Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3197 Challenge



"White Star Temple is unfair? You really dare to say." The old man in black showed a laughing expression.

During the shape of the waves, although it is still biting tooth, but I don't dare to say.

What kind of status is the owner of the White Star Temple, only in the Temple of Temporation is only under the temple, can be said to the whole gods, the White Star Temple is one of the most peaks, such a high super super Existence, is it a little guy who is his holy family?

Fortunately, this is that the Lord Bai Star Temple has not heard, otherwise ...

"Duan Wa, you listen, the Lord Bai Star Temple is always fair, he is in order to give this place before the Tiandou, specialize to the Jian Tianhou once, the experience of the experience is not very general, you can say harsh to extreme, even It is the general invincible saints, and it is not necessarily capable of completing, but the sword is completed. "The old man said.

The facts he said.

The master of the White Star Temple arranged the mission, killing thirteen ax, but it is necessary to kill all the thirteen ax.

Thirteen ax, a single two seems to be more prone to kill, but it is necessary to kill all 13 people, let alone thirteen ax still have a buzzard, positive killing, Diwai Fa, one out, even invincible saints Both have been defeated.

The sword is also because of the relationship with the shadow of the shadow, the thirteen ax can be killed. If it is changed to others, it is absolutely not completed like this wave.

"So telling you, since the Bai Star Temple gave the name to Jian Tianhou, not to you, the Bai Star Temple will definitely think that the strength of the sword is above you." Black clothes .


The waves are , "Three hundred years ago, the swordsman Hou Cai's fourth-order holy, the can be killed, the first seven-order first class, now only three hundred years, his strength Even if there is a huge progress, you can strongeously be stronger than the general seventh-order peak. It is absolutely a lot of power with those who are close to the enemy, and how can he get to me? "

"I don't believe, I will never believe that his strength has exceeded me, I don't accept it!"

Black old brow is slightly wrinkled.

"Mixed, I want to see the White Star Temple, or ask you to give the Bai Star Temple, say that I have to challenge the swordsman, I want to defeat him in the face of everyone, and the sword day Hou Ruo is really powerful, as long as he can defeat me, then I naturally worn orally. "Duan wave sink.

"Challenge?" The old man browed, and the mouth also has a smile of a taste. "Yes, I will now send a white star temple."

"There is a worker." Duang Yang said.

The old man is immediately submitted to the White Star Temple, and it has become a result.

"Duan Yong, Bai Star Temple, I have promised you that you may not accept, she wants me to tell you, you have to challenge the swordsman, this can, as long as the sword is promised, you can naturally be a battle, but her order is It's already issued, then I will never change again, that is, Jian Tianhou will still be in the five-person list of the blood line, this, can you understand? "The old man looked over the waves.

"Can you change it?" During the death of the hands, the fingertips had already brought into the blood, "Okay, even if you can't enter the bloodline, I also want to fight for yourself."

"That's good, you are waiting, wait for the sword to agree, I will notify it."

The old man said a sentence, and the rotary turned and left.

"Jian Tian Hou."

During the light of the gravar, it is a long-never unprecedented.


The sword is unparalleled in the courtyard.

"Challenge? Duan Ye wants to challenge me?" The sword didn't receive this news, and the face immediately became an old.

But in a blink of an eye, he can understand.

Because if you don't appear, this place is Duan Ya, and even Duan Yan feels that ten is stable. As a result, because of his appearance, the students who have grown the waves into the blood wavefront. This waves can be willing to be willing. ?

"Bai Star Temple has already issued a command, will not change again, this place is definitely you, so you are not better than the battle, and there is no need to pay attention to the waves." The black old man stands in front of the sword, smiling, "But the meaning of the White Star Temple, is to let you shoot, and you will defeat this wave, so it will be better."

"Well, I know." The sword has no double nod.

He understands the intention of the Lord Bai Star Temple.

After all, the quota of the Blood Board is a decision of the Bai Star Temple. If he does not prove his strength, or the challenge of refusing the waves, it may make many people think more, think that my strength is not good, this will also be The Bai Star Temple has a certain impact and will make people feel that the Bai Star Temple is unfair.

All, he only shot directly, defeating the waves in front of the strength, in order to let everyone close the mouth, let everyone take the gas.

Just like the quota of the sword is unparalleled, the genius disciples of the Tiantian Three Palace are as uncomfortable, and when the sword is unparalleled, there is a most dazzling genius to challenge him. After the sword is unparalleled, the genius is defeated, and no one will say a word.

In this world, it is originally talking by strength.

You don't show strength, no one takes you seriously, as long as you show the strength of you, your fist is very hard, then you will be frightened, no one dares to have some doubts.

"Uder, told that wave, said that I promised to fight with him." The sword was unparalleled.

"Very good." The old man nodded and left directly.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled with the waves, the news of the war is spread in the air island.


The huge time and space beast is below the gods, and a small white robe is closed, sitting quietly.

This white robe is carrying a bloody knife behind him, and the whole person seems to be integrated with the surrounding time and space.

And at this time, he! !

A figure, suddenly came from the side.

The arrival is a beautiful appearance, and a branch of a playful red-haired woman.

"Qianhong, I heard that you have already returned to Time Island, I guess, you are here." The red-haired woman came to the white robes.

"Flying snow, do you have anything?" The white robes were still closed.

"Of course, there is something, you are afraid, I don't know, there is a battle with the swordsman." The red-haired woman said.

"Jian Tianhou?" White Square teenager looks, the eyes are also open, "Just when the first four-order real positive kills Jian Tianhou?"

"Yes, it is him, and he also came to time island in three hundred years ago." Red and a playful woman.


PS: Today is more coming!

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