Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3258 assassination first

(The first to come!)


In this competition, most of the money, most of them are strong, as for the strong people from the great forces, the big gates, the dead is very small, but the life and death south area with the destruction of the sages, but absolutely exception.

On the void, I just participated in the competition, or I saw a lot of strong people who were fighting for three or three two and two, and the eyes of the lascissions were seen in the direction of life and death.

These two major sanctuary, when entering the blood wave, every holy area has a foot ten strong, and the lineup is extremely strong.

But now, still standing there, and only five strong people left in the sanctuary, and the life and death are the same, and only five remaining.

These two major sanctuary, in the blood wave, there is a half of the flesh, and in addition to the destruction of the saints, the other people have been destroyed in the competition. Kill.

And those who have kill them, it is a sword! !

"This sword is too terrible, his assassination means, simply defending the defense !!"

"One more powerful, there are so many strong people, but it is really awkward!"

"Don't worry, don't forget, before the three major sanctuary, it is, and even please come to the bright king and the nine palace, now this sword is a chance, must be revenge."

"The loss of the destruction of the Sanctuary and the Sanctuary of the Sanctuary is big."

The strong people on the field are whistling.

As for the remaining strong in the two major sanctuary, all the faces are gloomy, and their eyes are dead and staring at the sword.

These eyes are full of horizontal and resentment, and they can see that they have nowhere to eat the sword without dual-removal, but when they think of the sword unparalleled life-saving means, a heart is helpless.

"Jian Tianhou, this time, you are awkward !!"

Thunder got a word and turned directly to it.


The silver wolf also snorted, followed by the remaining people left in the Sanctuary.

The sword is unparalleled to look quietly, and he did not continue to chase the meaning.

"These two major sanctuary, smart, did not want to spend the meaning of me, and even if they left, they also invited a strong in the soul." The sword watched the two holy The domain is strong.

When these two major sanctuary came, they brought one person. They were all kinds of strong souls who were invited by their own vulgarity. They also understood that in the face of unparalleled assassination, if there is no good at The strong people of the soul are present, and that is purely a wolf.

"The two major sanctuary lineups are extremely strong. Now the two major sanctoes have been killed by me, and most of them are alive are invincible saints, plus the strong people who are good at souls. Even if you continue to catch up with the assassination, the chance to do is not big. "The sword is unparalleled.

"For, no matter what, this time I gave the loss of the three major sanctuary, it is enough for them to pain, next, or wait for another opportunity to say."

The sword has no double smile, with the emperor, the thousands of thousands of people played a greeting, he left again.

He still did not choose to act together with the people of the Tempora, after all, when he was next, he still had an idea.

As all parties have to leave, this huge competition feast is also thoroughly reported.

However, although the battle is over, the process of this battle has also caused a unclear in the entire blossipper, and there is also a topic that makes people who are allowed, such as the sword. This assassination in the south area makes many people amazed.

The outside world has a deeper understanding of the sword.

"This sword is really enough, it is enough to kill him before the three major sanctuary, and I am now crazy to assassinate the strong people in the three major sanctuary, in this competition, destroy the sanctuary and the life and death The strong, completely passed by his assassination of the scalp! Even the blood wave makes a reappear, it can only escape far. If he doesn't, this three blood wave banks of this competition will return to the end Who is really not necessarily. "

"There is a gallbladder, facing the three major sanctuary, plus the siege of the bright king and the nine palace, he dares to stay directly to play, the strength, the strength, just broke through the seven-level truth, battle It is strong enough to be a must shoulder, and his report is also very strong. The three major sanctuary is retaliated this time, and the most critical is that he is too means !! "

"Yes, whether he is his life, or his assassination, it is very terrible!"

"Before the previous gods, alliances have been recognized that this Jian Tianhou is the first in the unmanned saints, but after the assassination in this battle, I am afraid this sword Tianhou's assassination ability, or it can be called the first. I want to know that he has killed the invincible saints !! "

"The hard work ability, terrible assassination means, plus his courage is very spicy, such people, I will wait until there is no need to provoke good!"

The whole blood wave, all corners are discussing the sword unparalleled, which makes the sword unparalleled fame and the instant a new level.

In this competition, there is not long after the feast of this competition, and there is more information on the sword unparalleled!

In addition to the previously recognized life-saving ability, now, it is now recognized as the first, and specifically indicates that the sword is unparalleled and kills a invincible saint! !


Blood wave, the competition of the blood wave is still continuing.

Although there is a six blood wave abortions that have been born in full, it has been taken away, but there are still four blood wave banks that have never been born.

Everyone is holding it.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is paused on a unmanned hill.

He turned his palm and looked at the information you just got, this information is his own.

"In addition to the loss of life, the risk of assassination is also recognized as the first? And this information is really high enough to evaluate my evaluation, but also said that I have not ranked the true holy list, but it is better than a lot of hairdresses. What is more terrible? "The sword didn't have a smile of playing with a mouthful of mouth, but he was relieved soon.

Indeed, the degree of terribleity, the average true hallow list is indeed, it is not more than him.

After all, even if the strong list is strong, in one-on-one situation, it is difficult to kill the invincible, unless it is besieged with everyone, only the top of the top of the halon list exists, Kill invincible saints.

It is important to know that in the feast of the feast, he kills an invincible saints in the sanctuary of the sanctuary!

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