Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3211 Blood Board



On the bloody sky, there is three blood months, high hanging.

The damp ground, the soil is also bothering red, the air is still filled with a touch of blood, and the whole world is very demon.

And here, it is the blood wave! !

At the beginning of the gods, countless people who are not desired to be desired to be long.

In one of the voids, the hundred practitioners who have just passed from the mirror of the mirror pass through the space channel, all appeared here.

When everyone appeared, they first observed the surroundings.

"This is the blood wave." The sword is not around, "I feel that there is no two in the world, and there is no two in the world, um, no ..."

The sword is not a feet, "I can faintly feel that this world seems to have some restriction."

"Yes, there is a restriction." The thousands of killed next to saw it. "This restriction is the restriction of power power, I have heard that this blood wave is only able to exist in the dislikes. The power of the hierarchy, any force beyond the hierarchy of the unscrupulous people, it will be limited here. "

"That is to say, even if it is the Lord of the rules, the war that he can play can only be the level of the disorder. Of course, the Lord of the rules is not able to enter this blood wave. "

The sword is unparalleled, but the bottom is some regret.

In the blood wave, there is a force that exceeds the hierarchy of the Non-Dead Sorrow, that is, the two governments of the Skyregor have given him the life life, from the two governments of the two palace owners, he is here There is no need to use it in the blood wave.

"Although the strength will limit, the space is not, we have these levels of time and space, in this blood wave, can still show the transient movement." Thousands of inn smiled.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no difference between the time and space in the blood line.

Here, he can display instantaneous moves only, and the spatial movement is also possible.

"As long as you can display spatial movement, it is difficult to make a truly threat to me." The sword is unparalleled.

In the surroundings, many cultivators who entered the bloody world through the mirror of the mirror are all over the surroundings.

"Let's go, the blood wave is just open, and the blood wave ordered for a while will be opened for a while. Before this, we first went to the depths of the blood wave, according to the experience, according to the blood wave Most of them appear in the depths of the blood line, we only have to come first, and there is a qualification to compete for blood waves. "Thousands of broilers said.

Blood waves, is a voucher that enters the blood palace.

Each blood wave is open, there will be ten blood waveleons to be burn off, and the blood waveleon is obtained, and in the end, it can enter the blood wave palace.


The sword has no double six people.

They did not show instantaneous moves, leaned by their own plum, and pulled it all the way to the core area of ​​the blood circulation.

One shock, three days passed.

"This blood wave, it is really big enough, and our speed is rushing for three days, and there is no central area of ​​the blood bank." The sword is unparalleled.

"Haha, it is still early, this blood line is simply in the territory, and it is much more than a lot of countries. We have no instantaneous movement, just in accordance with its own speed, it is estimated to arrive in the core area within ten days, Even if it is not bad. "Thousands of killed smiled," But we don't have to worry, the blood wavefield is open, and the blood wave bank is only started for one month, and we have time. "

The sword is not a hyper point.

Just because the time is full, they don't need to worry, so they are very casual, no instantaneous movement.

It is at this time ...

boom! boom! boom! boom!

A dramatic energy roar, suddenly passed from the front flight.

This roar is constantly sounding, it is obvious that some people fight in front.

"What's going on, here is not the core area of ​​the blood line, and the blood wave bank has not yet left, and the competition has not started. How can someone began to fight?" Thousands of inn be surprised to look at the front.

"It should be not to compete for blood wave, maybe there is a private grievance between each other, just hit here, this is only shot." Feixue.

"It's hard to meet someone to fight, do we have to see it?" Yue Yu's eyes released the light.

"Haha, go, of course!" Qianhong smiled.

The six people go directly to the void of the battle.

And they just appeared in the battlefield, and immediately attracted the battle by the front.

The two sides of the war, one party has five cultural practitioners, and these five people are strong, and the five people have three people are invincible saints. The remaining two are also strong peaks.

As for the other side, only three cultivators are only an invincible saints, and the other two is the peak saints.

Both parties, on strength and lineup, the gap is very large.

Because of this, only the one party of three cultural practitioners has been defeated, and the situation is also very bad.

"that person……"

Thousands of people, flying snow, sessions, but they are dead, staring at the central air in the center, and a brunette junny youth.

The black hair Junyi Youth has a spear while holding a spear. The two spears are all over the deep purple lightning. He is like the Thunder, which is extremely dominated. The spear is tatched once again, and the name of him. Invincible saints, completely pressed by him.

"Thunder !!"

"It is the thunderstorm in the sanctuary !!"

"True Book, Rank 6!"

Thousands of thousands of children, flying snow, Duan Yong also have Yue Yu, and it is shocked.

Even the sword is not a double eye.

He carefully read the information given by thousands, and naturally, he can also recognize this person.

Thunder, the Sixth Sixth, the birth of the god of the gods, the peak group, the thunder, is a thunder, and he has an incredible talent in the Thunder's rules, and later joined the destruction of the Sanctuary, which is the destruction of the Sanctuary. The most powerful existence of the Times is not dead! !

And his strongest record is that he has worked hard to resist the four invincible saints, and it also defeats the opponent, which is more amazing than the record of emperors.

"People who destroy the sanctuary." The sword is unparalleled at the distant thunder, but it is faintly flashing.

At the beginning of the god, the three major sanctuary, there were destroyed sages, life and death sages, and the sages of inflammation!

These three major sanctuary are named with the three high-top holy, and the three major sanctoes and swords are unparalleled, and they are not dead! !

Now I see the people who destroy the sanctuary, the sword is unhealthy, of course, will rise to kill.


PS: Enter two more!

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