Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3229 Self-break



Boom ~~~

Away, the cyan sticks appeared in the world, and these cyan sticks were overlapped, completely gathered together, in addition to this cyan stick, also contained two different rules.

The light rules and the rules of the wind, the two different rules, but the perfect integration.

It is because of these two different rule integration, so that this stick is extremely horrible.

Looking at this stick, the emperor's eyes turned away, and the destruction of the destruction suddenly skyrocked on the next moment, and the giant ax in his hand was raised.

At the moment, a shocking power started to condense in the giant ax, and the power of two different rules is equally diffused from this giant.

The power of these two rules is destruction rules and time and space rules, respectively! !

"This ax ..."

"There are two major rules?"

"Scorpio, this emperor, is it not integrated with two major rules?"

The people around the battle were shocked.

Nine palace gods, silver wolves, and ancient people and others are also shocked.

There are two major rules in the stick law of the light king. This is in all the expectations of everyone. After all, they know that the light king is blending two rules.

But the emperor ... Never I have heard that he integrates two major rules?

But now this ax, clearly contain two different rules!

"It's this ax !!"

Thunder God and Wan Xida also face each other, they met this ax, before two of them joined hands, it was defeated by the emperor.

The most central in the battlefield, under all of the people, the emperor's ax is finally coming.

! !

A horrible power, the most central brochure of the battlefield.

The world around the world is also directly dark.

A darkness in the world, as if it falls into a virtual no time and space.

Even the sound is completely disappeared.

In this unilaterally dark, this hammer, the shock and one of the bright king, the front of it.

In an instant of contact, a explosive roar echoed.

The sound is deafening, making a lot of people in the heart, and there is no long after the collision, the gap between these two power has been reflected.

I saw that there is a destruction, the two rules of the time and space, started to defeat, the giant ax being changed, and the body shape of the emperor is a wolf, and the rear of the wolf is out. After the edge of the battlefield, he paused, and after stopping, the emperor is sinking, and there is a blood flow out of the mouth.

Obviously, under this collision, his body was subjected to a lot of damage.

"Failure !!"

"The end of the emperor is still defeated."

"Does he just have two major rules? Also combined with two rules, how can you lose?"

Among the people watching the battle, there was a buzzing.

There are also many people who are puzzled. When I just showed the ax, I made many people all the awareness of him. I had to fight against the bright king, but I didn't expect to be true, I have appeared in an instant. difference.

However, some powerful strengths, the strong eyes of the eye, have seen it immediately.

"No, the emperor just has just that ax, although it contains two rules, but feels that the two major rules are not perfectly integrated!"

"But there is no perfect integration, just to complement each other, integrate with real rules, is still too far."

"No matter what to say, this emperor can make such an ax come and have a very much."

Everyone is awkward.

In the central center of the battlefield, the bright king is laughing at the moment, "Haha, emperor, it seems that I have to recover the words you just said, I just thought that your strength can only be ranked third, distance The nine palace saints also a little gap, but you just have the ax ... Although it is not integrated with two rules, it is barely stacked together, you can do this, your strength is no longer weaker than the nine palace, even Also stronger !! "

"The ranking on the True Holy List, you are enough to rank in the third place, second only to me with the holy magic !!"

Bright king as everyone's face, obviously recognizes the strength of the emperor, and even think that the emperor can be ranked third in the true saints, ranking in front of the Nine palace, which makes the nine palace saints next to watching slightly wrinkled Start, but there is no refutation.

Indeed, the emperor who has just just that ax, the strength is really better than she wants to slightly.

When I heard the light of the light, the emperor was low Shen: "I just just barely stack two rules, and I will not be able to flex in two major rules, I don't want to defeat you, just want to know How many gaps are present to you, and now it seems that this gap is a big score. If I have not guess wrong, you just haven't played the end of the two rules. "

"Haha, smart, I just had that stick, just putting a 50% of the integration power of the two rules." Guangming Wang smiled.

I heard the words, and the emperor smiled.

The people around the battle are very shocked.

They didn't think of it, and Guangming Wang just showed, it was easily crushed with the stick of the emperor's strongest recruitment, but did not go all out?

Just just put the two rules of integration of 50%?

Then, if he is full, put the two rules of integration power, how is he?

Everyone thinks, it will not be cold.

"Well, this battle has come here, next, it should be a matter." The voice of the silver wolf suddenly sounded.

Subsequently, everyone watched the eyes in the past.

The battle of the emperor and the light king is just a sudden change.

But this three major sanctuary is so astition, and the real purpose, the end is still the sword.

"Jian Tianhou, people in your space Temple, except for the emperor, others have left, this, you can be died in peace." Thunder cooled.

Before the battle between the emperor and the light king, the four people have left this time and space, which is the ancient tribut to open a space channel around the golden law array. They are proud to leave, seeing them four, The ancient truth is blocked and the sword is not a double still does not escape the opportunity.

"Jian Tianhou, in front of me, you have no possibilities, I have been a shocking genius, give you a chance, you have broken it." The silver wolf also said.

"Self-discracery?" The sword didn't have a double eyebrow, and the mouth also had a strange smile. "I want to break itself, I will rely on you?"


PS: Today is more coming!

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