Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3231 Lonely Hell



Cold, cold to the extreme.

!! !

The void is under this horrible coolness, and a lot of fog is blocked, and it seems to be freezed to crack.

From the just hot hell, I entered the nine palace saints and thunder gods in the extremely cold hell, and they also followed the cold erosion of this shocking.

"This chill, the hot breath is better than the hot breath, but I have to resist it. I can resist it, but the power consumes very fast." Thunder is slightly frown, but there is still not much discomfort.

As for the nine palace, it is surprised to look at the sword is unparalleled, open mouth, "This sword is very low, although the realm is very low, the means is really a lot, and the secret surgery of him now is now, the power is very good. However, he seems to be too low on the reincarnation rules, otherwise it is that I want to resist this trick, it is not easy. "


Returning to six, this secret is very strong, very terrible!

However, this secret of this secret is related to its own reincarnation rules, the higher the feelings of the sword, the reincarnation rules, the more terrible of this trick, and naturally.

The sword is unparalleled in time is 300 years. It has been concentrating on the time and space rules. He is now in the third stage, and there is still a small gap between the fourth stage.

This kind of sentiment, in order to be a seventyle-level holy, but in front of the peak of the saints and even invincible saints, it is somewhat not enough, just because this secretary level is too high, he now show this Two hells, they can cause some troubles to gave the nine palace saints and Raytheon, but only there were some troubles.

"Single alone, hell with ultra-cold hell, really can't do it, so, then you can only rely on the last trick." The sword has no eyes and cold, looking into a very cold hell, still did not show too big uncomfortable The Nine-palace saints and thunder, the next moment, he is a finger.

"Hellway, the third, loneliness !!"

~~~ Endless reincarnation, sudden sweeping.

The very cold hell disappeared, and it is a boundless darkness. ,

Yes, it is dark, this darkness is not boundless, there is no shine, as if it seems boundless void.

The nine palace saints and thunder have been completely caught in this slanting dark void.

As for the sword, there is a unparalleled, it is standing outside the boundless darkness, quietly looking at the scene inside.

At the beginning, the Nine-palace saints and Raytheon were in this no dark void, but only a moment, Raythe God began to change slightly, after a while, the face of Thunder has already emerged, and This irritability is more intensified.

Go later ...

"Ah !!"

A slutty from the snorkeling of the gods, and the gods also emerged, he was crazy in the boundless dark void, and at the same time waving the spear of the hand, but I haven't touched the real thing.

His state, it is obviously more and more violent, more and more crazy.

"what happened?"

"What happened to Ray God?"

"How is the good end, how to become like this?"

The people around the battle are doubtful. They don't understand, why is Raythene become like this, what did he encountered in the boundless dark void?

"It's a bit wrong." The silver wolf is sinking.

"See it, do you want us to shoot directly?" Ancient truth.

"Don't worry, look at." Silver Wolfway.

At this time, the nine palace saints in the boundless dark void, but the beautiful eyes suddenly looked up, and the moment of lifting a green rays shun in front of the sky, and then appeared in front of the nine palace. Everything is full of foggy to disappear.

"It turns out, it is really a terrible means, even I have fallen into it for such a long time." The nine palace saints smiled, and then she was directly in the next madness. Thunder.


It's cold, and the nine palace saints once again burst into the blue rays directly in Lei God.

Under the shining of this cyan rays, Razi will also start breaking away.

After breaking away, Raythe is afraid after a while.

"It's terrible, good and terrible illusion !!" Thunder is a bit horrified.

"No, this is not illusion, but a secret of a unique reincarnation. If I have not guess, we have just fallen into the world, this round of the world is endless, if it is unable to return to the world from this round Once, then we can only go forward, to bear this, lonely, loneliness, short time, long time, ten people estimate all mad !! "" Temporary Tang Mangao.

Thunder is shaking slightly, he is dead and staring at the sword of the front. "This little child, there is such a terrible means, but fortunately, there are Jiuguan Harmony, you will save, otherwise I am afraid I really planted in his hand. "

Thunder God is very clear that he has just a dangerous situation.

It's almost a little, and the situation in his mood is completely abolished.

And the sword is unparalleled to see the nine palace saints and thunderstorms have been unfortunate from the lonely hell, but some regrets.

"Unfortunately, I am lonely hell, although I can deal with Raytheon, but I want to pay for the soul and the nine palace of the soul and the fairy, still have a lot of difference." The sword was unparalleled secretly shook his head.

Rotating six, the third hell of hell road, loneliness hell, and even the most terrible tricks in the hell road.

Lonely hell, its meaning is the same as his name, is the word lonely.

Once the loneliness is caught in the lonely hell, if he will break away from the loneliness hell, then he will stay in the loneliness of hell, like just, it is just a moment of engraving, but it can actually go to the nine palace. The woman is staying for tens of thousands of years in loneliness hell! !

To know, it is alone in the boring boundless dark voids, and they can't see a shower, even if they can't hear a sound, they can only walk the front of the front, this taste, It is not an unusual person.

It is even Raytheon who is absolutely lonely in these tens of thousands of years, and his mood is dangerous, and there is no state in the madness.

Fortunately, at the end, the nine palace holy girl saved him.


PS: Today is second more!

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