Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3236 is played

(The first to come!)


"This, this is?"


Seeing the shade of the sword has disappeared, and even if the Guangming Wang and the Nine palace saints can't feel the half-point trail of the sword, the many strong people in the three sanctuary are quite, but the next moment is direct A burst of exclaimed.

"How can it be?"

"It's impossible!" The ancient tribut is a burst of drinking on the spot. "This time and space is completely under my golden law block. How can he make an instantaneous movement in this time and space? This is absolutely impossible !! "

impossible! !

It is impossible!

Almost all strong people present are incredible.

But soon they thought of a possibility.

"Is it ... Is that a trick?" The eyes of the silver wolf fierce.

Other strong people in the three major sanctuary, including the Guangming King and the Nine-palace, also reacted it immediately.

"Time and space movement, it is time and space moved !!"

"The Temporative Temple of Tempral Temple, the strongest movement of time and space"! "

"He, he does not die the saints, and it actually mastered the time and space moved?"

The strong people around the surrounding battle have spurred.

Time and spaceplays, amazing in the gods of the gods, while spatial movement, most people are also known.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled in time and space, it can still directly display the means of transient transients, everyone thinks the moment of time and space.

After you want to understand, the gods of these battle have become quirky.

"This sword is Hou, clearly controls the moment and space movement, can leave casually, but he didn't start at the beginning, but the positive confrontation of the three major sanctuary was so long. Everyone in the three sanctuary believes that he has been forced. When you are desirable, you will leave, this means ... "

"Oh, very interesting scene."

"Sure enough, the face of these strong people in the three major sanctuary became very ugly."

Many people talk about the prostitute.

"It's been played! We actually played this Sword Tiandu?" An invincible saint in the destruction of the sank of the south area couldn't help but


I heard these two words, the three major sanctuary camps, whether it is those peak saints, invincible saints, or silver wolf, thunder, ancient kiss, the top of the top of the truth, or the bright king, the nine palace saints There is one of the places, one is one.

Yes, they are played.

The other party clearly dried directly to the time and space, but did not do this, but with their positive confrontation, while relying on his own Urban, it is entangled with them.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it does make them feel hard, but what's more, his power is not endless, or it can be consumed, which is equal to the three major sanctuary to see the hope of killing the sword.

Therefore, they will not resign, and even everyone includes the bright king, the nine palace saints are siege, and it is difficult to exhale the sword unparalleled power. It seems that the sword is unparalleled. Suddenly, the sword is unparalleled. The state is restored to the peak?

This is also calculated.

After all, even if the power is restored again, they can continue to shoot, once again, the sword is not done, just spend more hands and feet.

Whoever thought, just got at this last, swords were unparalleled, and he told them to move the time and space. Can you leave anytime, anywhere?

This is the next, no one can calm down.

Obviously, the sword is unparalleled is deliberate to play them.

Let them lose a big face in front of the many strong people!

The three major sanctuary dispatched so many strong people, but also didn't have the price of Guangming Wang and nine saints, so many people went to attack the sword. After a long time, I watched it again. Jian Tianhou leaves from their eyes?

Three major sanctuary, this face, lost.

Not just shame, even they will be passed by people as a joke.

"Jian Tianhou ..."

The bright king station there, looked at the place where the sword did not have a double shape disappeared, but his eyes flashed, "" In the face of me, the nine palace saints and the three major sancto are so terrible, you can leave, But if you want to stay with us so long, deliberately toys us, huh, it is really a big gut, and the means is also true !! "

Even if it is a bright king, he has to admire the sword unparalleled means.

Not only almost endless power, and it can make the neighborhood to restore the peak means, and finally leave the time and space of this battlefield, any means is enough to make people vibrate.

"In this case, it is not only to leave, and you can play us. Jian Tianhou, I have a hunch, you have to hide this laid, you will not be limited in the future, I hope you will meet again. The opportunity to make a hand. "Guang Ming Wang smiled indifferent, and then it was a glimpse of the silver wolf next to it.

"Silver wolf, I have done what I should do, but I still can't kill Jian Tianhou, I have no way to this, say."

Guangming Wang doesn't want to stay more, after the saying, the figure is straight to the far away.

After the light is walking ...

"All, I will go first." The Nine-palace saints also led.

The three major sanctuary people looked at the bright king and the nine palace saints left, although some uncomfortable, but did not stop.

Bright king and the nine palace saints are not the three of their three major sanctuary. This time only because the three major sanctuary gave them the conditions that they could not reject, they promised to shoot, and in the just war, it is obvious, regardless of It is a bright king or a nine palace saints already use full.

Especially the nine palace saints, even the most stronger joins, but they did not kill swords.

Since they have already used it, they naturally weird, they are not able to have a bright king and the nine palace saints. It is necessary to blame the sword without double too much, the means is too powerful.

After a while, the three major sanctuary gathered together, the silver wolf, thunder, the ancient truth, and the four-person face is very ugly.

"There is no way, the sword is in charge of time and space, from the beginning, we will not die, he deliberately stay, but only for playing us." Lei Shen low Shen.

"Time and space movement, even time and space blockade can ignore, you want to limit the momentospace movement, unless someone can show the tricks of the time and space, but the time and space is imprisoned, even if there are few people to show, and have qualifications The top of the top rules of the show, most of them are from the Tempoken Temple ... "Ray God.

"Some time to move this trick, we want to kill him in the blood wave world, it is an idiots to dream!" Silver Wolf shook his head.

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