Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3225 proposes



Thirty strong people on the true saints, most of them are the genius strong cultivated by some top forces, but there are also a few people belong to the Supreme!

The bright king is one of the few excitement in the true sanctuary.

And his character is relatively arrogant, rarely deal with the top forces of the Taijie Shenjie.

And the silver wolf with the ancient truth, a sanctuary from the sanctuary of the life and death, a sanctuary from the Yanzi, which is obviously three major sanctuary.

"Bright king, don't worry, let's take a look at this." The silver wolf waved, and he lied a monk to Guangming Wang.

The bright king is connected to the symbol, slightly, and the spin will find the message in the contest.

Silver wolf is waiting quietly.

"Two, do you say this bright king will promise?" Nine palace saints.

"I don't know." The silver wolf shook his head, "I don't know what it is in the end of the governor, but the highest level of my life and death is, I want to hand it over to Guang Ming Wang, and still Said that as long as the bright king sees the things among the things, it will not refuse. "

"Oh?" The nine palace saints browned.

In front, then the bright king read the message in the log, but it was directly silent.

This silence is still a long time.

For a long time, Guangming Wang is re-raising, and his eyes are swaying, "Say, what do you want to do with you?"

I heard this, the silver wolf, the nine palace, and the ancient truth.

"It seems that this is the thing, and it's nothing to make this bright king." The nine palace saints smiled.

"Guangming Wang." The silver wolf is a positive color: "We want you to help us and kill someone."

"With the strength of you, join hands, in this blood wave, there are no few people who are killed, who is you going to kill? Is it difficult to be a holy devil?" Guangming Wang frowned.

"It's not a holy magic, this person even has no qualifications, but he has mastered a quantger, not bad, and he is still the temple of time and space, and the Tempoken Temple has entered the blood wave. Six people, there is the strength of the soul, the thunder of the sanctuary, and the two people teamed up. They were repelled by him, and they didn't accidentally accidentally had the top three combat efforts in the true saints. " Wolf.

"Is this?" Guangming Wang nodded slightly, but it is a smile, "That is to say, it is necessary to kill the person, this person is not difficult, when will we start?"

"Now, let's go to Ray, let them meet them." Silver wolf said.

Soon, four people have been moving.


In the calm void, the remaining eight people in the Sanctuary gathered together.

Thunder God is standing high, and his eyes have been staring in front.

At this time, four people suddenly gave birth to the front.

"It's coming." Thunder God is bright and the eyes are bright.

And the four people appeared in front of them.

The four shapes have also been connected.

You can see these four people, and everyone who destroys the sanctuary is stunned.

"This, this is ..."

"The fifth silver wolf ranked tenth in the real sanctuary, this woman is a nine palace, the last ... Guangming king !!!"

"Scorpio !!"

The few strong people in the destruction of the sanctuary were full of eyes, and they looked at the four people in front of them.

Even if Lei Shen is also completely shocked.

They have just received the news from the Lord of Tianwei. I know that the two major sanctuary will have strong people to come to share with them, and then go to kill the swords, but he doesn't know who will come.

They used to think that the top of the two sanctuary came at the same time.

But I didn't expect ... In addition to the two major sanctuary of the Silver Wolf, the ancient truth arrived, the bright king and the nine palace saints, a true holy board, the third horror of the true holy board, even arrived ?

"Thunder, the purpose we arrive, you should not need to say more, you are already clear, I will ask you now, there is a six-person place in the sky, you know?" The silver wolf asked directly.

"Know, of course, I know." Thunder is looking back.

A few days ago, they did six people with the magical months, but they were killed. After they were killed, they didn't dare to find the trouble of time and space, but they have been staring at the Tematic Temple. Six people Static.

Hey, the position of the Six people, he certainly knows.

"That's good, things are not suitable, we will start now." Silver Wolfway.

"Good." Thunder nodded, people who destroy the sanctuary also got up.

A group of people plundered in the direction of Time and Space Temple.

On the way ...

"All the people, there are two things, I have to talk to the people, the first thing, the first thing, the people of the Tempiors, and one of the time and space rules, and one by one master transient , The sword is, it should have been mastered, so we must first complete their time and space before you have a transient flight, and prevent them from escaping. "Thunder God.

"This is given to me." The ancient truth is directly opened. "I have a treasure in my hand, I can instantly block the time and space, and the range is widely covered. I can directly urge the treasure directly before they have not I haven't detected me. Definitely can completely block their time and space before they have some obvious, showing instantaneous escape. "

"So, the first thing is able to solve, is now the second thing, that is, the swordsman's quasi, very stunning." Thunder's frowning said, the reason for the killing of the magical months before, Eat the sword unparalleled losses.

"This is not difficult." The nine palace saints are flat, "" The Jian Tianhou's sorrow, I have heard that it is a lot of years ago, it is indeed very strange, but he is just a The sixth-order hairdresses, I have just started to get started with this quad, and the peak of the soul, the peak of the soul, can feel the soul, induction, and his quasi, in front of me, but also Invisible. "

Nine palace saints, incomparable confidence.

To know, the nine palace saints, she is best to be the soul! !

Her soul means is the first in this era, recognized first.

The sword is unparalleled, of course, it is impossible to pass her.

"In addition to me, the brightness of Guangming Wang is also extremely high, and it can also be perceived that the sword is the existence of the sword." The nine palace saints laughed.

"Since these two troubles have been solved, then this sword is, it will die!" "Thunder laugh."

At this time, the silver wolf next to it suddenly said: "I have a proposal. Anyway, we are all people who want to kill the temple of time and space. It is better to simmer all the six people in the Tempoken Temple."


PS: Today is more coming!

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