

Blood wave, among the void.

The sword is unparalleled in front of the front. All the way has a collision with the destruction of the Sanctuary, although there are many strong people in the middle of the road, but there is no hand in hand.

"According to our speed, it is estimated that there will be half a day, it will arrive in the center area of ​​the blood wave, there are many strong people, but all the top, the top, the top, will not be concentrated in the area, and in the blood wavelength Before the birth, there will be a period of time. In this peace, many people who don't die will be challenge each other, especially the strong people on the halon list, but also become a lot of people to compete with challenges! "

"Emperor, you have played with Thunder God before, obviously occupy the wind, the strength is probably enough to take the top five of the true holy list, wait until the center area, you don't want to find the top five of the top five in the holy list to challenge? "Thousands of enemies have been interested in the emperor."

The central area of ​​the blood wavefront, the strong intensive is too much, and all kinds of challenges have naturally become very frequent.

"Don't worry, I will have a chance." The emperor cooled.

This is a thousand brows.

Obviously, the emperor also wants to compete for a competition, and he does this strength.

"Thousands of thousands, you are also invincible, and the strength is not good, don't you want to go to the true holy list, even if it is in the end, can you play the world?" Yue Yu hit fun .

"The true sanctuary, all of them are monsters, I can challenge them." Thousands of killed shook their heads.

Six people plundered, while talking at will, the atmosphere is not bad.

at this time……

"Well, someone?" Qianhong suddenly looked up.

The sword is unparalleled, and the five people who are standing in front of the void.

"Five people, the person headed ... is the Soviet Union of the Moon Month!" Thousands of Universal said.

"Su Xie?" The sword is unparalleled, I remembered that I saw the information about this Susie.

Su Xie, the top of the Zhen Sheng list, with long whip is a soldier blade, whispered, once, with a strong force, two invincible saints.

"Although the ranking is twenty-four, it is considered to be in the bottom of the true saints, but as long as it can be ranked, it is extremely strong." The sword is unparalleled.

"They came over." Thousands of Andrones.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Susie five people have already gone.

See this, the sword is unparalleled and six people stop, but there is no back.

After all, there is no holiday, and there is no festival with the magical month, and then ... The five people of the fantasy month, obviously be far better than the Tempiology Temple.

This side of the Tempoken Temple, naturally not afraid.

"Su Xie, what do you want?" The emperor is indifferent, looking at the five people from the previous one.

"Gigg, nothing, just see the arrival of the Temporant Temple," Specially come over and greeted. "Su Xie is weird, and when you talk, her eyes are slightly turned, and the sword is not a few people.

Half-ring, her eyes are completely condensed in the sword unparalleled.

"If I didn't see the wrong words, that, was it three hundred years ago, the Jian Tianhou, who is famous for the gods?" Asked Su Xie.

"It is me." The sword is not a hyper point, nor does it deny your identity.

"Hey, three hundred years ago, you can kill the seven-order holy in the fourth-order real holy, and now I will reach the sixth level, and I dare to go directly to this bloody world." Su Xie praised.

"Su Xie, you have to say, if you have nothing, don't block our way." Qianhong's low departure.

"Of course, of course, we will leave immediately." Su Xie said, the body shape is still going back, but in the back of the back, her eyes flange, "Hand !!"

One 'Hand', then after Su Xie, I have already prepared a lot of ice immediately.

Hey ~~~ A shared energy fluctuating, from the disc among the discs, the moment is a huge cyan abassury, and go directly to the four-sided eight-way, and will be covered around the world.

Just blinking, this time and space where the sword is unparalleled is already blocked.

"Time and space blockade?"


"not good!!"

The sword is not double six people.

"Su Xie, you can't find it!" The emperor sounded cold.

"Looking for death? Hey, I am afraid that I am not us." Su Xie is cold and cold, and at the same time, the voids on both sides, but there are several people who have rumored, and they appear in an instant Beside Susie.

And the faces of the people, emperors, thousands of people, and swords have become ugly.

"Thunder !!"

"Destroy the Sanctuary !!"

The people are in the destruction of the Sanctuary of Thunder, Wan.

Coupled with the five people in the magical month, the fourteen strong, appeared in front of the sword.

"You are in the temple of Time and Space." Thunder is full of deep purple thunder, endless violent breath spread, the cold eyes are also glanced at the sword without double six people.

"That person, is the Jian Tianhou?" Wong Wah is smiling and staring at the sword. "You can let the Lord of the Southern order, I am very curious about him."

"He is going to be a dead person. Is there anything is curious?" Thunder god smiled.

The two people talked from self-contained, and they did not put six people in the temple in their eyes.

Six people in the Tempihood Temple are very lighter.

"Destroy the Sanctuary plus the magic month, a total of 14 unstead of sacrifices, including the six people in the enemy saints, the peaks of the saints, the gods, Wanxi, Su Xian is the strong man, this, we trouble Big !! "

"I knew that this destruction of the holy area will not be so easy to make a good time, and now it is true !!"

"The gap is so big, what should we do?"

"What can I do, the time and space has been completely blocked, and the method of blocking the time and space is blocked. It is not really strong, I am afraid it is that the emperor is full of power, there is no way to block this time and space, there is no way, we can only fight Kill, with the power of me six people, even if you destroy the sanctuary and the magic months, I want to eat us, I am afraid it is not so easy. "


Under the exchange of six people, it has been agreed.


At this time, the sword was unparalleled, but suddenly opened.

Emperor, thousands of thousands of people also immediately saw it in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, icy, slightly spit four words, "kill the heart !!"

The emperor is five people, and immediately understand it.


PS: Today is more coming!

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