(The first to come!)


"Thunder, I have no private grievances, I have no private grievances, I have also been awe-in-law, how do you have to be aggressive?" He is going to be aggressive? "

"You have no private grievances, but you can't destroy the holy area, but don't see it? Pincipaine, 100,000 years ago, the last blood wave industry opened, I destroyed There is an invincible saints in the sanctuary, which is the people who have lost your Ziwei Shen Zong. "Thunder cooled.

"The last blood wave industry is open?" Long haired old man, followed but angered: "That is the battle for blood wave bank, there is no fair background, even if it is dead, it is only Can blame your own strength, no wonder others, you destroy the holy area, do you have this thing? "

"Hey, I destroy people in the sanctuary, can not be white." Thunder is cold, "Don't struggle, you are dead !!"

The war immediately became more enthusiastic.

The battlefield is not far away, and the sword is unparalleled and six people heard the conversation between Lei Shen and the elderly.

"Hey, this destroyed the sanctuary, it is really overbearing, the opportunity of the blood bank is competed, the madness is incomparable, the parties will participate in the competition, and they are not careful to kill in the competition. In the reason, in general, if the strong people who have competed in the opportunity to compete in the fight, the power behind this strong is will not retaliate, can only blame the skills. "

"At this point, although the parties of the Taijie Shenjie did not agree, it has formed a tacit understanding. Only in this way, the power of alliances in the gods can be competed for the opportunity to compete for that machine, but this Destroy the sanctuary ... I still have to hate it. "Thousands of Andrid smiled.

"Three major sanctuary, I have been overbearing, this has been well known to the world, but maybe it is a concern for the power of the Taijie Shenjie, which is not directly revented in the sanctuary, just here. The second blood wave is open when it is opened. "Duan Yilong.

"In any case, the three of this Ziwei Shen Zong, he was stared at the thunders, and it was unlucky." Yue Yu said, it was suddenly his look, "several, it is rare to ruin the people who destroy the sanctuary." Do we want to shoot directly, teach them? "

"Directly shoot? Lesson them?" The sword was unparalleled.

It can be passionate about the thousands of inn, the snow, the snow, the waves.

"Tianhou brothers, you are afraid, I don't know, in the god of the gods, the three major sanctuary is high, and the panel is eligible to the top of the three holy area, only three freely leagues, because of this, I am three major The Free League has been fighting for a long time with the three major sanctuary, whether there is a lot of battle in a smooth or secret, and the two sides have long been with water, but in this blood wave, the three major sanctoes will follow the three freedoms. The alliance is of course very powerful. "Qianhong laughed.

"Yes, the Bai Star Temple has already explained, if you encounter three major sanctuary, don't have to be polite with them." Yue Yu smiled.

"In this case, then what is waiting for." The sword flashed in a double eye, he couldn't find a reason for the three major sanctuary.

"Emperor, what about you?" Qianhong looked at the emperor.

"Thunder, give it to me." The emperor is just cold and cold.

"Haha, so, then you will shoot." Thousands of Hongzi smiled, instantly, the six people were directly in front of the battlefield.

In that battlefield, the form of Ziwei Shenzong three has been in jeopardy.

Can be here ... !!!!!!

The six people are directly blocked by the amazing speed.


The five-person colors in the destruction of the sanctuary are all change.

"That person is ... emperor?" Thunder is sinking, "Not good, it is the temple !!",

"Be careful!"

Thunder will send a low drink, while the six people in the Temporal Temple are good at time and space rules, the speed is amazing, and it is rushing into the battlefield in an instant.

The head of the emperor, he has a boundless destroyed breath, when the body is close, the carrying giant appears in his hand.

boom! !

The giant ax suddenly waved.

A ax of destroying the earth, single Sana Wein, is enough to make the general peaks.

However, the emperor faced, but the Sixth, the Saxi List, the row, and the emperor is higher.


The emperor sent a burst, the two spears in his hand, all gathered unfarous purple lightning, in the stabbed moment, ~~~ a huge deep purple Lei Long roar.


A loud noise, Lei Long collapsed, and the ax is also dissipated.

The shape of the emperor and the thunderstorms have aroused, but the next time two people rushed again, fierce.

At the same time as the emperor and thunder god, Qianhongzi, Yue Yu, Duan Wave, Feixue and swords are unparalleled, and they have found their opponents.

The sword is unparalleled, is a glamorous woman wearing a vegetarian, this glamorous woman wears a pair of crystal gloves, but the glove is filled with a strong rules, and the moment of seeing the sword is unparalleled. The glamorous woman is watching now.

"The six-order resurgence of the district, even dare to go to the blood bank, when you are looking for death!"

The glamorous woman is lightly lifted, and he has nothing to gather. Her right hand started to zoom in, and immediately moved directly to the sword.

"come on!!"

The sword is unfolded, and when it is close to this glamorous woman, the power of the body is beginning to rise at an amazing speed.

Seven stars secret, penalty God, Jiu Yaoxingjia! !

In just a short instant, the sword has no double, and his war has increased its extreme.

"No double sword, !!"

The sword has no double eyed is cold, and the blood peak sword in hand is under the moment.

With a scream of the beast, the amazing violent breath is spread, a bloody sword is like a bloody, in an instant, in an instant, in the crystal hand of the glamorous woman, then a horrible force suddenly broke out Open.


This glamorous woman obviously did not expect that the power of the swords and unparalleled swords was strong, and she only felt that she had a numbness of her palms, and the impact of a shackles came. It is only to stop it.

"How? He is a six-order pest, powerful power, how can this be strong, it is better than me?" The beautiful woman is incredible.

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