Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3198 Chapter Xingshi

(The first to come!)


"I have also seen the mirroring picture of the sword unparalleled and people, can kill a seven-order real holy, this sword is true, this sword is true, and it is indeed possible. However, how can he follow the waves? "Asked the white robe teenager.

"This is the case ..." Red-haired playful woman said that it is just a simple narration of things.

The white robes have listened, but immediately exposed the color, "White Star Temple will enter the places of the blood wave, give him?"

"This is the case, and this order has been made public, the monetaries of the White Star Temple personally issued the order, except for the Temph Tempius of the Dragon, no one can change." Red-haired playful woman. "

"This is not surprising, this blood wave is open, the five places in my space Temple, the reason is a wave, but now this place gives the swordsman, this wave will be willing, think To challenge the swordsman, it is normal. "White Square teenager nodded slightly, showing a smile on his face," This sword is high, saying that you are on you, he and the battle with Duan , Let me have some curiosity. "

"Walk, we have taken it."

"Well." The red dress immediately promised, he came here, this is to find this white robe man together.

The center of Time island has a huge campus.

This campus is not single, and there is a vast space that has been opened separately. This time and space is where the Tempse of the Temporarism is a place to fight against the battle.

Nowadays, this campus is also quite lively, and there are many strong people in the temple of time and space to arrive here.

"There are a lot of people, and even the rules are more than ten."

The white robe is a thousand, and the two people in the red dress come to the campus together. The eyes are around.

In this campus, more than 20 people, the light is the Lord of the rules, there are ten people.

In fact, the Lord of these rules is all in the air island all year round, and there is nothing to do, knowing that there are two little guys who have been fighting, and they have come to see, of course, they are unparalleled.

After all, the sword is unparalleled to kill the seven-order pestinal record in the face of the four-order real situation, or the Lord of these rules is extremely vibrating.

"Yes, how did the emperor have not come to Yue Yu?" Qianhong asked.

There is a lot of the neat hierarchies in the Temphopcript Temple, but most are very old, have already passed their era, so they are not qualified to enter the blood wavefront.

In this era, the temple of time and space is eligible to enter the blood wavefront with the potential, and there is no five people.

In addition to thousands of innocents, flying snow, Duan waves, there are two people, it is emperor and Yue Yu.

"Yue Yu also learned in the outside, until now, I have never come back. I have given him before. He said that he will return to time island." Fei Xue said, "As for the emperor ... this cultivation madman Only he himself, he will only bury his head, not to pay attention to it, although he returns to Time Island now, but he entered the Time and Space Tower, I didn't have it before, he did not Respond. "

"These two guys ..." Thousands of enemies smiled.

At this moment, the two people appeared in the most center of the campus in the eyes of everyone.

These two people are naturally swords unparalleled and sessions.

"He is the swordsman?" Qianhong is interested in staring at the sword and unparalleled, but it is free: "Flying snow, you said that this sword is the battle, who will win?"

"I don't know, but in my opinion, Duan Ya's fortune is still more big." Fei Xue said: "Duan Ya, after all, it has already exceeded the seventh-order college category, and the talent is also very high, strength is with you. I have been very very close to us, and he will have a good year with us. If you don't have a unclear, you will not be able to win. Grasping. "

"And the sword is ... Three hundred years ago, he can kill a seventh-order first waiting, three hundred years later, he wants to follow the waves, I always feel some of them. "

"You are right, but you don't forget, give the name to Jian Tianhou, that is the order of the White Star Temple personally issued, the Lord Bai Star Temple is in the Tempi Temple, she said one is one Never biased anyone, and since she gave this place to Jian Tianhou, explained that in her heart is more suitable for the waves of the waves, in strength, I have been surpassing the sword. Duan Yaoyi.

"Beyond the waves? Not big?" Flying snow is somewhat can't believe.

"Look, it is." Thousands of Andrson is just a light smile.

In the big time and space, the sword is unparalleled with the sessile. It is still holding the soul, but the sword is still calm, but the waves, but the hands are holding hands, watching the sword unparalleled eyes, bringing A bit of cold.

"Duan Wa !!"

The cold drink suddenly sounded, and everyone around the campus immediately saw the elegant film of the vision of the voids.

"Bai Star Temple." During the waves, I immediately greeted.

"The places that will enter the blood wave, is the command of myself, you personally get up, you ... I have doubted me?" Bai Star Temple overlooks the waves.

Duan Yong is in the heart.

He didn't expect that the battle with the sword has not begun, and the White Star Temple is directly appointed.

"Bai Star Temple." Duang Yan said: "Your name, I naturally dare to question, I just have absolute confidence in my own strength, I am sure, my strength is absolutely above the sword."

"Oh?" Bai Star Temple, a beautiful, followed but a cold channel: "This battle, you can judge your strength, if you really say, you defeat the sword If you have won this war, then I will guarantee that you entertaire. "

"What?" Duan Wah is a full, but it is ecstatic.

The people around the campus, the faces are both quirky.

"What's going on, the orders of the Bai Star Temple have been big, and it should never change it. Even if the Duan Yan defeated the sword, the five places will not be replaced with his name?" Flying snow is full of doubts.

"You are stupid." Thousands of horses smiled: "Who said when the Temporary Temple will have five places? If the Lord Bai Star Temple is willing, don't say a quota, even if you have two or three places, there is no problem."

Flying in the snow, followed by it.

"To the right, I forgot, each time I entered the five places of the blood wave, only the external parties of the outside world will give me the temple of my space, but it is not that the Temporate Temple is coming ..."

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