Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3288 has not broken?

(The first to come!)


Everyone is not anxious, just continue to wait outside the blood wave.

It's a three days.

Just when everyone waited to be a bit impatient, the temple of the blood palace finally opened again, and then a person came out of the temple.


"I finally came out!"

The people outside the blood palace have also seen the past.

It can be seen this, but many people have revealed the color of the weird.

Because they all pay attention to the power of the sword thereof.

If this is a lot of breath, if it is more than the sword, it must be strong, but stronger, but only reach the most limit of the hairdress, the Lord of the rules is far away.

I want to be bright, they are now alone, the Lord of the rules of the rules, are not comparative, and the sword is more than one of them, it is not at a level.

"Nothing to break?"

"It's still a feeling of the hallow level. This sword is staying in the blood wave palace for so long. He didn't break through?"

"Get blood wave bank, enter the blood wave temple, he did not break through the Lord of the rules?"

I immediately sounded another shock, or a surprised voice.

Even before, I have entered the blood palace with the sword, and several people who have become the rules are quite surprised.

"It didn't break through?" Guangming Wang smiled slightly, and it did not expect this.

"The blood of the blood is so incredible, almost as long as it is a saint, it should be broken. This sword is Tiang Tianguo, but the result is not broken, how can this possible?" The bitterness is stunned.

"Well?" Heart will will will will move, and I don't know what I am thinking.

"Sure enough, this sword is much higher than me, and it is more difficult to break through the obstacles to the difficulties. I have a breakthrough to become the rules of the rules, but he seems to be bad. One point. "It is also prepared for the Saint Diva's unparalleled results, and did not feel too much unexpected.

The emperor who is better with the sword, the emperor, Tower and the Temple of Temples have frowned, and the emperor is the first time in the first time.

"Tianhou brothers, what happened?" I asked.

"What is going on?" The sword was unparalleled.

"What do you say? Of course it's a breakthrough thing, how can you not break through the Lord of the rules?"

He is indeed a patent, after all, he is personally entering the blood wave temple, knowing what the champion in the blood palace is.

That is simply an incredible creation, in the creation of the Yang, as long as it is not a stupid, it is inevitable to break through the Lord of the rules.

And the sword is unparalleled, and it is an incredible genius. This genius will break through the more easily, but now this is some acceptable.

Seeing the expression of the epitope, the sword is unparalleled but smile, "there is nothing to say, it can't break through, it is can't break."

The sword is unparalleled, it seems that it doesn't care about things that I have not broken.

And in fact, he is indeed a little uncomfortable, because his harvest in the blood palace is already very huge.

"Well, you see it." The Emperor turned over the eyes, nor did you know what to say.

The sword has laughs, walking forward, and on the way, he also noticed countless weird eyes.

These eyes are unfortunately, including some ridicule, questioning, and some gloats.

And the first rush, naturally the silver wolf.

"Haha, Jian Tianhou, I thought you had a lot of this matter, but I didn't expect you to be so unused. In front of the blood palace, it is not a stupid, it should be able to The incomparable breakthrough is the Lord of the rules, but you can't break through? "

"Haha ~~~ Laughing, I am really laughing at me!"

"Jian Tianhou, it turns out that you are such a waste !!"

The silver wolf is unscrupulous, and the laughter is echoing around the entire void, let the people present clearly.

The many strong people around, heard this, although there is nothing in it, it can be seen from a smile of many people's mouth, they are obviously agreeing with silver words.

"This sword is heaven, he said that he is a rare super genius who is very pleasant, but now it is, but so!"

"Indeed, the blood wave palace is so good, and if we can enter it, if he can enter it, he can't break, and white is wasting so good opportunity!"

"Hey, what is a peerless genius, according to me, it is a waste is almost!"

"Waste, idiots, I don't know if he stayed in the blood wave palace for so long, what is it?"

"This sword is true, it is indeed a loss of people."

The many strong people in the scene were talking about whispering, although they all smashed the sound, did not let the voice pass to the sword unparalleled ear, the sword is unparalleled just to see their look, I have guess what they are probably .

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled, he does not care about him, he just knows how he is in the blood wave palace.

Instead, the epithemode standing on the sword is unparalleled but can't help.

"A group of mixedments, looking for death !!" "The Emperor took the killing cold drink, and the whole heaven and earth were so quiet.

Those who are still whispering, most of them are smiling, don't dare to say more.

After all, although the sword is unparalleled, although it has not broken through the Lord of the Rules, it is still enough to make them awe, let alone the emperor and the emperor are also obviously standing on him.

However, those who are not dead because they have nothing to say because they are taboo, but now they have broken through the silver wolf that has become the rules, but there is no jealous.

"Why, the emperor, this sword is a waste, wasted so good opportunity, it is still not let people not say?" The silver wolf smiled.

In front of him, the Di Di is better than him, and he has a breeze against the Di Di, but now they have already broken, become the Lord of the rules, and master a rule and a will Wei Neng, in this case, their strengths have become very close, and natural silver wolf is not necessary to be afraid.

Because no matter what this, the epitopeloids are absolutely can't, in the people present, there is already two major rules, but there may already have two beautiful lights, and the special life holy magic, they are qualified to make him jealous .

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