

"Fourth !!"

Blood eagle, the vibration beach, there are a few leaders of the thirteen ax, see the head of the purple, the old man, and the faces of the face.

"I, I ..." Zifa old still retained some consciousness, at this moment, he is a panic and incredible.

He has already perceived the power of his body, and has been completely eroded, that is, he will die.

He didn't think that he was going to death. This Jian Tianhou can find a chance to shoot him in the siege of many of their leaders.

"Your soul attack, although I can't make me, I can always affect me next to me, but it is still trouble." The sword was not in the ears of the purple man.

~~~ The body of the purple man collapses, and its voice is finally completely dissipated.

"damn it!!"

"Breast !!"

"Years !!"

Thirteen ax people saw this, but they bite their teeth and the color of the eyes.

But in the hate, they are more shocked.

Shocking swords unparalleled strength.

You must know that the sword is unparalleled. They are in the seven-level peak of the peak, and the two unlimited close to the invincible hierarchy, and there is no one in a short time. The other party, but by the sword unparalleled, I will kill one of them?

"Big Brother !!" The vibration beach looked at the bloody eagle.

"Use the abassury, fast, use the law !!" Blood eagle is an angry.

When you hear the bloody eagle, these leaders have become cold, followed by them, come out.

They took out a bloody bead, and each person took out, and then the Shen Li shouted into the bloody beads. Under the urgency of the power, these bloody beads immediately broke the blood mist, this blood If the fog is rich, after breaking, it is completely covered by the surrounding void.

Natural, the sword is also under this bloody cover.

"This is ... Blocking time and space fight?" The sword didn't have a double look, but he immediately shake his head, "No, if it is a blocked the trouble, I only need to promote this method, you can slam. , Now I am, even if I urge the master printed, I can't affected this method ... should be something else. "

The sword has no mistakes, and thirteen ax these leaders now have a reminder, but it is not to block the time and space, but a combination of attack.


I saw a bloody and rushed to the sky. The sword was unparalleled to see, I saw the blood fog, the leaders of each of them have a bloody bead, and they were covered with a layer of bloody mist, this bloody fog, Just like a layer of bloody tattoo, the rich suffocation is exuded from them.

"Jian Tianhou, death !!"

A drizzle came from the side of the empty, I saw a bald man holding a long gun. The long gun was very rotated, picked the guns, as if a poisonous dragon diamond, directly in the sword without double skull.

The sword is unparalleled, just glanced at this bald man, but did not care too much.

This bald man is only a very ordinary leader in the thirteen ax, but also a seventh-order peak, but only one person to show attacks. The sword is unparalleled. I won't be in my heart. I only see the sword is not a double head. An arbitrary sword waves.


The blood peak sword is in front of the long gun, and the metal impact sounds sound.

"Well?" I feel the power to pass in the long gun, but the sword is unbounded is a sinking, and the pace is also touched back to the back. As for the bald man, it is instant to go out.

It looks that the sword is unparalleled in the absolute advantage.

I have to know that the sword is unparalleled.

His powerful power, but it is better than the blood eagle. It will be slightly better. Even if it is just a sword, it can still be easily crushed in the seven-order peak, but now he is shocked by the other party ...

"His strength, enhanced, and has improved a lot." The sword has no double eyes.

At this time, several leaders next to them also killed, and the sword was unparalleled.

But this time, the sword is unparalleled, not only just the bald men, but all the thirteen axes, their strength, which has been greatly improved, this improvement is mainly reflected in power I can.

"It is only a seventh-order peak, but now their strength, power, I am afraid it has exceeded the seventh-order collar. Although I compared to the blood eagle, the poplar is more than the halves, but the difference is not Very far away. "The sword is not double-finished.

The power of these leaders has improved so much, which has naturally produced a small pressure on him, and this is just the ordinary leaders, and the bloody eagle is with the pops ...


Bloody eagle is cold and drink, the ax is again cut out again, the mighty, earth-shatter, and the power suddenly skyrockets to a new level.

"Invincible" !! "The sword suddenly changed.

Although he did not kill with the invincible saints, he also felt the wind of invincible saints, and now this blood eagle shot this ax, which make him feel like facing a true invincible saint. general.


The sword is unparalleled, and the sword is shot. After the sword, his body has been slammed out.

"Sure enough, those ordinary seven-level peaks, strength power has been upgraded to the hierarchy of the invincible saints, and the blood eagle that is close to the invincible saints, and its strength, the power, has increased to the invincible saints, this Is it the effect of the factor? "

"Good terrible fault !!" The sword is unparalleled.

A letter, in a short time, the strength of the thirteen ax these leaders has increased to a new level.

This is indeed.

"Jian Tianhou, you should be worthy of fortunate, because you are the third one of the thirteen ax to show the enemy, the first two are invincible, and it is the two invincible saints, After we show the demon rule, we only have a wolf, as for you ... you will die today !! "Blood eagle is cold.

"Do you have a Di Di?" The sword was unparalleled, and he remembered this name.

As for the bloody eagle, even the invincible saints were only in their brothers, only the wolf fled, this is a little doubtful.

But in fact, this blood eagle did not lie.

Diwai, that is the thirteen ax, which has spent a big price, specially invite a master, specializing in the creation of them, power is powerful.

If it is a thirteen ax peak, with this law, they do have the ability to defeat the invincible saints, let the invincible saints.

But now ...

PS: Today is more coming!

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