Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3178 Moving

(The first to come!)


"Is it very strange?" Bai Xing Temple's sword walked.

"It is a bit." The sword is not a hyper point, "" The third style of this time, give me the feeling, "I seem to be the same as the transient."

"The same? That's not." Bai Star Temple is mysterious and smiling, "Little guy, you can see it simple and easy to watch, go to the flash, this time, this is really the same, but the gap is big."

"The gap is very big? How do you say that the sword is unparalleled?

"First of all, you have to know that the cultivator of the Temporal and Space Rules, you can master the transient after reaching the Space Rule, you can master the transient, and the transient is used to escape, the special means used to drive the road, This means, there is a lot of limitations, such as ... time and space blocking? "Bai Star Temple said.

"In the first gods, there are some cultivators who have some attainments in time and space, they can display time and space, and those who have never enhanced time and space, even if they can't block the time and space, there are many in the gods. You can block the treasure of time and space in the shortest time, or the law. "

This, the sword is nothing to understand.

Time and space blocking is not a very powerful means.

Like he is now in a time and space rule, you can also block the time and space.

In addition, he still has the treasure of the dominant, dominating, and can directly block a huge time and space.

"Once the time and space is completely blocked, then in the blocked time and space, it is impossible to display the transient." White Star Temple smiled, "So, in the gods, if you want to kill some of the sense of time and space rules I know how to show instantaneous movements, first you have to block it in the premise of him yet, it is directly blocked, so that his transient means can't show it, then kill it !! "

The sword is unparalleled.

He also knows that a cultivator masters the transient, which is indeed mastered a non-small war life, but this transient is not really invincible.

Otherwise, there are so many time-oriented strong people in history, and there are so many rules that will be perfectly grasped in time and space, they can all have transients, but they have fallen.

"Transient, you can use time and space to block, but spatial movement, it is different." White Star Temple smiled, "Time and Space Moves is a long-term trick that the Hall of the Temple is a long time. This trick is specially used. To keep in life, at first glance, it is true that the transient is the same, but the transient cannot break through the time and space, but it can be moved in time. "

"That is to say, as long as it controls the movement of the time and space, even if someone sees the time and space in advance, I can also take the time and space, and I can't escape." The sword did not have a double fixed touch.

"This is the case." Bai Star Temple nodded.

The sword is unparalleled, and it becomes excited.

Can I ignore the transient blocking of time and space?

At this time, it is simply a good life.

"Jian Tianhou, you are not too early, this world is not absolute, this time and space for the monks, although I can ignore the time and space, let the general cultivator, and some treasure The array is limited, but this trick is also the same. "White Star Temple said again.

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled to look up to the White Star Temple.

"In the gear world, some of the use of time and space have reached the Lord of the rules of the peak, they can show this trick, once the space is imprisoned, and the time and space moved." White Star Temple said.

"Space for imprisonment?" The sword was not born.

"That is a special application for time and space, but you don't worry too much, space imprisonment, this trick is not casual, even if it is in the whole world, it has Knowing, knowing how to show space imprisonment, all added, but twelve, and eight, all of my time and space. "Bai Star Temple laughed.

When you hear this, the sword is unparalleled.

At the beginning of the god, a total of twelve people who know how to show space, the Temporation Temple accounts for eight bits?

This is the strength of the Temple of Temples.

"That is to say, if I master the movement of time and space, the whole of the gods, the people who have the ability to kill me, just four?" The sword flashed in the bodious light, staring at the White Star Temple .

"It is true that it is true." Bai Star Temple.

The sword is not a pair of hands.

He is now staring at the heavens, the three major sanctuary and even the witch god, and the heavens will not mention, the three sanctuary, the witch education can be a strong, and the rules have a lot.

He now does not have the ability to face the Lord of Rules.

If he masters the movement of time and space, don't say that I have encountered the general rules of the rules, even if I encounter the power of the rules that have reached the top level, I can't resist it. The life is not a problem.

Even if the three holy owners come ...

The sword is unparalleled, and the Lord of the Three Holy Games is on the high, but they are only the main level of the rules, and the strength is much better than other rules, mainly because of the relationship between the heavens will.

With time and space moved this trick, even the three holy bits, afraid of him, don't you?

"This trick, no matter what, I have to master !!"

The sword is full of expectations, but at the same time, he also understands, "Time and space moved this trick, it is based on the instant, and it is useful. I want to master this trick, then I have to master the moment, but I Nowadays, there is still a small distance, it seems that it is a renovation, and I have to master this style. "

"Little guy, the secret of this secret cab, you can come and see, if you encounter your own suitable, you can also take it to practice, but I remember that I don't cultivate too much secret, greedy is not bad, this truth You must remember. "

On the side of the White Star Temple, he had left the secret cab.

"White Star Temple, the land of the Temporary Temple, is already here?" The sword did not ask.

"Time and Space Beast, Tongtian Bridge, Really I Milk, Time Tower, Secret Pavilion, these five places are where you can go, as for other machines, of course," Bai Star Temple Lord. "

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