Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3289 Sword Musou and Silver Wolf



"Silver wolf, before entering the blood of the temple, you even didn't even dare to appear in front of the Tianhou brothers, and I was afraid that I was staring at Tianhou Brothers and then killing, it is not as good as the nine palace, and now from the blood wave hall I saw that the Tianhou brothers did not break through the Lord of the rules. You are arrogant? It's really ridiculous. "The Emperor looked at the silver wolf, and a face ridicule.

When I heard the emperor, the silver wolf was suddenly changed.

Before entering the blood palace, it is not only one, and there are all the strong people in the blood wavefront. They are unpacking to the sword, no one dares to appear in front of the sword.

Even in the blood wave palace, the last battle, the silver wolf is also waiting for the sword and has entered the blood wave temple. At this point, everyone knows that now, now I will now It is said that in front of everyone, this will not go.

"Hey, jokes, I still need to avoid him with this waste, I still need him?" The silver wolf cooked.

"It's not afraid, you have a clear heart." The emperor laughed, and he wanted to continue to say, and standing next to the sword without a speechless, but waving it down.

"Silver Wolf." The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are also seen directly. "Congratulations, you broke through the Lord of Rules."

"Amount?" Silver Wolf was shocked.

He didn't expect the sword without a double one, but he congratulated him first?

They can have no feelings, some are just a big enemy, such congratulations, can never make anything.

Sure enough, the sword is unparalleled: "It is said that the Lord of the high rules, the strength of the strength is far from being able to break the saints, you will have a bigger now, it is certainly better than before."

"A nonsense, rule of the rules of the sacred people, it is all two different levels, the gap is of course huge." The silver wolf said, then then asked: "Jian Tianhou, what do you want to say?"

"Nothing, I am just curious that you have broken through the Lord of the Rules, how much is better than before going to the end, so I want to fight with you." The sword is unparalleled.

He said that it is relatively plain, but when he came out, the whole void in the scene was almost quiet.

One has taken a horror and a strange eyes, and there is no double look at the sword.

Although the prior to the sword is also the focus of everyone, it is only because he didn't break through him, and some unexpectedly stated, but now everyone looked at his eyes, but it was like a fool.

Yes, it is watching a fool.

To know, the Lord of the rules of the saints, although only one step is poor, this step is a natural day, after all, the will of the rules is too powerful, almost not dead can make up.

In the history of the Taijie God, there were countless amazing genius strong, many of them were enough to shock the world, and there were a lot of wealthy challenges, but they were more in the happiness. At a level, and a real holy wants to challenge the rules, it is impossible.

At least in the history of the Taijie Shen, I have never seen any unscrupulous people can beat the rules, don't say that you are defeated, even positive counter-strength is absolutely a luxury.

And the sword has no double knows this, but now I still actively challenge the silver wolf, this is not a fool?

"Jian Tianhou, what did you just say?" The silver wolf took a weird smile and looked at the sword.

"Tianhou brothers." The emperor next to the emperor also saw it, and the emperor is directly directly: "Tianhou brothers, you don't have to pay attention to him, and you will make him proud of it. If he dares to let go, my emperor will help you learn about him. "

The emperor also nodded.

Obviously they are all impulsive to the Lord of the sword unbengential challenge rules.

After all, two of them are now the Lord of Rules, and it is very clear that the Lord of the rules is.

After hearing the emperor, the sword is unparalleled but only shakes his head smile, "It doesn't matter, since I dare to challenge him, it naturally has certain grasp, you have two peace of mind."

At the end of the Emperor, the two of the Emperor, although the two were still frowned, but since the sword didn't have a pair of himself, they won't stop it again, let alone them, they also know how much the sword is unparalleled, and breakthroughs become The silver wolf behind the rules, the strength may be laminated by the sword, but if you want to kill the sword, it is almost impossible.

So, they can also rest assured that there is no double shot.

At this moment, the smile on the silver wolf is also even more, and he has an emergence of a murder.

"This sword is, the three major sanctoes have long been not dead. I have the highest level of my three major sanctuary very much to die, but I can't kill him in this blood-wave world. It is also before ... "

"Previously, there was only the battle of the sage level, and the power of the main level of the rules will be restricted, but now we are in the rules of the rules in the blood bank, but there is no limit to the slightest. My current strength, go all out, I have the opportunity to kill this sword. "

"Of course, this premise is that he does not show spatiotemporal movement, as well as the epithell of his side, the emperor two don't help each other." The silver wolf is slightly lighter.

He believes that he has a fight against the sword, but he didn't want to kill the sword in this opportunity, because the sword is unparalleled, and then the Digen Emperor It is also standing on the sword.

But now it is different, because it is now the sword where there is no double active opening to challenge him, this is completely gave him a chance to fight with the sword, and the sword will never choose to display the time and space, this is given He is extremely perfect to kill the sword.

Although the sword is unparalleled, he finally succeeded that it is very embarrassing, if it is successful?

"Although I am one of the top genius in this era of life and death, and now it has also broken through the Lord of the rules, but I still can't enter the highest level of the life and death south, but my highest level in the sanctuary of the south. This sword is so attached, and even the Holy Lord has always paid attention to him. If I can kill this sword, I will definitely let me close the distance from the highest level. A lot, Even I may also get the favor of the Holy Lord! "The silver wolf is holding hands, thinking about it, his heart becomes very excited.

PS: Today is more coming!

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