Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3175 Chapter Time Tower



Like the gun law of the magic king, there is also the secret of the Lord of the Golden Emperor, you can let the sword are unparalleled.

And the things left behind, in this true, it can only be very ordinary.

"So many regular owners ... this is the help of me in time and space rules, it is too big, it is definitely more helpful than that empty beast god !!" The sword is unparalleled, holding hands, full of heart Surprise.

"This is the martial arts, you will come back again later, I will take you to the next place now." The Bai Star Temple said, with the sword where the secret is unparalleled.

Out of the secret, not long, the Lord Bai Star Temple took a sword to have a delicate black tower.

This tower is not big, the whole body is dark, exudes an incomparable ancient atmosphere.

The entire tower is three floors, and each layer is similar.

"Here, it is the tower of time and space, is a special treasure that is refined by the monks of the temple." Bai Star Temple is open.

"This tower building, what special?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Go in, you will know." The Bai Star Temple leads the sword and unparalleled into the first floor of the Time and Space Tower.

After entering the Time and Space Tower, the sword is only a black lacquered void, and there is no substance in front of any matter.

In this black lacquered void, the sword is unparalleled but wrinkled.

"The time and space here seems to be somewhat different." The sword is unimaced.

He carefully in the surrounding time and space, the brow wrinkled deeper.

His sense should be distinguished from the surrounding space and the outside world, but this is the difference, he said no.

"I only know that the time and space is different, but I don't know if it is different." White Star Temple looked at the sword and unparalleled, but smiled: "Remind you, time flow !!"

"Time flow rate?" The sword is unparalleled first, and it is shocked, "Time flow rate? This void time flows, is different from the outside world?"

The sword is unparalleled.

He also induced that this void, time flow rate, relative to the outside world, seems to be much slowed, slowing a lot! !

"How is it possible?" The sword was very shocking.

"Nothing is impossible." Bai Star Temple Lord is indifferent: "Time and Space Rules, this is the combination of time and space, you are still too low for time and space rules, but it is just that the time flow rate is started, and of course it will feel incredible, In fact, when a person reaches a certain level, or after the feelings of time and space rules reaches a certain level, the control means of time and space is no longer limited to those things you know. "

"If this time flow rate, many people who have achieved high-level regulations can change, like me, you can do it, but I don't have to make a lot of time flow rates. Three times, this is already my limit! "

"But this time, the tower, but the palace is refining !!"

"How much is it here?" The sword didn't help but ask.

"Time and Space Tower has three layers. You are the first floor. The time flow here is more than ten times more slower than the outside world. That is to say, you have been practicing for ten years, the outside world is too late. One year. "Bai Star Temple.

"Ten times?" The sword is unparalleled, followed by him again: "The first layer of time is ten times slower, the second floor, with the third layer?"

"The second floor, time flow rate, slow up one hundred times!"

"The most powerful, the third layer, the time flow rate, you have to be a thousand times!" "Bai Xing Temple is solemn.

When you hear this, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a bit.

Time flow rate is long and ten times, can you still grow one hundred times? One thousand times?

What is an earth-shattering means?

The Temporator of the Tempoken Tower of this Time Space, and his feelings of time and space, reach the level of incredience?

"In fact, the time flow rate is, for some of the people's rules of time and space, and the Lord of the Rules of the Power Gun, is not too difficult, truly difficult is the time." Bai Star Temple.

"Time backward?" The sword is unparalleled again.

"Yes, if you can master the time backflow, you can reverse the time and space, change the things that have happened, such as some dead people, through reversal time and space, completely resurrected." Bai Star Temple.

"Reversing time and space, resurrection !!" The sword is unparalleled.

Reversing time and space, he is not stranger.

At the last life, his master is reversed to time and space, resurrected his soul, and then sent his soul into the reincarcation channel, sent to this generous god.

His Master can do this, the strength is naturally awkward.

"The main people of the temple can also reverse the time and space?" The sword didn't even ask.

"Of course, although the Hall of the Temple has this ability, it has little to show, even almost no exhibition, like my Tempral Temple, starting to the beginning of the gear of the gods, the birth, I don't know how many days, the fall is also More, you can have a long time, the main people of the Temple only show a reverse time and space, and the people have been resurrected. It is a long time ago, one of the people who received the patriarchal, and a disciple of the most favorite disciples of the Temple ! "

"Unfortunately, the disciple of the Hall of the Temple is very profitable, but the luck is almost, after being revived by the Hall of the Temple, he went to the universe battlefield, and the result was dead !!"

"After the second time, the palace did not reverse the time and space again." White Star Temple said.

The sword is unparalleled, it is secretly amazed.

Reversal time and space, what is incredible means.

However, it is not easy to show it, or there are some restrictions on the inside, let the Temporary Temple will not be unscrupulous.

"Jian Tianhou, this time, the sky, the rules of the time and space are not too big, but if you are in practice, or in the mirror research, you need a lot of time, you can consider This time, in the air tower, practice in this time and space, except for the time flow rate, others are the same, so that you can save a lot of time. "

"Of course, if you have a very high level of the feelings of time and space in the future, you can come to this time-free tower." White Star Temple said.

"Understand." The sword didn't have a hype, followed and asked: "White Star Temple, these three-layer Time Tower, can I go in?"


PS: Today is more coming!

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