Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3293, Tian Luo



"Haha, Tianhou brothers!"

The emperor, the emperor has been in the sword.

"Tianhou brothers, amazing !!" The Emperor couldn't help but defeat the rules of the rules in the absence of the saints, this is not a good time in the history of the Taijie, and it is not polite. Tianshi brothers can be said to be the first person in the elders of the Taijie Shenjie to come to the saints, I have never heard of anyone who is not dead, it will be stronger than you! "

"Yes, no death, the rules of the rules, it is really incredible, it is no wonder you dare to challenge the silver wolf before, it turns out the strength." Emperor also said.

The sword is unparalleled but it is just a light smile.

For him, defeating a silver wolf, it is really nothing.

His basic power is not weak in the rules of the rules, and even slightly better, and once the life of life is, it is equivalent to having two willfulness, of course, has only a silver wolf with only a will. To be strong, but still a lot.

If he has once again to show the strongest sneak tactics, the power in the moment is comparable to three will, and the silver wolf can't stop.

"Right, Tianhou brothers, you finally defeated the Silver Wolf's sword, how did I feel like there are two willful powers, it is difficult for you to achieve two rules in the blood wave temple, and have already mastered two Zhi Zhiwei? "The Emperor suddenly asked.

"No." The sword is unparalleled, "" Only a single rule wants to enlighten the difficulties, let alone two doors, I can have to play the power equivalent to two will power, because there are some special The reason is there. "

There is no explanation of swords.

Like the life of the godberg, he will certainly not spread out.

I didn't continue to ask for an eyebrow.

After the sword is unparalleled, there are countless strong people to change their views of the swords.

Next, everyone began to wait for the export of the blood wave, and during this period, from time to time, someone elsewhere was not looking at the sword, and the sword was unparalleled.

In the corner of the void, the silver wolf has been mixed with people who live and die, but at this moment, the face is ugly to the extreme.

"Jian Tianhou !! The death of the sword !!!"

The silver wolf trembled, and he was unparalleled to the sword. He had an unprecedented resentment.

It is to know that the old people have never had a rule of the rules are in the hands of the unmanned saints, but he is the first, there is no doubt that he will definitely become the shame of the rules, all rules. The main estimate will laugh at him, not just this era, even after a long time, he estimates a joke in the Lord of Rules.

After a long time, his mood gradually calmed down.

"I didn't expect this Jian Tian Hou although there was no breakthrough to become the rules of the rules. But a strength is so strong, I am a loss, but I will have something to have, I have lost his hands, but I have already given him now. When I experinated, when the at least I could make my three major holy area, I was more ready !! "The silver wolf is cold, and the next moment will start the message.


The magnificent temple is filled with a touch of chaotic flow.

At the center of the mixed chaotic gas flow, the three people slowly returned.

Although these three people did not see the specific appearance under the influence of the airflow, but the breath that they were emitted is extremely strong and ancient.

"Nice, destroy the sanctuary, ready?" The long voice sounded, this sound is a female voice.

"Of course, I am ready, just wait for the sword to come out from the blood bank, I will immediately do any opportunity to escape." The main road of the sky.

"That's good, this time I join hands, put down the skyline, just in order to kill this sword, in this day, the one of the hands of the Sanctuary is the most important ring, if this is this The ring failed, and our plan failed. "The last said with a hoarse voice.

"Don't worry, although there is a foot ten entrance, but the export is only one, it is on the island, and this time I destroy the holy area is not enough, you can make sure that the ring will not Failure. "The Lord of the Sky said," I am worried about whether this sword is the chance to escape, but I am worried about the empty temple !! "

"This time I went to the top of the three major sanctuary to kill the swords, I haven't killed the swords, and I haven't killed it. The Tempral Temple will definitely be very vigilant. In addition, this time, I'm three Although the Shengfo has always been quietly arranged in secret, you can time and space of the hide of the temple, maybe it can be found to be a secret, if it is a time-space temple, we want to get it, it is not so easy. "

"Hey, how is it, how is it? Time and Space Temple can guess that we will do our swords, but it is absolutely not to pay so much, so regardless of everything, light relying on their current People can't stop us, and when they have been reacted, we have to have to have it! "The hoarse voice.

"It is also, this time I have three major sanctoes in order to kill the swords, but I really have a painstaking heart. If I can make the sword to escape, then his luck is also very good." The woman said.

"Yes, there is one thing, just came from the blood wave, said that although the sword is not used to become the rules of the rules, his strength is strong in the general rules. On the above, I have a silver wolf in the south area, and it has broken through the Lord of the rules. It can be paid in front of this sword. It is actually defeated on the front, and it is very miserable, no accident, this sword is heaven. The power of the rules, and it is not weak in the rules. "The hoarse voice.

"Do not die, can be defeated the rules of the rules? This sword is really terrible, but it is precisely because of this!" "The main voice of the sky is cold.

"Yes, we have given him too much growth opportunities. If you let him continue to grow up, I am afraid that I can't use it. I have no way to take him all the three sanctuary. So this time, no matter what, no matter Paying more costs, you must kill him, even if you completely tear your skin with the Tempoken Temple, break out, you will not say anything !! "The hoarse voice is very firm.

"Well, I can't use it for a long time, the swords will come out from the blood wave, I will start to act." The Lord of the Naochan said, soon the three people's body is slowly disappeared. In this temple.


PS: Today is more coming!

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