Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3278 summon

(The first to come!)


"Jian Tianhou, is Jian Tianhou !!"

"How did he come over, and is it this time?"

"Jian Tianhou, we are not interested in blood wave bank in your hand, I hope you don't hinder us !!"

Many strong people 's eyes are in the sword, and some people have warned him.

"Oh, I am hindering you, how can you?" The sword is unparalleled, but his figure is shaking in the crowd, and there is no strong person around you, but those strong people who are crazy. Gearly dare to provoke him.

The sword is unparalleled. It came to the center of the battlefield and came to the side of the cold.

"Caught me." The sword has unparalleled his arm.

"Well?" The cold heart was a little horrified, but because his situation did already have a very crisis, he didn't want to think about this, immediately grabbed the sword unparalleled arm, then! !

The shape of the sword is unparalleled with the chills disappears directly in the crowd. When there is once again, it has arrived at the door of the Hemo Hall.

Time and space movement! !

This move is not only moving long distances, and it can also move at close range.

Like now, the sword is free to display the time and space, with the cold heart to the door of the Hemo Temple, and then the two immediately put into the blood wave palace.

Seeing the sword unparalleled with the cold heart into the blood wave palace, many of the strong people present, one is angry.

"Betting, let them escape !!"

"Originally, we have the opportunity to kill cold, winning her hands in his hand, because of the swordsman !!"

"The death of the sword is, he will work hard to enter the blood wave temple, and even help others into the blood wave temple?"

Those who have not been able to get blood wave makers are resentful to curse the sword, but now things have been subscribed, they have no way.

And in the surrounding, iron tower, thousands of thousands of people and others saw this scene, they became an oldest.

"Tianhou brothers are specially left, it is difficult to help this cold together into the blood palace?" Tower touched the Pakistan.

"It is like this, but when the Tianshou brothers have a good time with people who have forgotten the Valley of the Valley, haven't heard it?" Qianhongzi, several people in Duan also doubt, but they did not think more.


After the sword is unparalleled and the cold heart enters the temple, they will come directly into the hall.

Entering the main hall, there is no rear of the chasing troops, and the chill is immediately in the sword.

"Jian Tianhou, why do you want to help me?" Asked chill.

She asked himself with the sword. The first time, the first time, there is no time to make a relationship, and she has never heard of too much, there is no difference between the valley and swords.

"I will help you, because you have too much people in the valley." The sword has no double.

"Who?" Chills questioning.

"Her surname is cold, should be a hundred years ago to enter you too much forgetting, and she should be very special." The sword is unparalleled. "

His wife is cold as a cream is suitable for cultivation, I have no pain, and even the old Valley of the Valley is very much attention to the valley, she enters too much forgetting the valley, and their position is of course uniform .

After hearing the sword is unparalleled, the feelings under the veil of the chills have changed significantly, and it is obvious that she knows who the sword is unparalleled.

"Cold, you should know who I said?" The sword was unparalleled with chills.

"I don't know." The cold heart shook his head directly. "In this past millennium, there are a lot of disciples who entered too much forgot the Valley, I don't know, as for the people you said, I have never paid attention. "

"You don't know?" The sword was unparalleled. He saw that he was lie at a glance, but this chill is obviously not intended to be tangled with him.

"Jian Tianhou, this time you have helped me, this person, I remember it, I have the opportunity in the future, I will return you."

There is no double eyeliner, hesitated for a while, and did not continue to ask, but looked at the front of the hall.

The grand temple is very simple, there is no exquisite brilliant ornament, but in front of the main hall, there are two channels to the inner layer.

"Two channels?" The sword was not a feet.

"Before I forget the Valley, some people have received blood wavelengths to come over, but they leave information is only one passage in the blood, now, why do you have two channels? Is it Because our two people have entered the relationship between the blood palace? "Cold Heart is doubt.

"It is possible." The sword has no double smile, said: "Cold, since there are two channels, then you will choose an entry, you should choose."

"I walked this." Cold is not polite, directly selecting a passage on the right.

"Then I will walk this channel, I wish you good luck." The sword was unparalleled, and the figure was shaking, and it took directly to the channel on the left.

Picture, black paint, deep.

The sword is unparalleled, the front of the front is flusted, but the bottom is still thoughts.

"This chill, obviously knowing who I am saying, but she hard to say, why?"

"It is completely unlike to let the outside world know the cream, or say that the cream has now begun to cultivate the god, too much, I want to let her break any association with the outside world?" The sword was unparalleled. Frown.

This dialogue with chills, although I didn't ask anything, but the sword was unbearable but faintly rumored.

He feels that the creation of the cream can no longer drag it, wait for the blood wave, and he successfully breaks through the Lord to reach the rules, then he immediately goes to the two days! !

"If I can really become the Lord of the rules, at least I can let too much forgetting the valley to treat it." The sword is unimaced.

At this time, from the end of the passage, a long voice slowly passed.

"Little guy, come over! Go to me!"

This sound seems to have special magic, which is clearly passed from the former channel, but in the sword where the sword is unhealthy, and once in his heart, he has echoed in his entire mind.


"come on!!"

This sound sounded once, while an unprecedented summoning force also came.

Although the sword has always been vigilant, he will gradually fall down with this sound once again.

His eyes gradually became a god, this moment him, his own consciousness has been completely closed, as if the corpse is like, with the voice of the voice, the numbness has been flipped in front.


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