Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3259 is still love



It can be used to kill the invincible saint, although the invincible saints are not in the peak, but it is still very unrestrained.

What's more, the sword has killed an invincible saints, but he did not be seen by the outsiders, not spread out.

He is as comprehensive than the general hallow list, and it is terrible.

"At the same time, the first thing of life, plus the ability of the assassination, now I am, and it is really famous to the beginning of the gods." The sword smiled.

And at this time ...

"Sword is unparalleled!" A message suddenly passed.

"Well?" The sword is unparalleled.

He is in this world, in addition to his own real name, at other times, it is used in the name, especially after the three days, almost no one knows that he is really famous.

But now this is the news of him, but it is his name.

"It turned out to be a young lady, I haven't seen you for a long time, I don't know if my family is too much?" The sword is not smiled and sent.

Miss Xiaoman ... is a mysterious woman who is the most strong in this world. She also belongs to the reincarnation of the rebirth, the mysteriousness, the sword is unclear, the Miss this is really mysterious, but from the Xuanzhu Dao Population I learned that the Miss of this child is a friendly non-enemy, so the two have become alliances.

Later, when I met his wife as a frost, the sword was unparalleled, and the price of his life is very powerful, and the tactics will be shocked, thus alarming the will of Heaven will come, even three The big sanctuary also has a strong person.

No way, the sword is unparalleled to ask him to shot, and the Miss, the child does have means, and all the loved ones in this world will be transferred in the shortest time, including his life of the world. A sister follows a brother.

In the past few years, the swords will not be subjected to Miss the child, asked about the situation of these lovedings, but Miss Xiaoman took the initiative to find him, this is the first time.

"You can rest assured, your loved ones are now very good, and I have already used the resources to force your parents to the hierarchy of the people who are not dead, as for your brother with my sister, better, I want to grow my strength. Go, but the talents are limited, and the growth is somewhat not satisfactory, but in general, there is no problem. "

"This is good." The sword is not a little bit, "" Their Miss is looking for me this time, what is it? "

"The sword is unparalleled, I just got the news, in the blood wave, there is a means of people named Jian Tianhou very much, and its life-saving ability with assassination skills, in the unstead of sacred people, this person, this person, It should be you. "I asked.

"It is me." The sword is unparalleled.

I have a few times in the blood line, and some people have recorded the scenes of the scenes. He didn't deliberately disguise his own appearance, and he can naturally recognize him at a glance.

"When you meet you before, you can't even the gods, but now you have been in front of the gods, and you have made such a big name. It seems that I have chosen to join you. I didn't look at it. "He said.

"Miss, Miss, you come to me, will n't it be special to tell me these?" The sword has no bisquecry.

"Of course not." "He said," I am coming to you, it is for one person ... Nine palace saints! "

"Sure enough, it seems that Miss Xiaoyue should have a good relationship with this Nine palace saints." The sword is unparalleled and smiled and did not feel unexpected.

He has once before the Jiugong Harmony, and when the Nine-palace, the Nine House is a specialty.

That kind of special fashion, the child has also made it, and the sword is unparalleled. I have been very familiar, and I have already guessed that there may be some special relationships between the Nine-palace saints and the mysterious smart. .

"I have some association with her, and I am looking for you this time, I want to ask you to help, I want to do this in the blood wave, I will kill this nine palace saints."

"Kill the nine palace saints?" The sword was unparalleled, but he also shook his head directly. "Miss Xiaoman, you have not seen me too much? Yes, my current assassination means, can be called For the first, but I have a tribute to the assassination, but I can barely assassinate the general invincible saints, but the nine palace, it is the top five in the halock list, before it is the third Bit! "

"Light of my assassination, I want to kill this nine palace saints, it is impossible at all !!"

The sword is unparalleled.

His assassination capability can threaten the general invincible saints, but absolutely threatened not to rank the top five in the top five ranked like a nine palace saints.

Even if he is using his strongest base card, it is nothing to grasp to kill the Nine palace saints.

"Can you do it?" The child was silent for a moment, followed, "Since you didn't grasp her, then, if you can, I want you to try to hinder her, don't let her get blood wave The chance in the boundary is there? "

"Just just hinders her, don't let her get blood wave, I can try it." The sword has no double.

"That's good, if you can't get the chair of the blood wave, you have to save your family's feelings before, how?"

"No problem." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Well, then I will wait for your good news." After finishing, he interrupted the message.

On the hill, the sword is unparalleled to income the message in the Qiankun Ring, and then the tone will be spit.

"I guess this nine palace sister before, but did not expect that their two were actually opposite the enemy's identity. I didn't think that the Miss of this child didn't actively find me. I want to give her. Kill the Nine-palace saints. "The sword is unparalleled with eyes.

The Nine-palace saints, before helping the three major sanctuary to kill him together, this is already with him with him.

Now, the mysterious mi is taught to see him to kill the nine palace saints, or prevent the nine palace saints from getting the body in the blood wavefront ...

"Nine palace saints, not me, but now, now, I really have a reason for you." The sword is unmarkable.

He owes the human feelings of Miss, and it is not only one.

Since it is a human condition, then he is of course still going.


PS: Today is more coming!

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