Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 319, chapter disappeared

(The first to come!)


Diwai Fa, only thirteen ax together, can play the biggest power.

But now, the thirteen ax has been killed by the sword. The five leaders have been killed. The remaining only eight people, depending on the power of eight people, the power of this is limited, but even though In this way, with eight leadership of the blood eagle, the rumble and other eight leadership, it is already enough to have a positive anti-uniform invincible saints.

"kill him!!"

The bloody eagle is cold, and he is holding the birds in the abutment, and the power of Shenli has risen to the invincible halock level, and the strength is completely covered with the sword.

! boom!

Huge contains a dead breath ax, and that huge stone pillar is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, and the first leader of the five seven-level peaks around the surroundings, and it is also in the strong skyrocket, and the sword has no doubles.


Connected two impact sounds, swords are unparalleled to attack the bloody eagle and the two people's attacks, and the figure is in the way.

Suddenly, the surrounding footsteps greeted him.

These three offensive, there is a smeared blood collection, a cold and ruthless sword, the last one is a scorpion.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is impossible to move the body. It can only force the blood and swords in his hand. Look at the blood-torch, there is a ruthless sword, the ruthless sword, so that the fierce knife is ... sword Unparalleled is not able to block.


The scargeous knife is on the sword. The sword is unparalleled, and the golden warfare of the sword is unparalleled. It is a crisp metal impact.

The sword is unparalleled, and the figure is once again detonating, and the half rang is reluctantly stopped.

"His body, there is no direct collapse? It is very good to see his body's body." Show the scorpion of the scorpion is a brown long hair man, this law man is very popular. Confident, knowing that this is the seventh-order peak of the peak, in the Di Liu Fa, a powerful power is even more inclined to close the invincible level.

The front of him is full of swords, and there is no double body collapse, and it is clear that the sword is unparalleled.

"I am actually forced to be so wolf?"

The sword is unparalleled in the empty, watching his chest, there is a white trace that is very clear.

This white trace is that the knife of the brown long hair man is left.

This knife did not directly open the golden armor, but there was still a powerful force to pass to his body. The first time was hit by his body, but the distance made him directly collapsed, but it also had some differentiation. .

Now, the sword has no double creation, and it has been fully repaired.

"Haha, look like, I still smash this thirteen ax." The sword is unparalleled, and the laughter still echoes.

"This little child is dead, and dare to laugh?" Bloody eagle was cold and glared at the sword.

Next to the thirteen axes, the princes are completely surrounded by swords, obviously don't intend to give the sword unparalleled opportunities.

"Dead to the head? Dead to the top, it should be that you are right."

The sword is unpaired, "Blood Eagle, I admitted that I haven't thought about your thirteen ax before, I didn't expect your thirteen ax and there is a powerful law. Fortunately, your thirteen ax has been killed by me five people. Otherwise, if you let your thirteen ax together, it will be stronger, and the power will be stronger. When I am still, I can't get you, but now ... You are eligible to make me feel very serious. "

"Little serious?" Blood eagle and others are all.

The meaning of the sword is unparalleled, it is obvious that he has always been very casual since he has just arrived now, and he has not seriously killed.

"Radust !!" Blood eagle immediately lowered.

The sword is not too lazy to explain. He is still calming the blood eagle and others in front of him, but in his body, a lot of golden power begins to come crazy.

These golden power came together, and there was a golden emperor that had a high feet of nine thousand feet high.

This golden emperor is gave up, overlooking everyone, a horrible shocking force is covered with blood eagle.

Blood eagle and others are all in the heart.

At the same time, slapping ~~~ The raging flame, with a cold ice, the promotion, crazy explosion.

The ice fire field formed by the Ice Fire Troupe, presses all people like the perimeter.

You must know that the ice fire is the tip, but the domain class is treasure, and the sword is unparalleled, and the power of the sword has already surpassed the seventh-order truth. It is close to the invincible haunted level. He has to show this ice and fire field. How much can you have?

boom! ! !

The field is coming, the blood eagle, the birds, and the other five leaders have a strong shape, only feeling a horrible mountain oppression on them.

"Ekimony field !!"

"This area, too strong, I feel my overall strength, I have been suppressed more than 30% !!"

"The treasure, this is definitely the field of field to treasure, only the field of the treasure, only such a terrible power !!"

"This sword is in the world, there is a field class to treasure?"

Blood eagle, vibration beach, and all the leaders present, all of which are shocked.

For the treasure, in general, only the rules are qualified, and only the main part of the rules can completely exert the power of the treasure, but now, this sword is in front of this Jianhe Hou, I have taken out a treasure. Come, but also a rare domain to treasure! !

"The domain class is treasure, the value is quaped, as long as he kills him, this area is good, it is mine !!" The blood eagle is immediately turned down.

In the face of a field class to treasure, he is of course the extreme.

However, when the sword is unparalleled, the ice fire tour is used, and the ice and fire field is compressing the audience, his body shape is slightly smashed.

This shake, very random, but the blood eagle, the halves, and the leader in the scene, the eyes are all rolled.

"Is it disappeared?"

"Where? Where did he go?"

"How can I not find it, the naked eye can't see it, the power of the soul is not induced, it is difficult, he doesn't make instantaneous movement directly,"

"It is still in this field, he can't show bluntly left, but stay around us, but what is he, where?"

Everyone is a horror, shocking expression.

They are crazy searching around the void, but I don't dare to use the naked eye, or use the soul of the soul. I can't find a half-point trail of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, it seems to have really disappeared.

But at this time ...

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