Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3218 to strong ax

(The first to come!)


"Hand !!"


Emperor, Qianhongzi, Duan Yong, Yue Yu, Feixue and swords are unparalleled, they are directly killed.

"Haha, people in the Temporal Temple, really don't work!" The ruins of the sanctuary laughed with the moonlight.

"The Jian Tianhou is handed over to me, I will kill him." Su Xie smiled indifferent.

"Wan Zuxi, you and I join hands, I will learn the emperor." Thunder God said.

He didn't dare to kill the emperor directly.

After all, invincible saints, it is really difficult to hurt, but it is very difficult.

On the truth, there is only the three top three in the top three to kill the invincible saints alone.

And the power of the emperor is terrible, enough to take the first five invincible saints in the true Sheng list, they did not dare to stay here completely here.

It is not bad to be able to teach emperors.

The people of the two sides are unique, and they are quickly collided with the front.

"Jian Tianhou, death!"

Su Xie sent a strange slider, her figure seems to pass through the crowd appeared in front of the sword, then the gentle green whip in his hand, it is like a green dragon. Its flexible body is moving directly to the sword.

The speed is too fast, and the power is stronger, and when the long whipped void, the sound of the air burst is also passed.

This matter, the emperor, thousands of thousands of people, have been fighting with their respective opponents, and no one can help the sword.

The sword is unparalleled with yourself.

"True list!"

There is no double-faced dignity. In the moment of this war broke out, he has shown all seven-star secrets, punishment, and Jiu Yaoxingjia three secrets, and the war has achieved extreme.

When the green long whip was blown up with him, his body was draging.

No double sword, ! !

" !

The sword is unparalleled in swordsman, and the most powerful sword is swept directly.

The scarlet swords, collided with the green whistle, and a crumpled, terrible power swept, and the blood peak sword was shattered, and the Suvir wrist was free to twist.


It is also a two whip to the sword without double swept.

The sword is unparalleled can only force the sword to resist.

Snapped! Snapped!

It is also two crisp sounds.

The first whip, directly defeat the sword unparalleled sword, and the rough flaming of the ripple is on the sword, there is no double body, so the sword is unparalleled, and the body is also arrested, but the second whip of the continued hind, no Any hinders directly crashing the sword without a double population.


The sword is unparalleled, soon, he will be restruistic, he stands in the void, full of shocking looks at Su Xie in front of him.

"too strong!!"

"Is this the fighting power of the true holy?"

The sword is unhousnating the bottom of the sky.

He asked himself that it is not weak. If you have an effort, even if you encounter a general invincible saint, you can barely fight against one or two. However, with this Soviet, just a photo, the Su Xie is just a three whip, The first whip is directly crushed on the power power.

The second whip will make him hit hard, and the third whip is to let him collapse on the spot.

The gap is too big! !

Moreover, this Su Xie is just a twenty-four in the true saints. It is still the existence of the bottom. It can be used to rank the front of the emperor. Thunder is so strong, and there is a true holy list. Can you kill the three existence of the invincible saints, what levels have you needed?

The sword is unparalleled, and the Su Xie has once again killed again.

It is at this time ...

! !

A horrible power, the most central brochure of the battlefield.

The world around the world is also directly dark.

A darkness in the world, as if it falls into a virtual no time and space.

Even the sound is completely disappeared.

On the battlefield, many strong people in both sides were horrified to look at the same place.

There, in the dark center, a indifferent figure stood there, his hand lifted a giant ax.

The giant ax is two meters long, but at this moment, this huge ax is slowly in the waves.

It is this process of waving the giant ax, but it has made some people in the field showed a shocking color.

"This ax ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is very horrified.

He can feel a horrible power from this ax, and the most important thing is that he also in this ax in this ax at the same time inherently induced two rule power.

"A axless, contains destruction rules, but also contains time and space rules?"

"At the same time contain two rules? How is this possible?"

"Rule, is it integrated?"

Everyone stunned.

Although it is Raytheon and Wath, there are some tattooed trees.

You know, this horrible, an ax, is the two of them.

"Be careful !!" Thunder got a sharpness, and there was an endless thunderstorm cover.

That 10,000 rotations have suddenly skyrocket, and the two are desperate at this moment.

But the ax is swinging ... I have seen it, it is ruined, and the invincible! !

The ax is missing, everything is exhausted.

boom! boom!

The two wolves are incomparable, and it seems that the shells take out from the central battlefield.

These two people, it is a thunder and Wan Xuan with the emperor, but they can be slightly shaved in the moment, and the two of the two people have just collided, and one collapsed nearly 40%, another One is more almost collapsed, more than 70%! !

To know, this is two people to join hands to fight the ax, the result of the body collapsed so much, this is to be alone, face the ax, the body is probably thoroughly collapsed.

"Emperor !!" Thunder's eyes flashed, and the heart was also extremely shocking.

Suddenly ... The emperor who is shocking, and the emperor who fleszes from Raytheon and Wan Xuan, but the figure is a fierce, and the strangeness has appeared next to the battlefield, one side of the silver hamper, and The giant ax in your hand also fell directly.


The silver-haired old man is a peak saints in the sanctuary. He has just been with people to deal with Yue Yu, although it also noticed that the battle between the emperor and thunderstorms, but did not dare to bother, but he was 10,000 Unexpectedly, the emperor, actually took the initiative to find him.

boom! !

A mighty ax, although there is no horrible scary, but the power is strong enough to make the peak saints desperate.

At least this silver, older is completely unable to abine the ability.


A loud noise, this silver-old, the body of the body instantly, and that the giant ax contained the strong destruction power, and the power of the silver hair was mostly annihilated.

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