Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3287, two willers




The sword is unparalleled once again, and it is also a sword that ordinary does not have any skills, but before the sword just relying on its own brute force, he can give him a lot of life. The congenital advantage has played a full 20%.

~ ~ Jian Ying Station in front of the star river, the time is actually shot in the whole star river, there are countless dazzling stars in the star river. At this moment, it seems to be lost in front of this sword.

This sword is abnormal.

The sword is falling, and this star river is finally cut from it. The large number of themes are like a tide sweeping, and the winds that have been spilled. It is enough to kill those invincible saints in the sword. .

This is the Lord of the General Rules.

For a long time, the power is finally exhausted, and this star river is also calm down, but the sword is unparalleled, but it is still unable to calm.

"It's too strong, my sword is too strong, I feel better than I have just shown the sword, but I have to do tens of times!" The sword is unparalleled.

As he just used the sword to show its own power, he is no longer weaker than the general rules, than that of the sword, dozens of times? What is this concept?

"Under normal circumstances, the Lord of a rule will make the strength of the will offenders in the body, and they can make their own offensive dozens of times. I now show my life to make your own innate advantages to more extent. This is not enough, it is already enough to get a will! "The sword is unparalleled.

Will power, want to get very difficult.

In addition to fully mastering a rule, only the secret of its own heavens and the earth, or the rule integration is likely to make yourself will come.

But now, the sword has a special magical pass from the blood wave, let himself have a powerful power, which is a huge advantage?

Moreover, the sword is unparalleled, it has fully mastered a rule. He itself has a will of power.

"One of yourself, plus the power of the life of life, is equivalent to the power of a will, which is, now I am, equivalent to the same time." Sword is unparalleled .

With a rule of the rules of the will, it can only be considered a general rule.

At the same time, there are two willfulness, which is not weak in the rules of the rules, and the sword is quite equivalent to both of the willnength, plus his life level, his foundation It is also not weak to the rules, and even a few secrets from the seven-star Xi Xunzong from the seven-star practice are still very unusual. This is calculated that he is completely comparable to the rules of two will. .

"I also have a lot of big cards, especially the , can also make me play more innate advantages, this is reluctant to be able to win, this is better than it. Add up If you don't wait for me equivalent to the power of three will power? "The sword was unparalleled, and he was shocked by this result.

Not long ago, he was just a non-dead saint, and the Lord of the rules was only avoided. You can just have the power of the rules of the rules, and it is also equivalent to having three points of will, we must know, It is possible to have three rules of the rules of will at the same time, which is definitely the top existence in many of the big rules of the Taijie Shenjie.

From a non-dead saints, it is too big to rise to the hierarchy of the Lord that is almost comparable to the top rules. This is too great.

And all of this is largely, it is attributed to the championship in the blood palace.

The blood palace is a countless non-dead saint dreams, and many people who are not dead have passed the blood palace, thus breaking through the Lord of the rules.

But there is no pair of swords, he is in the blood wave palace, although he can't break through the Lord that has become rules, but his gains are huge than the direct breakthrough rules!

Most importantly, he saw the blood wave, knowing a lot of hidden existence, knowing the huge palace of life, and he also touched the universe!

"If you have a big harvest, even if you fail to break through the Lord of the rules, I am also content, now, I should leave." The sword didn't smile, and he didn't have too much nostalgia for this Star River. .


Outside the blood wave, the people in the mountains.

In the sword where they entered the blood wave palace, they were originally waiting for many sacrapers to be in the blood wave palace, but they were waiting for it.

After waiting for a month, someone finally came out of the blood wave palace.

The first one is coming out, it is a bright king!

"Guangming Wang came out!"

"Look at his breath, really, he has broken through the Lord of the rules!"

"Normal, his strength is the first, such strength, such as the unmanned saints, can't break through the blood wave palace."

"Guangming Wang is in the saints, the combination is strong, and he has blended two rules very early, and now a breakthrough rule, he is likely to get two willfulness, this strength, How much? "

"Who knows, there is always a strong thing."

Countless eyes are gathered on the bright kings who just came out from the Blood Paradise, these eyes have a fear, but at the same time, it is also hidden and jealous.

The rule of the rules, no one is eager.

But why, they have missed the championship in the blood palace this time.

After the light of the light, others also came out.

As you think, SLR is to enter the blood palace, and it has become almost the Lord of Rules.

The emperor, emperor, bitter, and others, there is still a good luck, but the strength is more invincible, but also directly breaks through the Lord of the rules, even the holy The special life like the monster, also broke through the rules of the rules, came out of the blood wave hall.

Since then, in the ten people entering the Blood Palace, nine have come out from the blood palace, and nine people break through the Lord of the rules.

As for the last person, of course, the sword is unparalleled.

"It has already come out, and it has already broken through the Lord of the Rules, only the swords of the sword."

"That Jian Tianhou, why not come out from inside?"

"I don't know, it is estimated that it is a special reason. After all, he is also a special life. When breaking, it still needs to spend some hands and feet."

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