Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3275 Blood Palm




It is completely quiet throughout the world.

Everyone in the field is wide, standing nearby.

Everyone has a huge waves in the bottom of them! !

Originally, before the sword is unparalared and the light king truly, the many strong people present have guess, they know that this strongest power collision will definitely be very intense, and also know the most powerful tricks of the two will be extremely Horror, and many people also guess the sword unparalleled sssatus who was determined by the Tianzhi, and the strongest power collision, it should be better than Guangming Wangqiang.

However, no matter how they play their own imagination, they did not think of this scene in front of them.

Positive hand, the two sides did not have any stalemate, only one collision, the bride's blade flew out, and then the bright king was also repeated.

Raw and rule!

This is definitely a rolling level.

The gap on both parties is too big! !

Don't say people around the battle, even the bright king of the king, now the head is a bit.

"How could this be?"

"What is the pressure, what is it?"

Bright king frowned tightly.

Just in the moment, he remembered very clearly, the power of the power came, and he was suffering from an unprecedented oppression, the most powerful recruitment energy they showed, in that moment weakened at least 40% of power.

If there is no pressure of the pressure, his strongest trick is completely played, maybe it is not as strong as the sword of the sword, but it is not good to ruin, and there is no room for a little better.

"Just that pressure, it is a bit like a bloody pressure, but there is a clear difference with the blood of the blood, that should be the percentage of life level." Guangming Wang's eyes secretly narrow, staring at the sword unparalleled, " This sword is Hou, what is the monster, how can he have this terrible pressure? "

In the bright king, the sword has already returned the blood peak, and his face is slowly revealing, "Guangming Wang, you lose!"

"Haha, bright king, this is orally orally?" The Emperor and others have also passed, and the angle of the martial arts took a strange smile.

The bright king is sinking, but it is a smile. "We will think that you will attack the first thing, the power of the sword has been completely exceeded, the Sword of the Saint Hou, simply attacking the power, you can really row first, my bright Wang is willing to lose, round back

And three of the best holy hierarchy of protective body, a soul defense the best holy treasure, is yours. "

Guang Ming Wang will lose a quarter of the prince.

After the sword is unparalleled, the consciousness sweeps, and the face is more, "Guangming Wang, thank you !!"

The bright king nodded slightly, and he went next to it.

After the light of the light, the surrounding voids flew directly, and countless strong people were talking about just that battle.

And most of them are amazing the sword where the sword has just shown the sword.

Everyone was scared by the power of the sword.

In particular, a few of the people in a small number of true holy areas.

The strong people are strong, so they just feel more.

At the moment of the sword, the sword is exhibited. Although they are in the battlefield, they still have a crisis of death, which makes them tatches in their hearts.

"There is a rumor before, saying that this sword is unparalleled. If you use the strongest base card, you can use the strong sword, you can just kill the true holy list, I heard this rumor, but now, I believe!! "

"Indeed, just that sword can definitely kill the invincible saint, as for the strong sanctuary, if some of the body skills are slightly weak, it is estimated that it is really possible to kill."

"This sword is too terrible, I don't know how the sword is how to master such horror, it is a monster."

I can't help but look at the sword.

However, most of these eyes are full of panic and strong jealous.

Just then ... Boom! !

Suddenly a shock of the world, on the magic film of the light of the bright king, a faint corrugation began to emerge, and the light film of this abortion begins slowly.

Seeing this scene, many strong people present are one.

"Blood wave hall, I have to open !!"

"Finally, I have to open."

A hot eyes have seen the most central temple.

At this moment, it has been surrounding the surroundings around the main hall, the light film has been completely vivid, and the law is naturally dissipated.

At the gate of the main hall, the huge golden temple door has been in a closed state. Now now the most central, there is a gap, this gap is getting bigger and bigger, the old golden temple is also slowly Open.

In the end, the Golden Hall is completely open, and the world will calm down again.

However, although heaven and earth returned to calm, it can be in the hearts of many strong people, but it can't calm down.

At all the strong people, they are very eager to enter the blood wave palace, the temple door, open! !

Blood wave hall, the blood wavefield is located, the long years, but if you enter the blood of the blood, you can directly become the Lord of the rules!

That is to say, there is an unmanned sacred people present, as long as it can enter the blood wave palace, it will be the main thing of the rules! !

The only unfortunate thing is to enter the blood wave hall, the blood wave, only ten! !

"Blood wave temple door is open, we get blood wavelength, must also pass through the temple, and for the surroundings that have not received blood wave, this is their last chance." The emperor hiped the shadow of the surrounding dense Ma Ma, low departments.

"We are okay, there should be no discharging to find our trouble, but then the other five people who have never arrived, they want to go smoothly into the blood wave, I am afraid it is not so easy." The sword has no double.

"Indeed, now everyone's eyes are estimated to be in that five people. They only have to appear, and people around them will definitely immediately." Tower Road.

"Can they go smoothly into the blood palace, what is the relationship between this, let's go, let's go in." Emperor. "

"You go first, I am not anxious." The sword was unparalleled but shook his head.

"Oh?" The fencing of the emperor and the fierce of the emperor.

"I still have some things to do." The sword has no double interpretation.

The emperor looked at the Emperor.

"Well, then you are careful."

After that, the Di Di is directly over the blood of the temple.


PS: Today is more coming!

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