Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3230 Slap



"If I have broken it it, I will be equipped with you."

The sword is unparalleled with a ridicule sounds in this world. At the same time, his spiritual breath has suddenly skyrocket, and the blood peeled sword of the cold and temperament has also appeared in his hands. Shares rushed to the sky, but also straight to the nine.

This scene, it is to let the people in the three major sanctuary be laughed.

"Look at this, it is planning to do sleepy beasts." The silver wolf laughed.

"It's really mincochang, it's all, since he is not willing to break it, then we can only have some hands and feet." Ancient truth.

"I came to shoot." Thunder's eyes are swaying a layer of killing, "I have had two experiences in the Sanctuary and Time and Space Temple. The result is because of this Jian Tianhou's relationship, each loss is one person, this Jian Tianhou should be killed by me. "

Silver wolf and the ancient kids face each other, there is no opinion.

"However, this sword is quite quite blame, the nine palace saints, how is the power of me?" Thunder got to see the nine palace saints next to it.

"Yes." Nine palace saints did not refuse.

"So, let's kill." Thunder said, in his body, the big piece of dark purple lightning, with his body shape, a lightning suddenly shouted.

At the moment of Lei Shen's body, the nine palace saints were suddenly seen in the sword.

"Jian Tianhou, you see, my beauty?" The nine palace holy girl mouth opened, and the jade hand lifted, showed a charm.

The nine palace saints are a human being unparalleled, and there is a lot of people in the world, and now the nine palace saints will have a posture, but many people around the surroundings become hot.

As for the sword, there is no parallel, but his eyes are fierce.

He has already perceived a unique force to cover him. This force is constantly impacting his mood, affecting his consciousness, and finally, even intended to fully occupy his awareness.

"This is ... fairy !!" The sword was unparalleled and shocked, and he immediately sounded a scene that he saw himself.

That is still very early, I have been born in this day, and a mysterious woman I encountered, Mu Yumi is Miss Miss.

At the beginning, he saw the simple sentence of this child's simple, one of the eyes, let several cultivars commit suicide! !

At that time, the means used by Miss, not the soul control, but it should be a fairy! !

Just like the stylish of the nine palace saints.

Just one fell, in a quiet voice, completely occupy the other party's consciousness, let the other party listen to its own arrangement.

"Hey, the district is fine, and I want to control me?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is awkward, and the body is just a slight shock, and the power is directly driven away.

"Well? It's so easy to resist my chariity? This sword is very strong, the mood is very strong.

She doesn't know that the sword is unparalleled, but the two are all in the endless blind, a lot of bloody rain is growing, and his heart is like a rock, it doesn't move.

Although the nine palace saints, the general peaks, the peaks of the peaks, is really not so easy to resist his stunning, but this stunning wants to affect the sword and unparalleled, but there is no realistic.

"Unfortunately, there is nothing to stop." The Nine palace saint said.

The color of the sword is already changed, because while he resists the nine palace saints, the thunderous light has appeared in front of him, and a cold spear is deep. Under the purple Thunder, it has been straight to the sword without a double chest blowout.

The sword is unparalleled, just got rid of the stomette, facing this direct burst, it is not coming to resist.

! !

A loud noise, the long spear thorns in the sword unparalparts, and instantly penetrate the golden warfaret between the swords without the sword, and did not enter the sword unparalleled poppy. Directly flow through the sword. After the spear passed into the body, the spears took a lot of Thunder's power, it was crazy to destroy everything. At this moment, it was not only crashed with the sword without single, and also annihilated a lot of swords.


The pound of the power rolls, the sword is unparalleled, and the body is again reorganized.

He stood in the void and looked at the nine palace saints in front of the nine palace and thunder.

"The Jiugong Saints, the third of the haman, and there is no good at the soul, I also know how to make a fashionable, my shadow, in front of him, there is no effect, as for Thunder, the strength is also unparalleled, he casually I can't resist it. He two people got hands, I didn't have any balanced rooms at all. "The sword is unmarkable, but he will flash a firm.

"Since I can't resist the front, I will directly display killer !!"

"Round back six !!"

There is no double body shape in the sword, but the horse has a round of reincarnation rules.

~~~ A large number of power is touched, and it has formed a huge power of the sea in an instant, but the power of this power is crazy.

"Hellway, extremely hot hell !!"


The vast power of the sea, the feeling of the sky is actually evaporated in an instant.

Under the influence of the reincarnation, the sky has begun to change, just blinking, the whole world is completely popular, as if it is completely in the stove, and this stove temperature, high incredible.

Torked ~~~ The void is crazy, the whole world, the endless void seems to be directly melted.

Renaixiang six, the sword is unparalleled in the Tiantian secretary, this secret is one of the most stronger smelt scholars.

At the beginning, he was in the fourth-order peers, just a seven-order true holy who was killing in the front.

Now, this secret is once again displayed from his hands.

Result ...

"The temperature is quite high, even I need to urinate the baking of this hot temperature." Raytheon deeply turned into hell, but his look is quite indifferent, obviously this extreme heat hell He did not have much impact on him.

Even he is so, that strength is better than him, naturally it can easily resist the temperature in this extremely hot hell.

See this, the sword is unparalleled.

"Hellway, extremely cold hell !!" The sword didn't bite the teeth.


The hot red sky has suddenly disappeared, and it is a cold cold.

The big world, the time and space instantly frozen.

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