Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3174 of the Lord of Rules

(The first to come!)


"Good terrible shot!"

"The speed is too fast, and it is too surprised. It is just a shot. It can feel that there is a dozens of holes. It is normal. Even if I can't see these guns, it is true. It is illusory, and this shovel is more terrible, and I have already mastered the time and space, but I can't play like this. "

"This shot is too powerful. If you come to me, I can't resist it."

The sword is unparalpired.

"White Star Temple, this magic gun king, should it be the Lord of a rule?" The sword was unparalleled.

In his opinion, it is possible to show such a terrible shot, which is inevitably the power of the rules.

"Your guess is right." Bai Star Temple is nodded, "The Magic Gun is 3 million years ago, the Lord of a rule of my Time Temple. He is named by a magic gun, his gun method is the most important thing. A illusion, vulnerable, people are simply unspeakable, in that era, the magic gun king is also famous in the rules of the rules. "

"Unfortunately, he later went to the universe battlefield to swear, and he didn't come back."

"Is it falling?" The sword was unfortunately.

This illusion king is definitely a powerful rule of rules, but the Nai's arbitrary battlefield is murdered, and the rules of the rules also have a very big false ratio.

"You look at the iceberg next to it." White Star Temple said.

The sword is unparalleled to see an iceberg, on the iceberg, he also saw another name.

This name is the Lord of Gold Emperor.

When you see the four words of the 'Golden Emperor', the same picture appears immediately in the sword unparalleled sight.

Unlike the guns that have just seen the magic gun king, this' Golden Emperor's name is a secret.

One of the secrets of time and space.

"This secret, good fortune, the use of time and space rules, completely walked to the extreme?" The sword was not a frown.

Secrets are strange, but it is undeniable that this secret is also very good.

The Lord of the Golden Emperor, this title is obviously the Lord of Rules.

"You look at the other icebergs." Bai Star Temple.

The sword is unparalleled to see, and I can see another name on the iceberg in this ice cream.

"White Star Temple, this is?" The sword is unparalleled to show the color.

The Bai Star Temple is a smile. "I am a secret, it is the cultivator of my time and space to leave traces, my time and space, the cultivation of the Temporative Temple, but in the future, it will come to this I am so secret, and I will be here, leave some things !! "

"As for what the mains of these rules, all their respects, there are their own presence, there is a secret surgery, but also leave their own clothes, or the strongest means Bottom! "

"These things are left on this iceberg."

When I heard the owner of the White Star, the sword had no double look immediately, his eyes also brought a fanaticism and wandering around around him.

This ice is very large, standing on the iceberg on the ice, these icebergs are also very much, and thousands of icebergs are different.

"There is no iceberg here, there is a rule of the Lord left?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes, every iceberg, corresponding to a rule." Bai Star Temple.

"But this, this quantity is too much? There is thousands of icebergs here, it is difficult to make thousands of rules." The sword is unparalleled.

Thousands of rules?

Task, now the Temporant Temple, all cultural plots are added, but only more than a thousand people, this is the proportion of the rules of the rules, I am afraid that there is not too much, and there are many people who do not die.

In the Great Gate Dynasty, the Lord of Rules has always been high in the existence. For any party, the Lord of Rules is extremely important.

As in a heavy day, a rule of the rules can create a strong sense of paradise, such as the three pavilions of a heavy day, is because there is a rule of the main town to be strong.

The Lord of a rule is the case, thousands of people?

This quantity is too scary.

"Thousands of rules, how much?" Bai Xing Temple is a smile, "Little guy, you have to know, my space Temple can be the oldest force of the Taijie Shenjie, and since the home of the temple, now, now, I don't know how many years have, hundreds of millions of years? Millions of years? I don't even know how long the temple in Time and Space is. "

"In such a long time, a strong man in the Temple of Time and Space has been born, and now, a total of thousands of rules is born, and what?"

The sword is not born, but you also nod.

Indeed, the temple of time and space is too old.

In the long years of long rivers, new strong people are born, the old power is falling, and the new and old alternates now, there is a thousand rules, and it is normal.

"Unfortunately, the Lord of these rules that have left things in my true secrets, nine-year nine are already falling, and now they are alive, not much." White Star Temple said.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not awkward.

The rules of the rules are indeed a high existence in the Taijie Shenjun, which is difficult to fall under normal circumstances.

However, the real power will never stop his own footsteps because of the rules of the rules, they will still go to the adventure, they will go to the universe battlefield, go to the gods of the gods, and some will also Strive for people, killing people with people.

Of course, someone will die in this risky or killing.

When you have a long time, you can always live, in addition to a few people who have been standing on the main top of the rules, or like the superiority of the Temporary Temple, the Skylands, the founder of the Tianzu Dao Dao, most of others will be here. The process is falling.

The road to strong, only a few people can go to the peak, and they are all over the corpse! !

The Lord of the Rules of Time and Space Temple, obviously has become such a bone.

"This truth, is the main thing left by thousands of rules, and what they have left, even if there are many roles of the rules of the same order, and you are just a hanker now, this Place, there is a lot of access to you. "White Star Temple said.

The sword is unparalleled, but it has already been excited.

it works?

What is it is useful!

This is the owner of thousands of rules, and the things left by these rules have not hidden!

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