Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3226 Golden France

(The first to come!)


"Six people in the Temporant Temple, all killed?" Everyone is a big.

Thunder God looks at the ancient kids, and the two flashed a different color.

The three major sanctuary and the temple of time and space, this is not comparative hot, long years, there are many strong people who die in each other, their killing has already happened, and this time they have to sword Tianhou shot, if it is killing the swordsman, the remaining five people are also killed, and it is natural to be good.

However, although they have this idea, they can be bright and the Kyun, but they are not happy.

"I refuse." Guangming Wang directly.

"I also refused." The Nine palace also opened.

"Silver wolf, you have the power of the Temporant of Time and Space, you will start the people of the Temporant Temple, naturally, but I am different from the nine palace saints." Guangming Wang voice is cold, "Time and Space Temple, then after all It is one of the three free unions of the Taijie Shenjie, and there is no match, if it is too embarrassing of the Temporary Temple ... Don't say that the district is not dead, even if it is the rule of the rules, I am afraid that I can't bear the anger of the Temple of Temple. "

The bright king is very clear, although he is the first, the most confirmed the strongest saint of this era, but in front of the hometown of Time and Space, he is just a little guy, the Tempi Temple is not only a lot of strong people, the most It is important to use a very high application of time and space rules.

It was really stared at the temple of time and space, and he did not even flee the opportunity.

Therefore, he only helped the three major sanctuary to kill the sword, but they were all killed in the Six people of the Tempoken Temple. He is not so bold.

"Single singing swordsman one person, the Temporator Temple has anger, but it is not to deliberately staring at us, but once it will kill all the six people in the sky, then you will end with time and space. Wang Ke can not have such a big background. "Nine palace saints also said.

"Haha, I just talk about it." The silver wolf could not help but smile, but some regrets.

Everyone continued to flour.

"All the position, there is a place to arrive in the six people in Time and Space Temple." Raythe said.

"The ancient truth, gave you it." The silver wolf looked at the ancient law.

"Well." The ancient truth nodded slightly, and immediately turned to come up.

That is a square gold stone. This gold stone is also filled with a strange force. With the ancient truth, the moment of will explode from this golden stone, and covers the incredible speed. Go, instantly covered the surrounding time and space.


On a sidewalk, swords are unparalleled, emperor, thousands of And Yu Yu, Feixue gathered together, and the front of the voids slowly shrouded.

"Duan Ya, good!"

"The peak saints are repaired, directly resistant to an invincible saints, after this war, the name of your waves will definitely improve a lot."

"Unfortunately, you have not defeated the Liu Cheng, or your name will be bigger."

Thousands of people smiled casually.

Just just, Duan waves took the initiative to challenge the surrounding invincible saints Liu Cheng, and the last result is that the two sides will not have anyone, can only make it.

"You don't take me, this willow City is in the bottom of the invincible saints, let alone when he is fighting me, I obviously feel that he has not fulfilled, he is all right, I am afraid I will defeat." Lamp is a laugh.

"This is, Liu Cheng refers to the dark rules, and the most good at the sneak attack, the front is not his strength." Thousands of broilers said.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the look is quite weird.

Just fight against Liu City, he kept in the eyes, and Liu Cheng also specializes in sneak attack. He also showed some sneak attack means in the battle of the waves, and also brought some touch to the sword.

You must know that the sword is unparalleled before entering the blood wave, but it has been in our constipation, and the blood blade sword is all.

To now, the blood blade sword is almost the same, but it still feels missing something, but this battle, but he has made some masses.

"Now the blood wavefield is only ten days. It is still a while from the blood wave, maybe for a while, maybe before the blood wave, I have to realize the blood blade sword." Sword is unparalleled .

Once you have comploated blood blade swordsmanship, then in line with the shadow, his assassination will reach a brand new level, and the overall fighting power will skyrise.

"I hope to come." The sword is unmainted.

It can be at this time ... the changing is a sudden!

! !

One of the golden lights suddenly lit up, and in the moment of everyone, it was observed, and the golden light was already spread, and the surrounding time and space was completely covered.


"not good!!"

The crowd of swords and spaces in the Temporal Temple is changing.

And there is hundreds of strong people in this time and space, and I am very shocked.

"what happened?"

"Who is, actually using the trouble to block this time and space?"

"The battle of blood wave is not yet started yet? What is the way to block the time and space now?"

More people are fascinating, unclear who has reminded this golden abundance, and I don't know what they have urged this golden law.

After the abration is completely formed, there is more than ten years of shadows from the source of the golden light.

More than 10 years of shadows have been emitted with unparalleled power, even the weakest is strong peaks, and the invincible saints are more, especially those who are headed, any one is enough. Causes a sensation in the blood wavefront! !

The hundred strong people in this time and space have already been seen that the arrival of more than ten people, and when they see the face of more than ten people, they have been shocked by one after they are sure.

"The third nine palace saints ranked third in the real sanctuary, the silver wolf of the sanctuary, the ancient people of the sanctuary of the Yanzi, and the thunderstorm and Wanhe !!"

"These five people are all strong, and they are very high, how can I get together?"

"These five people teamed up with the blood bank, who can block?"

A horrified voice, which sounds at this time.

The five real sanners are all in front of the ranking, and this lineup is of course shocking.

"Hey, you look at that person, walk in the last person, that person ... Is it a bright king?"

At this time, a sound with a horrible sound suddenly sounded.

When you hear this, everyone's eyes are brush and lock them.


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