Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3180 for two hundred and ninety years

(The first to come!)


The sword is unparalleled in time is island, and the many resources on the island are cultivated.

The years are in a hurry, and I have passed in two hundred and ninety years.

Next to the lake.

"Bai Star Temple." A black old man stood next to the main body of the White Star Temple, and the eyebrows took a respectful and said: "The 100,000 years has arrived, and the blood wavefront will be reopened. "

"Blood Body?" Bai Star Temple is slightly ignorant, "the opportunity in the blood wavefront, is equivalent to a shortcut to the rules. Every time the blood wave is open, there will be a large number of top non-dead people to go, I Time and Space Temple, there are five places entering the blood wave, these five places, have you selected it? "

"I have already selected it." The old man nodded, and then handed a list to the owner of the White Star Temple.

After the White Star Temple is, it is carefully browsed.

"Emperor, he should be a lot of non-dead saints in the temple of my space, the strongest strength, and he enters the blood wavefront, and it should be reasonable."

"Thousands of thousands, it is also an invincible saint, and the potential is not good. If it is obtained, it has become the possibility of the rules, and there is no problem."


Bai Star Temple browses the name on the list.

The first four names on the list, the Bai Star Temple endorsed until the last name.

"Duan Wave?" Bai Star Temple's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, "Although there must be certain talent, but his strength is still lacking?"

"This is ..." The black old man whispered: "The strength of this wave is now just infinitely close to the invincible saints, it is indeed worse than the other four, but except him, it seems to No one is more suitable for him to enter the blood wave. "

Time and Space Temple, the number of cultivars does not have much, but now there is an invincible saint, in fact, there are some.

However, these invincible hierarchies in the Temporant Temple, most potential has been exhausted, even if it gets the chance of the blood wave, it has become the chance of the rules and is very low. These invincible hierarchies are naturally not suitable for blood. Waveward.

Therefore, the old man will pick up carefully and will feel that the waves are more appropriate.

"In the Time and Space Temple, there are four other people in the emperor, no one is more suitable to enter the blood bank than the waves? Oh, don't see it?" Bai Star Temple laughed, "Two hundred and ninety years ago , Is it a little guy to reject a small guy to my space Temple? "

"You said the swordsman?" Black old man.

The black old man is also the high level of the Tempiosity Temple. It also manages a lot of things in the temple in the temple in weekdays. Naturally, the sword is unparalleled.

"The Jian Tianhou, the talent is indeed unparalleled, but when he just came to my Time Temple, he just just a fourth-order holy stone, its combat power is generally about seven-order true holy, now only only After two hundred and ninety years, even if the aid of the many opportunities on the island, the strength is flying, and it can be improved. There is also the limit. In such a short time, his strength should be more than the wave? "Black The old man said.

"That is not allowed." Bai Star Temple laughed, "This sword is Tian Hou, from him to my space Temple, I have been paying attention to him, these two hundred and ninety years, his progress I also see In the eyes, when he first arrived at me, he just arrived in the air, the result can only pass the twenty-fourth floor! "

"After more than two hundred years, it is three years ago, but he has already passed the second 19th floor of Tongtianqiao !!"

"What?" "The old man is shocked," from the twenty-fourth floor, to the twenty-ninth floor? In short than three hundred years, he actually passed the five layers? How is it possible? "

"It is a little incredible, but this is a truth." Bai Star Temple, "can pass the 29th floor, indicating that his sentiment on time and space rules has reached the fourth stage, and has mastered the transient, this level It has surpassed the seven-order true holy, enough to follow those unresolved sages close to the invincible level! "

"As for the realm, these two hundred and ninety years, he made the same very great, as far as I know, his current realm has reached the sixth-order haunted level."

"Sixth Sheng?" Black old man is a shrinkage.

Two hundred and ninety years ago, the sword was unparalleled to time island. It was just the fourth-order ultimate hairdressing, but now it is a six-order pest.

In other words, he broke through two realms in less than three hundred years.

"How can this progress, how can it be so fast?" The old man is somewhat can't understand.

"Nothing is so strange, he is a super genius, and according to what I know, in these two hundred and ninety years, he deliberately stayed in the first floor of the Time and Space Tower for fifty years, where the time flow rate is slow Ten times, that is to say that he is in a five hundred years in the Temple Tower, five hundred years, plus some treasure resources, and his understanding of rules has also exceeded its realm. Breakthroughs to the sixth-order holy, and it is also normal. "Bai Star Temple.

"No wonder." The old man is also.

If only two hundred and ninety years, the sword is unparalleled to make such a big way to time and space, and the realm is still in such a big breakthrough, he certainly feels some incredible.

But if the sword is unparalleled to the Time and Space Tower, it is five hundred years, five hundred years, breaking through the two realm, and it is almost almost.

"Two hundred and ninety years ago, when the swordsman also arrived in my time and space, he could kill the seven-level holy, now he has reached the sixth-order haunter level. With the help of Shenlegui, I have reached the sixth-order limit of hairdressing, and I can pass the rules of the second 19th floor. You said, how much is his current power? "Bai Star Temple Like the laugh and asked.

"I am afraid it will not be weak than that," the old man said.

When the fourth-order pest is, you can kill the seven-order holy.

Now reach the sixth order limit, the rules are so big, and its strength must exceed the seven-order truth, maybe it is not more invincible, but it should be very close.

"This is." White Star Temple continued to say: "On Talent, Jian Tianhou can be more stronger than that of the waves, now since Jian Tianhou's strength follows, this last quota, of course, left to Jian Tianhou "

"White Star Temple is said." He nodded, obviously he also agreed.

The opportunity, the enabled, this is the same.


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