve the destiny rules to reach extremely high level. Nearly no, the prophet in the Witch's teaching, should be the only person I know to get the rules of fate to a very high level. "

"He enlisted fate, can induce your existence according to the life of the fate, induce your existence, induce your specific location, natural witch teaches you to find your existence."

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart has an updated understanding of this world.

"Right, since there are people in the Witch's teaching to find my existence through the long river, then the three major sanctuary, or the day will, can you easily find me?" The sword didn't have a double frown.

"Three major sanctuary?" The Cang is a smile, "Although there are many strong people in the three holy domain, but the fate rules have reached a very high-level person, one is not, how do they find you? As for the heavens Can ... huh, a little guy, I tell you, in fact, in the gods, you don't have to take the heavens will be taken seriously. "

"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

Don't take the heavens will be taken too much?


PS: Today is more coming!

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