(The first to come!)


"How can it be like this?" The Silver Wolf has already been stunned. After hearing the sword, he did not respond.

And the sword is unparalleled: "I have been looking forward to it with you before, but you are too disappointed. If your strength is only this level, then you will lose."

The sword is unparalleled, and its body shape has been floated.

His speed is unhappy, so the big square appeared in the front of the Silver Wolf, and then raised the blood peak sword in his hand.

The long sword lifted, the sword was unparalleled in an instant, and the will of the will offered the will of the will offered it completely, and at the same time, in the sword unparalleled body, the life of life has begun, and there is potential in his body The innate advantages have been greatly excited at this moment.

Life magical movement, this can be equivalent to a powerful power!

Coupled with the will of the sword, it is equivalent to emerging two will!

Roar! ! !

A shocking suddenly swept sharply, and there were a voices in the world.

No double sword, ! !


The sword is fierce, and the earth-rich power will not help but change.

The silver wolf also suddenly looked up, and a shower was thrown away. He looked his best to raise a long gun in his hand, and quickly resist the past.

Can then ......!

A loud noise, the long gun in the hands of the silver wolf was changed slightly by the horrible power, and the sword unparalleled sword light is the rest of the world, which continues to hit the body of the silver wolf.


Silver wolf is a big blood and spray. The breath on his body is sharply weakened. His body shape is even more than the wolf, and it is very ramp.

After standing, his face has become pale.

And the people around them are silent.

Everyone is quiet, and the whole world is no sword!

In this quiet, there is no number of horror and a shocking gaze.

These eyes are concentrated on the sword.

"Losing, lost?"

I have a hungry voice suddenly sounded in the crowd, and the whole crowd directly exploded the pot.

"After the defeat, the silver wolf was defeated !!"

"The Lord of the Rules, actually lost to the people who did not die?"

"Scorpio, I am not dreaming? How can this !!"

"I also feel that this is not true!"

All the strong people present, almost unable to accept this scene, even though this is the fact.

It is to know that since ancient times, the Lord of the rules is on high, and it is not comparable to the dead.

In the god of the gods, long-lasting years, I have never heard who can be able to do it in the main situation of the saints, the stroke of the rules of the challenge, and even the frontal resistance is not possible, let alone defeat.

Because of this, there is almost a conclusion in the heart of the Taijie Shenjie, and it is absolutely unstead of challenge the rules.

But now, this scene has completely exceeds their awareness.

The sword is unparalleled with silver wolf. One is very obviously not dead, and the other is the Lord of the goods, the two of the goods, and the two people have played countless people, and they are actually a silver wolf to defeat, and they are still swords. Unparalleled is crushed on the front! !

"Jian Tianhou !!"

A bright king of a black robe, hugging his hands standing near the void, and the narrow scorpion with a shade of light, staring at the sword. "He has just a sword, it seems not to burst two will. I have to be bad, and his strongest base card has not been displayed, it is easy to defeat the silver wolf ... Oh, it is really interesting. "

"I thought I was waiting for the Lord that had already broken the rules, it was no longer that this sword can compare it, but now it seems that I am waiting, this sword is not the rule of the rules, but strength is also It is not weaker than us. "The Saint Demon is also dark.

"The Lord of the Unrinding Saint, the Lord of the Rules, It's awesome, this should be the first time in the history of the Taijie Shen, this sword should also call it the first day of the eagerness of the Taijie God." The respect is secretly sighing.

And like chill, the snow is also secretly marvel.

Task, in front of them, the silver wolf is stronger than the two people, and now it is better to break through the rules of the rules. According to the truth, the silver wolf should be better than them, but the result is that the silver wolf is defeated. There is no hands.

This allows them to set off a huge waves.

In the void empty, the sword has returned the blood and sword. He is cold, the silver wolf is cold, "the Lord of the rules, but so !!"

A simple sentence is like a huge slap in the face of the silver wolf.

The glorious face turned instant to pork liver, his figure was crazy, and his heart was angry, but he couldn't attack.

As for those who have broken through the Rule of Rules, I have frownful, but I haven't said anything.

If the first thing, the Sword is not a double rule, the rules of the rules, this will be laughed by countless people, but now he is in front of the face of everyone, then he naturally Qualification said this.

"Silver wolf, you should be glad that I didn't break through the Lord of the Rules in the blood wave, otherwise ... you are dead!" The sword was unparalleled with silver wolf, and there was a few points from the high.

Silver wolf, after all, has broken through the Lord of the rules, although the strength is not as good as the sword, but the sword is unparalleled to kill it, it is very difficult, and even it is impossible.

Even if he rely on his own assassination, it will not do it.

After all, his shadowless squats just just started, the blood blade swordsman only just master the first dripple, if it gives him a while, let him understand more, blood blade sword If you get improved again, then you can stay with your own assassination, maybe he is also likely to leave this silver wolf.

The sword is unparalleled, and it can be heard in the silver wolf, but it is very different from the knife. He is close to the teeth. He deeply watched the sword and no one, but also said more, but directly Turned and returned to the void edge.

Obviously, he also knows that the Lord of his rules is actually defeated by a non-dead saint, what kind of shame is it.

Now there are countless strong people to look at his eyes, obviously like laughter, he certainly does not want to continue here.


PS: The night is later, the update is slightly late, the second chapter, a little waiting!

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