Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3294, dark tide (top)

(The first to come!)


In the blood wave, everything has been saved.

The competition of blood wavelength has been over, the chains in the blood wave are also received. This time, the blood line, has already taken a paragraph, and many strong people present are waiting quietly to leave blood. The space channel of the boundary appears.

The sword is unparalleled with the Emperor, the emperor is waiting together, and it is waiting quietly.

It is at this time ...

"Jian Tianhou." A message suddenly passed.

The sword is unparalleled to take a mess, "White Star Temple?"

People who send him a person, it is the owner of the White Star.

"Jian Tianhou, I heard that you have broken the silver wolf that has broken through the Lord of the Rule in the blood wavefront?" Bai Star Temple first asked.

"Yes." The sword is unparalleled.

"Can you defeat the rules in the state of unmanate, you are still the first in ancient times, you can't afford it." Bai Star Temple.

"The palace is very awkward." The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't be happy too early, I will now give you now, but it is not to praise you two, I have to tell you, I am afraid I will continue to have a movement for you." Bai Star Temple.

"Oh?" The sword didn't have a frown.

"The intelligence department of my space Temple has been observed that the high-rise power of the three major sanctuary, secretly dispatched a lot, although not figured out that these strong people go, now, now, everyone's attention is almost They are all in the blood wave, and the three major sanctuary is in the blood wave, the fool can guess, it is to go. "Bai Star Temple.

The sword is unparalleled.

Indeed, in the blood wave, the three major sanctuary is already, it is, it is not enough to kill him, but it has not been able to succeed, and now he has received the opportunity in the blood palace, soared, this is the three major sanctuary The threat is definitely bigger, the three holy area will never let him continue to grow up.

"In any case, I am a person in the Temple of Time, and the three major sanctuary is going to shoot in the blood wave, but if it is outside the outside world, when I have a hand of the Temple of Temple, it is almost the temple with time and space. Thoroughly torn face, look, this three major sanctuary is preferred to fight with the Tempoken Temple, but also kill me. "The sword was unparalleled.

"There are many strong people who have dispatched this three major sanctuary. I feel only part of my time and space. Even so, it is already very amazing, so I now give you now, wait for the blood wave It is necessary to be careful. After all, there is only one export of the blood wave, it is a woman, the three major sanctuary is likely to be in the sky, just waiting for you from the blood bank, they will take you with Thunder. Kill !! "Bai Star Temple is cold.

"Of course, you are the people of my space, my space Temple will naturally take every effort, when the three major sanctuary has the move, I have already called people in the fastest speed, and I am Lead, waiting for you to come out from the blood wave, many strong people in my space will take you. "

"Thank you." The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't worry, I feel that this three major holy area will definitely be too small, I don't dare to guarantee to keep you, I can only do my best, and you have to make sufficient preparation, Fortunately, your life is not bad, wait for both sides to tear your face, you remember, you have to do it, you don't have to go to you as much as possible, other don't take it. "Bai Star Temple.

"Yes." The sword has no double heart.

After the end of the news, the sword didn't open the eyes, and the mouth was also vomiting.

"Tianhou brothers, what happened?" The epithelium next to him, and the emperor and others have seen it.

"Bai Star Temple, just sent me, saying that the three major sanctuary will have a move to me on Brair Island, and I will prepare for me." The sword did not have a double positive color.

"Three major sanctuary?" The Emperor has changed.

"These three major sanctuary, it is really a soul!" Qianhongzi is a low voice.

Beginning from them to the Tempral Temple, they have been rubbing with the three major sanctuary. Later, the three major sanctuary also jointly launched the sword without double once, but they didn't have to deal, and now, the three major sanctuary is not only on blood wave. In the boundary, there is no double hand to the sword outside the blood wave.

"I have long been unspeakable with the three major sanctuary, and the three sanctuary will be so good to me." The sword did not feel unexpectedly. He went to a moment, and he took out again. An enormous.

This enumeration is blood wave to him.

"Blood waves." The sword has no double direct news.

"The sword is unparalleled, do you have anything?" Blood waves quickly responded.

I heard the blood wave response, the sword is unparalleled.

Before the blood wave, I would like to wait for him to go to the universe battlefield, then contact with its own respect, so the sword is not sure if this match can be used to contact the blood wave in the blood wave. Taoist consciousness.

But now it seems that this sub-messages can be associated with blood wave.

"Blood waves, I want to ask, how long will it take to leave the export of the blood wave?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Half time." Blood band.

"So fast?" The sword didn't have a pair of frowning, and asked again: "Humble big people, do not know the export of the blood wave, is there still a second?"

In the sword unparalleled, we still don't need a scruple in the blood wave world, but he is not appropriate to face the three major sanctuary, so there is also the top of the blood bank. In the two exports, he can quietly leave through this second exit, let the three major sanctuary are prepared on the island of Braise.

The blood wave replied: "I have already been constitutive in this blood line. Export can only have one, and the location where the exit is located very much ago. If my own is here, it is easy to change this export. Location, or create a few exports, but I am just a consciousness, but I can't change anything. "

"Is this?" Sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, see your look, it seems to have encountered some trouble?" Asked blood wave.

"It is a bit of trouble." The sword is not a hyper point, "I don't have any accident, I have already wrapped the Tian Luo Lizhi in the exit of the blood line. Once I appeared from the blood bank, I will immediately face them. "

"It turns out." Blood wave, suddenly, then said: "The export of the blood line does not change, but the export of the blood line is still in contact with the blood wave, after you go out, if you go out, I really encountered my life, I can still give you some help. "

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

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