(The first to come!)


The blood wave palace is open, and the countless strong in the scene is almost all red eyes staring at the entrance of the temple, one by one.

At this moment, a movie directly passed through the void, and went to the temple.

One moment countless eyes are brush to see this figure, but after seeing people, they will immediately choose to hold the inner enthusiasm.

After all, this is intended to enter the human shadow, and even the bright king.

It is not hindered by a half point, and the bright king directly entered the blood of the blood.

It's just in the eyes of everyone, I have entered the blood wave temple, and then I will be in the emperor and the emperor.

Since then, the five beginning coming, there is already four of them enter, only the sword is unparalleled.

"Tianhou brothers, don't you enter the blood wave palace with the Emperor, stay here?" Tower looked over.

"I naturally have my purpose." The sword is unparalleled but did not explain too much.

Outside the blood wave, after the Tim Chad and the emperor entered the, there is no fifth place with blood wavelengths in a short time, and the people present, although there is no action, no matter who is clear, Attached atmosphere at this moment is the sword.

Suddenly ... from the void, a group of people directly exploit the amazing speed to rush toward the blood wave temple.

The appearance of this group of people has become a lot of strong in the event.

"It's the people of Tianzu Road !!"

"The bitterness is within the crowd, he wants to enter the blood wave !!"

"Block him !!"

A explosive drink suddenly sounds through the void, and countless strong people are almost moving.

The Tianzu Dao Farm, that is one of the three free leagues of the Taijie Shenjie. If it is usually, the many strong people present are not the core power of the guts to provoke the ancestors, let alone the treasures in the other partner, but In the blood wave, facing the championship of the Rule of Rules in the Blood Palace, no one has tapped so much, they now only want to stop him before entering the blood of the blood, then grabbed his hand Blood waves.

boom! boom! boom! boom! ~~~

A strong breath is in this void, and the many strong people around the blood palace have flocked from all sides of the eight parties to the Tianzu Road, and all kinds of means are directly displayed at this moment. come out.

"It's really crazy !!"

Thousands of killed, Duan Yong, Yue Yu, Fei Xue four people standing there, looking at the scene in front, one by one showed the color of fear.

There are two thousand in the field, at this moment, there is more than half of the thousand strong people to kill all the people, in the face of such a strong, I am afraid it is that the light of the light is only returned. These people in Tianzu Road have naturally encountered an unprecedented trouble.

"Fortunately, although the strong people who have killed them, most of them are not united, the attack is also very scattered, and there is no truly formed joint, otherwise it will be a few people in the Tianshi Road." The sword is unbolded, and there is no hope that I don't want to shoot.

At this time, the bitterness suddenly broke out, he directly swallowed a drop of gods, and suddenly broke out the strength of the horrible, repeats everyone around him, and then rely on his own speed to get through the crowd Before the Hemou Hall of the Blood, I then drilled into the blood palace.

Since the bitterness has entered the blood palace, then people who have kill them have not attracted their things, and they naturally have tailored.

"Not bad, this bitterness can be ranked sixth place in the true saints, still have a bit of strength." The sword is unparalleled.

Just after the bitterness entered the blood palace or soon, I also got a blood wave, the Tenth Snow Snow in the true saints also appeared.

Snow sastles from the burning of the eight big days, but she didn't have any other burning in the world, and when the strong people around him, her shape changed. Ghosts.


I saw a white shadow in the crowd, the speed is fast, many people can't keep up, let alone keep her speed.

"Good and terrible body !!" The sword is unparalleled, and it also remembers the introduction of the Snow Saint.

Snow sastles, while the strength is very strong, her body law is also recognized by many strong people as the first, and now the sword is unparalleled.

Unlike his shadowless, his shadowless, there is a quasi, mainly hidden your trail, it is not aware, and the body method can be perceived, but the perception, but not It is useless.

This snow, the saints use his first body, easily brushing from the crowd in front of her, and quickly arrived before the Hemo Palace.

Interestingly, when the Snow Hand arrived in the temple of the Hemo Temple, there were still some people who were watching, and people who have already sent a madness still want to chase.

"Kill, kill her !!"

Among them, a black and weak youth is most crazy, and he is crazy in his mouth. He is still rushing crazy.

When everyone is ridicuing this black and weak young, it has already arrived at the heroic weakening youth of the bloody temple shop, but the speed of acceleration, and then directly in the blood palace.

This scene, made everyone very shocked.


"what happened?"

"There is no blood wave, it is impossible to enter the blood wave, you can just ..."

Most people have not responded yet, and they are still inexplicably.

The sword is unparalleled to see this scene, but the mouth is evoked with a weird smile. "It turned out to be him, it's really awkward."

"Haha, this kid, it is smart!" The iron tower next to it also laughed.

He has known the identity of the thin and weak youth.

Inadvertently, the slim and weak youth of the black robes were the mysterious invincible saint of the ninth blood wave.

Although he got a blood wave, no one was recognized in the blood wave, did not know who he was, so he just mixed into the crowd, it was madly blocked with all people, and the snow, still Deliberately install a pair of madness, it has been completely praised by greed, and the people around him have no protection.

Then, he chased the Snow Handshand to come to the door of the blood wave temple, and easily entered the blood of the blood.

Have to say, this person is indeed enough.

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