Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3213 kills one person



This glamorous woman does not know, although the sword is only a six-order holy, but he is the perfect chaotic life, the life level is too high, even if it is just a six-order holy, his Shenli will still be no more than many peaks. Once the seven stars secrets, the penalty of God, Jiu Yaoxingjia, the three secrets of Jiu Yaoxing, his Shenli power is more enough to climb the enemy saints.

The trial of the invincible saints, of course, more than this glamorous woman is much stronger.

"Flying snow, this Su Ying will give me a line, you go to help the waves." The sword is unparalleled, this glamorous woman Su Ying is a strong integrity of the saints, many strong intelligence given by thousands In the middle, there is her, and the sword can be recognized.

"Okay." Flying snow is also killing this glamorous woman. After hearing the sword, the direction is immediately transferred to the battlefield next to it.

The sword is unparalleled against the opponent's more powerful power, and then cooperate with the swordsman you created. It is highly fought with this baby. In a short time, it takes an absolute upper wind, which is simple in strength. This Su Ying is not a double To be some.

Six people in the Tempoken Temple have handed over with the five people destroyed the sanctuary. As for the three people of Ziwei Shenzong, it is to seize the opportunity to escape.

They did not join hands with the Temporant Temple to deal with the five people in the sanctuary. In this regard, the sword is unparalleled.

Ziwei Shen Zong, just the big force of the two heavens, there is no courage to dare to destroy the sanctuary, even if it is destroyed the sanctuary, it is not allowed to take it, they still do not dare to fight.

at this time……

! !

A darkness of the darkness, suddenly condensed in the central center of the battlefield.

An unprecedented destruction of an unprecedented, also spreads from this ax.

At the moment of this ax, on the battlefield, everyone's gaze was attracted by this ax.

"This ax ..." The sword has no double eyes.

This ax, giving him a feeling that can't stop it.

Dragon, no one can block!

The surroundings of Raytheon have already been made in order to be a little prison. He is dominated in this laughter. He has controlled hundreds of millions of Thunder, and he has a big thunder's force to give together a horrible Thunder beast. This Thunder behemoth opened his mouth and wanted to swallow it directly.

Result ...


The ax is cleaving everything in front of it.

The huge Thunder beast was also directly smashed by this ax, and the vast ax came, Raythe is not able to resist.

A loud noise, Raytheon's body is directly flying out, so half ramps will resize.

"This ax !!"

" !!"

Thunder's eyes flanged the amazing Li Man, staring at the emperor, and followed him again to other battlefields.

Several other battlefields, basically all the Temple Temple occupy an absolute advantage.

After all, the Temph Temple must be more than one person than the destruction of the holy area, and in the quality, the emperor is fighting him, and thousands of kiliers have the other invincible saints in the destruction of the Shengyu, and the two sides fight a flag, and destroy the sanctuary The last invincible saints, it was entangled by the waves and the snow.

Duan Zhu Shi exhibited the field of black magic, and the war has also barely reached the inconvenient saints, and then with the snow, it is not afraid of the invincible saints in the sanctuary.

As for the remaining two peak saints left in the Sanctuary, one is dying with Yue Yu, and the strength of Yue Yu is bold, and finally the glamorous woman Su Ying, he is in the sword, but also Two people with the largest strength gap, and the results of Su Ying were in the wind with the sword unparalleled battle.

The whole situation is unfavorable to the destruction of the holy area.


Thunder God has already recognized the situation in front of him. I didn't want to kill the people in the Temporated Temple. I ordered to retreat.

Suddenly, several people in the destruction of the Sanctuary are displayed to get rid of the opponent, leave here.

"Want to escape? Which is so easy?" Qianhongzi, Duan Yong, Yue Yu, Fei Xue four people are not indomitable, think about it to block.

And the sword is unparalleled, it is a cold.

"It's hard to have a chance to get started with people who destroy the sanctuary, how can they escape, at least one or two, I am going to have a murder, and he has seen it. The baby who is ready to retreat, but his body is slightly shackled.

~~~ The sword is unparalleled.

At least within the perception of everyone, he completely disappeared.

That Su Ying is ready to go with Thunder God, her speed is not slow, and it is very close to Lei Zhen.

Can be surprised ... a swimming sword light appears from her, and instantly stabbed her heart.

This sword is too sudden, and the speed is incredible. The most important thing is that there is no power and silence.

Su Yinggen does not have any response.


A scream of screaming is issued from Su Yingkou. This baby is hard, but I found that a bloody sword has sent her chest. At the same time, it integrates into the three drops of the three drops of the blood in the sword. Start playing its effect.

~~~ This baby's body is instantly crashed.

"not good!!"

"Su Yingshi!"

Thunder, there is also the top three faces in the destruction of the Sanctuary.

They are preparing to evacuate here, and the Tempse of the Time and Space is chasing. In this way, Su Ying is actually chasing it by the other party, and it is also directly defeating the body ... Although Su Ying is only a population of the body, there is still no death, but You know, when the body is reorganizing, it is impossible to move, and the Temporaries of the Tempoken Temple, this is a crazy head to Su Ying.

"Kill her!"

"Haha, can't escape?"

Thousands of inn, Duan Yong, Yue Yu, Fei Xue are not hesitant, the Su Ying's body is still in the future, and it is devastated, and even a few people have not made a rescue, they are directly Kill.

"Damn !!"

Three people in Lei Shen and the destruction of the sanctuary saw this scene, and the face is ugly to the extreme, but there is no way.


Thunder is low, and these four people go to the front.

And the sword is unparalleled, and there is no more chasing.

The big battlefield is so quiet.

The sword is unparalleled, looking at the void of the Su Yong's death, the face is indifferent, "It is a strong person from the three major sanctuary, and the power is more than the ordinary peak people. The blood peak sword can be integrated into three drops of cold blood venom. These three drops of blood venom are enough to erode in general, under normal circumstances, the general peak, my two swords are enough to kill! "

"And this Su baby, I just missed it, he was defeated by my sword, and his strength was only lost."

PS: Today is more coming!

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