

"Little guy, you see it." White Star Temple reached out to a direction.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has been seen that it is a mountainous mountain, on the mountains, and there is a palace stand, look at it, there is a ten palace.

"There are 16 palaces on the mountain. Every palace contains some special things. Unfortunately, these things are not able to get into contact with the saints, and even even the general rules is not qualified, only those simultaneous Enlightenment has mastered two rules and got the Lord of the rules of the two will. They were qualified. "White Star Temple said.

"Sure enough." The sword is unparalleled.

He thinks that the five places he went in single Star Temple, it is already very good, it can be obvious that the opportunity to have in the air is not only this, but now, he has not qualified to come into contact with the higher level. Thunder.

"There is a place where many practitioners in my space, there is a fault in the outside, and there is a master. It is not the Lord, you can find an owner where you can live freely. This is my gover. If you encounter something, you can mess up with me. "Bai Xing Temple handed a token to the sword.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled, looking at the buildings in front of the building, nodding.

"Yes, there is a thing I want to remind you, this time you can work hard, the better the strength, this may be able to catch up with the three hundred years later." Bai Star The palace said.

"Thirty years later?" The sword was unparalleled.

The Bai Star Temple did not say too much. The fencing is unparalleled, and she left alone.

The sword is unparalleled and shrugged, nor did it ask again.

"Time and Space Temple ..."

The sword is unparalleled around the surrounding time island, but it flashes a silk.

After finding the place where you live, the sword has no double again to come to the truth.

Bai Star Temple took him five places, the most exciting sword was unparalleled, but the Time Tower! !

You can change the time flow rate, especially the third layer, which can slow the time in the next time, such as a thousand times, such a means of incredibly.

But in these places, the most exciting sword is unparalleled, but this is really my secret.

Really, I have a mission, but the Lord of Temporal Temple is left, and it is for time and space. Even if the people of these rules are left, but they are still enough to make swords unparalleled.

Really, I have a secret, on the ice, standing on a iceberg.

The sword has no self, it is walking step by step, walking through a seat iceberg.

On these icebergs, there is a name, which is what the names of the rules are left.

Everything in the sword has walked through an iceberg.

Some of these rules have left their own school, some left their own secrets, and some left is some special use in some time and space, and the sword has no double one, if it is It is found that it is useful to make yourself touch, he will stay.

Wink, he has been staying in this ice in the past three days.

These three days, he is only one hundred icebergs, and it is only a thing left by the Lord of the rules.

At this time, the sword has walked to a new iceberg.

"Well? The Lord of Jian Yuan?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the name left on the iceberg.

"The Lord of Junyuan, the title of the sword, the Lord of this Junyuan should be a strong man who is good at the sword." The sword is unmarkable, and you will sink into the iceberg.

In an instant, a pair appeared in front of him.

Among the pictures, the Lord of the swords of the black dress, holding a dark soft sword, quietly drifting.

The world is still very calm, the Lord of the Jianyuan has also completely disappeared, and when he appeared again, he has already appeared in a void, and the black soft sword in his hands is also brushing.

This sword, silent.

I can't hear the half-point sound of Jian Feng brushing the void, and even there is no half of the power to pass.

"So fast!!"

The sword is unparalleled, but it is wide.

This sword is too fast, more than the star dream of yourself, and even a moment of life and death.

Of course, the Lord of this sword is the Lord of Rules. He is a sword that is more than double, and it is normal.

After the picture, after a sword, the main horse of the sword yuan will once again show the second sword ...

" ?"


When the sword is unparalleled, while watching the picture scene, he also got the information from the picture.

The Lord of this Junyuan is actually a secretion, his sword is slow, and it is strange and dark, quiet, and a fatal! !

This is the same as its name, from the display to the outbreak, and it has never had some horror to keep back, and the speed is extremely horrible, and it is indeed the assassin's assassin.

"This is the homologous sword, although it is mainly assassinated, but it feels very similar to my" life and death "nature." The sword was unimaced.

He carefully looked at the front of the picture, and he had been completely obedient.

Half a month later.

"Well, fog rain swords?"

"Good unique sword, the use of time and space rules, is so unique?"

The sword is unparalleled.

This is really my secret, and the owners of the rules, although most of them are only willing to leave some things, there can be a few rules of rules, which is to stay here most proud.

Yarinous swords like that swordsman.

There is also the misty rain sword leaving the Lord of the Rules of a 'Tu', is a very terrible sword. It is also the strongest strongest scholastic school of the two rules, and is not comparative.

The sword is unparalleled, but also good at the sword, these two swordsmanship, there is a great help to the sword.

"Really, I have a secret, so many rules, the help of me is too big !!"

"There is also an empty animal god, Tongtianqiao, secretary, and even the tower of time and space, there is a huge help to me!"

"This world, I have been born to now, I have always been in the sustain, and I have never joined a party in the real sense, I will take a lot of resources to practice, and now ... Time island, the opportunity Ten thousand, I am also in the time and space rules, let me see, I am in time island, with these resources, I can reach something !! "

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and the heart is full of expectations.


PS: Today is more coming!

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