Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3168 Time and Way Island

(The first to come!)


"The height of the gear of the gods, seems to be high, but there are many restrictions, these restrictions make the heavens will become the terrible, of course, of course, the heavens will be able to die, these do not die The saints, or the existence than the dead saints, of course, it is not enough, once the practitioner reaches the hierarchy of the rules, there is no need to be too concerned !! "

"The Lord of Rules, one hand controls one full rule, strength to the powerful, simple heaven will itself, and want to kill a rule of the rules."

"The heroes of the gods of the gods will not even have a rule of the Lord." The sword was unparalleled.

"Why, you don't believe it?" Saller smiled, "It's right, you are still too low at the beginning, waiting for your strength to grow up, reach the main level of the rules, you will also follow other rules, For the will of Heaven, it is not careless, and if it is in the peak, it is like a master of the temple, the Lord of the Temple, the founder of the Tianzu Dao Farm, the day will be powerful in front of you.

"Of course, the heavens will not have the Lord of the rules, but the Heavenly Will can borrow the hands of the rules, like the three holy regions, the three holy land, that is Because of the relationship between heaven, they can become the Lord of Rules, and they can override many rules. "

The sword is unhousnating.

Indeed, if the heavenly will of the first gods will really be, then the meaning of the Tiandao will be able to find his existence, and it should be easy.

But in fact, the heavens will not find him at all, unless he once again showing his perfect life level.

"Front, it is the air island." The Dormy suddenly opened.

The sword is unparalleled and immediately looks up.

Previously, at the end of the front sea, a huge island appeared in front of him.

That island, simple use of the naked eye, not seeing the side, the sword is not a distance from the island, but he is seeing the island's instant, it is attracted by the 'one of the island.

"What is that?" The sword was unparalleled with a shock, and looked at the phenomenon of the island.

That is a big thing, accounting for one tenth of the whole island, and it is very incomparable.

Although it is much more far, the sword is unparalleled or can be seen, and it should be a large vitality.

This is a transparent, as if the glass scales, dense numbness, the body structure is quite quite, and there are two sharp claws, and there are two sharp claws. The head of the beast is a bit Like a snake, but more domineering than snakes.

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled, staring at this huge different beast, but it is still in a distant distance, but it still feels a lot of time and space in this different beast.

"It's so rich, solarky time and space rules. What is the other beast?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This is the time and space of the beast, I don't know if you have heard." Dawn saw.

"Time and Space Beasts?" The sword was unparalleled.

"When the gelenosis is open, there is a lot of strong different beasts and special life, and some lives are born with the heaven and earth rules. It is the darling of the rules of heaven and earth. This time and space beast is First, it is born to control the complete time and space rules, and its body, its bones, blood, and even the body of any part of the body contains a strong time and space rules, and the cultivator of the Temporal and Spatant rules. Money help !! "

"So, in the genre, every part of the gods, the time and space of the gods is extremely precious, like it is with a scales, and pick up at the auction, you can sell 10 billion Santanes !!" said.

"A scales are so precious?" The sword was unparalleled.

Because he looked at him, this is a huge space of time and space, and the scales on his body are not only much. If a scales are worth ten billions of Santan, then these scales are added, and their value is simply An astronomical figure.

Of course, the complete time and space beast, this is incredible existence, and it is impossible to measure value.

"The big man, how can this time and space beast god appear on the island, and this respects time and space, it is alive, or die?" The sword didn't help but ask.

"This time and space beast god is a lot of years ago.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Okay, go with me to enter the time island." Dawn smiled.

The sword is unparalleled to immediately enter the treasure island.

On the huge ubiquitous islands, mountains and rivers, and peaks have been exhausted.

In the most central, there is a built-in building group, which is strange, including each tree on this island, every weed, even every stone, it seems to contain Time and space force.

Here, it is simply a time and space.

Along the way, the sword is unparalleled around the curious.

And let the sword have been more strange. He has entered this empty island for a while. Now it has come to the palace group, but it has not encountered half a shadow along the way. The whole island, it seems No one's existence is very cold.

When you know that the sword is unparalleled into the palace group, there is a shadow to rise.


It is a child's haired man, and he is very angry, but the sword is unparalleled, he should be the Lord of a rule.

The Lord of the Tangtang, but the respectful name is a strong name, which has fully illustrated the strength of the domain.

"Chen Yang, are you not a closed? How is it coming out?" Dawang looked at this Tonghe's old man.

"It's not good to make everything, it's better to go to the world, but it is possible to break through." Tong Yan crane, the old man, Chen Yang, smiled,,, , "Is this little guy?"

"His name is Jian Tianhou, just came from an external connection, is also a person in my Temple, and he is cultivating time and space." Said.

"Oh?" Chen Yang's main eyes were bright, and the arrogance is a turn, and took a drop of the sand that exudes a strange ray.

"Little friends, first meeting, this little meeting ceremony, please accept it."

Chen Yang's Lord handed over the sand in the sword.

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