Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3295 of the dark tide (below)



"You don't want to be too happy, don't forget, I am just a consciousness now, what you can give you very limited, as for you to escape this crisis, you have to see yourself." Hemato.

"Understand." The sword is not a hyper point, "the blood wave, can you help me a busy, let the space channel of the blood wavefront, appear later?"

"This is ok, but the blood wave is self-contained, even if I can't change too much, otherwise the balance here will break completely, so I can give you a delay for three days." Hemato.

"Three days? It should be enough, thank you for the blood wave." The sword has no double-sensitive.

"Well." Blood waves should have a sentence, no longer have some sounds.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is a power of mind.

"Three days, for others, maybe there is not much place, but for me ... this is a short three days, but it is enough to make me more ready, and the other, these three days, it should also Let me master the trick !! "

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are watching a few people around the Emperor, "I need to have a long time, I hope you can protect the law for my care, I have never appeared before leaving the blood wavefront, don't let any People come to disturb me. "

"No problem." Emperor is nodded.

"Tianhou brothers, you can rest assured that we are here, never let people affect you." The Di also said.

The sword was unparalleled, and then closed his eyes directly, caught in the extent.

In the blood wave, the time slowly passed.

Originally leaving the space channel of the blood waveforder, it will appear after half an hour, but because of the relationship between the sword, the emergence of this space channel will be delayed for three days.

In this time, the outside world has long been windy.


Time island, the vast campus.


A road appeared, but the solution, this piece of campus has gathered more than 30 people.

And these people have a strong breath, anything that has surpassed the unstead of the rules, and reaches the hierarchy of the rules.

More than 30 rules, in a short period of time, it has gathered.

And this time ... !!

It is another two people to show up, and these two people are Herbal Temple and when the sword is unparalleled to the Tempral Temple! !

"Is it all?" The main side of the White Star Temple is cold, and everyone is around the people.

"Time is too rush, most of my space Temple is in the universe battlefield, or other places to sway, there is too much to call in such a short time, now there are mostly, it is just left in the island, throwing Opening some of the rules that must be kept in the island, most of them are here, and some are not in time island, but after receiving the order, the first time is the first time. "Dormosting.

When I heard this, the White Star Temple was slightly flashing.

Time and Space Temple, one of the three free league of the Taijie Shenjie, has always been mysterious.

However, although the temple of time and space is deep, the resort is good, but the number of true strong people is not much, and when the sword is unparalleled, they have learned that now, the current Temph Temple, and the strong It is only more than a thousand people, many of which are unstead of sacred people, and the rules are only small.

And, because there is no one in the sky, there is still a lot of friction with other dishes, let alone the battle, so most of the Tempse of the Temporarism is outside, truly left behind the island. Little very little.

If it is for the main time of the White Star Temple, the Tempoken Temple can of course convene more powerful people, and even if you have come to help the strong people who don't belong to the Tempoken Temple, but what is the sudden sudden, the Tempoken Temple is also found. The three major sanctuary movements, so in such a short incident, the convened power is not much.

"The three major sanctuary is very big, and the strong we call now, it is not enough to pay, I am afraid it is not enough." Bai Star Temple.

"This is the case, but the good news is the head of my time and space, who has been in the universe battlefield, has already arrived at the edge of the gods. I have already sent him, they will arrive at the mother with the fastest speed. Island, and the ten team of Lin Guang's main team, except for the power of Lin Guang, there is also the top of the top rules, and the ten teams are arrived. Our lineup will be increased! "Said.

"The squad of Lin Guang's Lord? I hope they can come." Bai Star Temple secretly nodded.

"In addition, staying in the four bits of Jingyue abyss, have already been moving."

"Oh?" White Star Temple Lord suddenly lit, "The four old guys, although it is my Temple of Temple, except for the Hall of the Temple, there is no one moving them, even if I invite them, They are not willing to pay attention to this time, will this be willing to shoot? "

"I don't know, it may be because the opponent is the three major sanctuary, they haven't already moved." Overlord.

"Since these four old guys shot, even if our people 's people are poor, they are not afraid of the three major sanctuary." Bai Star Temple smiled, and immediately waved, "Depart from me, goal ... Bray Island! "

As the Lord of the White Star Temple, the mainstay of the Temple of Time and Space Temples will start with the fastest speed.


Here, it is the most intimate third day! !

In the third heaven, many top scorpion stands, in addition to the top three holy regions of the top, there are four gods and eight-party heaven, any force, the heritage is strong.

At this moment, in one of the four gods, within the nine tail family.

Above the void, nearly ten people are suspended there.


A beautiful figure suddenly passed out from a hills of mountains, appearing in front of these portions.

"Three sister, can I see my mother?" Wearing a white robe, showing the charming girl asking.

"No." The beautiful people who have passed out from the mountains, is a red dress, this enchanting woman is enough to make people's heart, it is definitely a born, "" Mother is still closed, " Don't want to see us !! "

"How can I die, the six sisters are dead, being killed, the mother is still unwilling to go straight?" The white robe is a charming girl.

"Maybe mother adults are close to small, but it doesn't matter, the mother does not leave, and we will revenge for the six sisters, the same thing!" The red dress is cold to the extreme.


PS: Today is more coming!

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