Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3277 is not her



After that the takangent youth entered the blood wave palace, many strong people who went back God immediately guessed his identity, and once a sudden shot.

"Mix !!"

"The death, just the person who got the ninth blood wave bank, he actually played us?"

"Play? Not, like him, such a general invincible saint, only in this way can only go to the blood wave palace, or face our blocking, he will definitely, it will be undoubtedly, he can only say that he is very clever."

"There is already seven people enter the blood wave hall, and the sword is not going in, but his blood waves in his hands will not get it, that is, only the last two chances, and these two Blood waves, one is on the cold heart of too much, the other is on the body of Snow King, these two people can never let them enter the blood wave !! "

Many strong people present will be determined by one by one, no way, their chance is really not much.

"The people who have forgotten the Valley !!"

A low voice suddenly retired between the heavens and the earth, and many strong people who were still full of desire to blood wave banks, and the eyes became scarlet.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the voids not far from the first time, and both hands can't help but hold their fists.

There, five people are galloping.

These five people are all wearing a white robe, and they are women. There are four women in these five women to show up, but the people in the middle, but they are a wall.

Although the veil is blooming, it can't see the specific appearance, but only the beautiful eyes of single disclosure, there is still a shape, it is already enough to make everyone's heart.

There is no doubt that the woman's beauty is absolutely extraordinary, and maybe less than the Nine-palace, but it is absolutely less than.

Looking at the most center of the veil, the sword was unparalleled in the body, but it was poured a pot of cold water in an instant. He was cold, and he held his fist, and slowly opened.

"Not her." The sword didn't swite his head, and the eyes were disappointed.

From the beginning, I learned from the name of the chills in the true sanctuary, and I knew that the chill is coming from being forgotten. His hearts have a silk, because he thinks that this chill is very likely to be his wife. Cold as frost.

After all, there is no name before this cold, as if it suddenly came out, but the strength is very strong, and it is a woman who is temperament. These characteristics are very similar to their wives.

The coldness is a blood wave, and will definitely enter the blood wave temple. He is to wait for this cold, and then want to see if this cold is really his wife.

Come out ... he disappointed.

Although the veil is still covered in the veil, you can't see the specific appearance. The temperament is also very unparalleled, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is not her wife. The gap is too big.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, but the half is raised, but it has flashing, "Although this cold is not a frost, but she is too much forgotten the genius disciple, I want to want to Remnip with the frost, it is necessary to keep it in the valley, if it can help this cold, it is also a human condition, and in the future, it will be relaxed. "

Thinking of this, the sword is unparalleled and no longer hesitated, directly showing a shadow, and the cold is.

Cold Heart and the other four people who have forgotten the Valley also know that when they enter the blood wave temple, they will be hindered by many strong people, so they have been prepared before, and their five have formed a heavy defense for the first time. The defense method is high, and the five people who drive the driver, including the cold, all swallowed a drop of gods, and the strength has skyrocketed, even if they face the siege around the surroundings, this is the array It can also support it.

And the five people are riding a four-sided eight-party offensive while with the governance of the Fascation, and they are constantly being close to the temple of the Blood.

"Fast, I will go to the hall immediately!"

As five people are getting closer and closer to the temple of the blood, the five people have risen.

But at this time, the changing is a sudden life!

"Want to rely on this defense method to walk to the door of the Hemo Temple? Which is so easy!" "" "

"All the people, they drive is not destroyed the true martial arts, this is extremely strong, I will wait for a dispersed attack, or put the power to attract it together, it is difficult to defeat this way, but Any faction is weak, this is not the weakness of the true martial arts, that is, in the 'son' azimuth, listen to my command, together to attack this !! "

It is a purple clothes that is a purple clothes, while the people around them have been in the heart.

"Worse, it is the old witch !!"

The five people in the Valley of the Valley are all change.

The Tianwitch Old Ghost is just a idle invincible saint, and the strength is not very good, but his name is very big, that is because he has a very high drillager, especially for some rare The weird gifted fickle is more highly drilled.

Like the five people who have now been forgotten now, it is a very unpredictable, which is a very rare defense law in the Taijie Shenjun, which is difficult to be recognized, so much like this. Strong of this, there are many things to be drilled, but the five people who have been invested in Valley now have no one to see this.

But now, this day, the old ghost, but it will be seen.

A set of faults, if it is broken, the weakness is found, and the power of this is trying to discount.

Sure enough, under the guidance of the witch, many strong people took a shot, just two three attacks, it will be defeated directly to the true martial arts.

The five people who collapse, the five people who have forgotten the valley immediately appeared in front of the many strong people, and the blood wave, the heart of the blood, first without the suffering of the superior strength, and there is no snow home and other terrible body law Under the glory of such a strong, instantly caught the crisis.

At this time, a shadow appeared in the center of the battlefield.

When he appeared, he immediately caught the attention of many strong people.


PS: Today is more coming!

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