Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3290 Rules, Silver Wolf!

(The first to come!)


"Killing him, must grasp this opportunity to kill this sword!" The silver wolf is fierce, just like the beasts that are ready to go, look at the sword, "Jian Tianhou, this is yours, you If it is defeated, or die in my hand, don't blame my rule, bully you a no dead! "

"Of course, there are so many people who have witnessed that I actively challenge you, even if I finally died in your hands, it is self-sufficient, there is nothing to do with you." The sword is unparalleled.

"That's good, then let me take the courage to take the initiative to challenge me." The silver wolf sound is cold, and the sound of the rules around him. The surrounding is coming.

Previously, the breath of the Silver Wolf was converged, and now completely broke out, this breath is strong, and many strong people around them come together.

"Too strong, the rules of the rules, single attributive is enough to make the general unstead of sacrifice the courage!"

"Look, this sword is Hou, you have to be unlucky !!"

"Hey, even if you are unlucky, he will take care of himself, the Lord of the Rules of the Saint Champions, He is really dare!"

Many strong people around them are quietly discussing. Of course, they don't look at the swords, after all, the gap is that, in their view, this battle is at least the result of the sword.

Instead, those that have broken through the Lord of Rules, come with a minture at this moment.

They are also curious, swords are unparalleled with saints, and to challenge the rules.

The people around, have already retired, giving out a great battlefield, while the sword is unparalleled and silver wolf is the core of this battlefield, and there are countless eyes around them. They are looking forward to it. He is the battle of two.

"Jian Tianhou, don't think you have a little talent, you can don't put the rules of the rules in your eyes. Today, I will let you know what is the real rule, will let you know the rules of the rules between the rules. The gap is how big it is! "The silver wolf is smiling, the breath that the sound is emitted is more and more strong.

"Tell nonsense, take it." The sword is unparalleled.

"Kill!" The silver wolf is no longer hesitating, and the figure is sudden, like a meteor to cross the void.

A ghost silver shining, as if a silver moon appeared in front of the sword, and then the Silver silver hole is directly in the cave.

This gun, fast incredibility, the key is that the power is also amazing and terrible, and the sound of the void whipped the voids sent by the gun, so that countless strong people in the scene are extremely.

This shot has completely exceeds the hierarchy of the unscrupulous people, and the reason is not that the saints can blocked.

However, in the face of this gun, the sword is still with a smile. When he is, the blood peaks have been scabbard, and the clouds are lightweight.

The sword light flashes, just on the tip tip of the stalk, then the power broke out.


A crisp, silver and light dance, swords and horizons, and then the silver ghosts are in direct rear.

The figure is stabilized, and it is a Silver Wolf with a surprised face.

"How?" The silver wolf stared at the sword. "You just just a non-dead saint, but why is your strength so strong, I have used it, but the result is in front of the front, it is in the wind? "

The silver wolf did be incredible.

And the people around the battle, I also created a excitement when I saw the Silver Wolf's figure flew out.

"The silver wolf is turned out? How is this possible?"

"Silver wolf can be the Lord of the rules of the real price, it is completely able to crush the saints according to the principle of the truth, but he collides with this sword, it is in the wind?"

"Is there a good wolf to break through, and have not fully grasped your strength, or said that he just did not do it?"

"No, the silver wolf should have dressed, and the power of the rules will be played, but if you don't accident, the swordsman may have to be stronger, don't forget, he is a special life. !! "

Many strong people on the field have been discussions.

The silver wolf is spread all over the cream, staring at the sword and unparalleled, "Jian Tianhou, it seems that I am too big, it is indeed a special life, and I am afraid it is also very strong in the special life, before you Just just breakthroughs to reach the seven-order real holy, the power is already comparable to the invincible saints. Now, after a month of the blood wave temple, your power has greatly improved, and it has reached the most limit of the unstead of the saints. This time you are simply Power, it is also very normal to compare the rules. "

When you hear the silver wolf, the people around them are all inseparable.

"You are not stupid." The sword was unparalleled, and it was a default.

Indeed, as a special life, the strength of the power is much stronger than the homework.

Even the special life like the Saint Demon is, as long as the ultimate limit of the unstead of saints, is simply in power, it should also be close to the general rules, and the sword is unparalleled, but standing on the top perfect life, There is also a strong life than the initial level.

Once he reaches the topmost of the saints, he can compare the main rules in the most basic power of power, or even more stronger.

Because of this, he just just a sword, he retired the silver wolf.

Of course, this is also the relationship between the Silver Wolf has not used the will offenders.

The Lord of Rules. The reason why it is far from the saint, but it is not the basis of the basics, but the will of the mastery! !

"Silver Wolf, you have to use the will !!"

The eyes of many strong people are concentrated on the silver wolf, and the silver wolf has a special force.

This power is the will offenders!

Subsequently, the silver wolf once again.


Silver street light flashes, a slightly cold gun galloped from the void, whistling suddenly slamming the sword without a double-headed cranial attack.

A shining shot of the same slave, this shot because there is an will of the will, the power of rumbling ~~~ The long guns suddenly skyrockets on this moment! !

Dozens of times, what is the concept?

"This is the full will of the rules of the rules !!"

"It's too strong, it is too terrible, and it is much better than we swallowing God's power, it is necessary to have too much too much!"

"This is the real rule of the rules!"

There are countless strong people around you.

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