Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3237, Zijin



"no way!!"

I think that the sword is unparalleled, there is almost endless power, and there is time and space to move this trick. These strong people in the three holy regions have shaken their heads.

Moving this trick single time, let them have no choice but to.

After all, it is just a group of people who are not dead. It will be able to make the time and space for the time and space, but it is impossible to show the time and space imprisonment. Natural limit does not have a sword, that is, the sword is unparalleled in this blood wave It is simply going to go, I want to come.

No one killed him.

"Tell, this sword is no longer able to kill with our ability." Thunder sighed, and then took out the governor to start the message.


Inside the palace, when the Lord of the Nine learned from the God of God, even the Lord of the Nord was also silent for a long time.

Half, the Lord of the Sky is long, "The Sword of the Jian Tianhou is very vast, this is in the expectation of this seat, after all, the life level is different, and before the witch god teaches the three rules to send three rules. Kill this sword, the result of his murderer in these three rules, also supported a long time, and the power did not see it. "

"However, in addition to the vastness of the power, he even took control over the time and space, this fell out of this idea."

"Sky, the Jian Tianhou can move the time and space, then I will not kill him at all, the power of the saints," Ray God. "

"This, this is known." The Lord of the Sky, "Tell, Thunder, you continue to sway in the blood wave, you don't need to restrain, this seat will be another idea Killing him, you have to do it, it is as good as possible to prevent him, to protect him, don't let him get the champion in the blood wave, this point you must remember! "

"After all, he is now just a saint, so it is so hard, and once it makes him become the Lord of the rules, then it is more difficult to kill him," the main point of the sky. "

"Yes." Thunder gong.

Soon, I will leave, and the main thing of the Sky is standing alone in the temple. It is slow to get slowly. "The blood bank kills kills, then I can only kill him out of the world. In this way, the Tempral Temple will definitely interceach, oh, look like I will not be a battle in the three major sanctuary and the Temporation of Time and Space !! "

The long voice rang in the palace, and I haven't been dissatisfied for a long time.


The blood wavefront is close to the central area.

~~ The shape of the sword is unparalleled in this void.

After the appearance, he looked with a long and slight, but he exposed a smile of playing with his face. "I deliberately fight for so long, and I deliberately let them see what I can As a result, I directly displaced time and space, and it is estimated that people in the three major sanctuary should be excited. "

This battle, the sword is unparalleled, there is a little deliberately playing the meaning of the three major sanctuary.

Of course, this is not all, even playing three major sanctuary, is not a third of the sword unparalleled full purpose.

His real purpose, but I want to hood myself through this war.

His strength is still too weak, and the top of the previous battle is the level of the peak saints. As for the invincible saints ... Although it has been handed, but the time is very short, the sword is unparalleled, and the strength is completely, the strength of the other party. And the huge gap between the other party and yourself.

But this battle, the sword is unparalleled, but the ability of the battle is fast.

Although he is almost rushing, he is crushed, but at least he has a great understanding of the strength of the other party. He also felt the power brought by the other party. And the gap with your own strength.

So this battle, his gain is also very huge.

Especially the most important thing, that is this battle, let him feel a faint feeling opportunity!

Yes, it is a breaking opportunity.

In the three hundred years of reference on the island of Time, his realm has greatly enhanced, from the fourth-order pestinally reached the most limit of the sixth order.

The sword is unparalleled to think that he will stay in the six-order resort this level. This time, the battle in the three major sanctuary, and the siege of the bright king, the nine palace saints, etc. He actually faintly inseparable an opportunity for a breakthrough.

Although the breakthrough opportunity is not very clear, the sword is unparalleled or captured.

"The blood wave industry is only for ten days since now, and there is still a period of time from the blood wave ordered. I am completely coming !!" The sword is unparalleled with hands, and it also flashes the light.

"Now, I should immediately find a place to turn off, first think of a way to break through. Once I have achieved breakthroughs, the realm improved the seven-order holy, and my strength will be greatly improved. In addition, there is a blood blade sword ... "

"I have brought me a lot of touch with Liu Cheng, and I have a chance to close this blood, and I have to make this blood, and then the seven-level real. In order to show the shadow of the shadow, then with the drip blood, the sneak attack assassinated, even if there is a invincible saint, it is estimated that I can kill !! "

The sword is unparalleled.

I didn't hesitate, he didn't have a secluded place directly nearby, so it began to retreat.

While the sword is unparalleled, the blood is in the blood bank, but because of the battle, it has set off a huge waves.

The whole blood wave, countless top saints are shocked by the battle.

"The three major sanctuary, it is already unparalleled, but I also invited the two strong people of Guang Ming Wang and Jiucai, only to kill a six-order holy, good hand in the temple of time and space. !! "

"The hand is big, but the key is the end of this battle, the sword is in front of the three major sanctuary, directly display the time and space, which is simply playing the face of the three major sanctuary. "

"Hey, one person is alone, and the three major sanctuary fierce is so long, the bright king, the nine palace saints have been shot, so many strong people are siege, hard is not killed by this sword, but by the sword Playing people, three major sanctuary, really don't use it !! "

"Waste, it is a bunch of waste !!"

"Hey, the three major sanctuary is lost this time."

"In fact, it is not a three major holy area means that it is necessary to know that the bright king and the nine palace saints are there, can only say that the sword is too powerful."

The center of the blood banking industry, all corners are in the Lejin Lao Road.


PS: Today is more coming!

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